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2007-04-22 - 11.49pm��previous entry��next entry

Some little changes here, and an answer to prayer??

Just a very quick entry (honestly!) to say I have got a new guestbook, hoorah!! It's under the same link as my old one on the left (took the old one away), and I have temporarily made it nice and RED to entice everyone there, haha! ;) I loved having a guestbook when I first had this diary but it broke after I had Arthur. I like messages in any form, but it's so nice to have them all in one place where I can see them all at once without clicking to different pages! Yay! :)

Thank you Meg for missing my little drawing of pregnant Alice! I miss it too! I had it saved at MSN pictures but my account got deleted before I saw the warning email, and so it is lost! I didn't have it saved on my computer, and goodness knows where the actual drawing is these days. So, for now, I have cropped and resized one of Matthew's ultrasound pictures, and I have to say, I LOVE seeing it when I come here!! My sweet little baby boo!! :) It's relevant to the subject of the diary, so it works for now. Who knows, I might keep it there?!

And then, while I was at it, Attack of the Blinkie Fairy happened (can a fairy attack?!!) and now I have a ton of lovely new flashing, twinkling, probably-rather-irritating blinkies! :) I love blinkies! I found some gorgeous homebirth ones after a huge search online. I need to update my links page (now full of ancient broken or obsolete links!) and include all the places I get my blinkies from, since I have disabled right-click on my diary so nobody can take any images from here.

On the subject of my cycle and that - I'm wondering if some sort of bizarre answer-to-prayer has happened?! For a few days I've had rumblings of UTI type symptoms (which I get a lot so I rarely take much notice of them), and then yesterday they got MUCH worse very quickly, to the extent that I phoned NHS Direct for advice, and they sent me on to the emergency clinic at the hospital (it being Saturday, there were no doctor's surgeries open). I put the boys to bed and then went at about 8.30pm (they were expecting me). They tested my urine and kind of hmmmed and hawwed. I am not convinced I have a UTI but boy do I have symptoms, and they said there was "some evidence" in my urine. Which means probably that I have a little protein in there, and that's actually normal for me, even though it's not normal! Tsk. Anyway. They expected to see much more evidence given my symptoms, but I had already had THREE LITRES of water (I have nooo idea how to convert that into oz!) by the time I went to my appt, so my tube of pee literally looked like I'd filled it with tap water, hehe! I mean, there was NO colour whatsoever. I actually felt a bit embarrassed handing it over, like they were going to suspect me of running the tube under the tap on the sly! ;) Anyway, so the fact that it was sooooo dilute might have meant they couldn't get much with the test stick. Or something.

Anyway, of course by default (!) they handed out the antibiotics. I said I didn't want to take them, and asked if I really needed to since I'm breastfeeding, etc, etc. I hate taking antibiotics. They mess with a body, and I hate the fact that they'd also mess with two of the most precious little bodies ever, as well as mine, if I took them. So I got them down to giving me a 3-day course instead of seven (!) but today I have less pain (quite a lot less) and so I haven't filled the prescription yet. I think I will go and see my own doctor tomorrow and get her to retest my urine (which I will make sure to NOT dilute too much!) and see what she advises. I am drinking a ton, but if I DO have an actual infection, I don't need to be silly about it because my kidneys and I do not have a friendly history together. So depending on what my doctor says (and the pee), I may yet take the darn antibiotics.

Buuut, the point is, the OWIE bladder infection has struck at precisely the bone-jumping point in my cycle - a skewy answer to prayer perhaps?!?! ;) It means that parsnips is a big no-no, however I feel about it! Too much owie-ness.

I had a big temp dip this morning after 6 mornings running of 36.1 degrees, and I know that sometimes there is a temp dip at ovulation, so we'll see. I found two boxes of ovulation predictor kits (OPKs - they detect the surge of Luteinizing Hormone which occurs on one single day about 24-36 hours before you ovulate - it triggers ovulation, and if you see the surge on the OPK, you get a heads up for when you're going to ovulate) in my drawer today!!! They have expiry dates of June 07, yikes! There are 10 sticks in each box, but I think I'd started one of the boxes already. They were bought in the run-up to TTC for Matthew, but he surprised us rather quickly, hehe! So they didn't really get used, and I can't bear them to go to waste! I can see me peeing on the last one on May 31st, never mind that I just got my period, to be sure it doesn't go to waste, hehehe!

So I peed on one tonight, but it was VERY negative, so I guess I missed the surge, or else I'm not about to ovulate for a couple more days. I am not convinced I'm ovulating yet, so as long as my temp doesn't shoot up, I will pee on an OPK every evening till it does :) How fun!

And um.... I can't think what else. I think I will feel a mild pang of disappointment when I see my temp go up to show that I've ovulated, if we haven't had any parsnips that might "risk" pregnancy, because where's the excitement in that?! ;) But I will also feel relieved, and oddly proud that we've managed to resist temptation and waited another month towards reaching my goal of July! But I'm still fertile for now, so I shouldn't count my chickens! ;)

And that is all, I think. Oh but I updated my profile as well (thanks for the reminder, Meg!). And thanks so much for the notes! :) Back soon!

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