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2008-03-29 - 1.45am��previous entry��next entry

I'm so in love!!!


I am just. so. in. love. with my baby boy. Can you blame me?!....

He�s so scrumptious! :)

Me loving my boy yesterday:

Here�s a photo that Neil took this evening just after I breastfed Nathan. I burped him on my lap and then laid him back in my arms, and he just gaaaazed into my eyes and cooed and smiled and went soooo calm. I just about melted right into him.

And Neil found that on our new camera there is a video function. He took a little video clip of me adoring my baby pea pickle. Nathan was cooing waaay more but he was starting to fidget more by the time Neil figured out the video function. But I love that we have SOME video footage of Nathan at last! We do have a camcorder but we�ve run out of tapes for it, and they are not in our budget at the moment. I feel bad, because we had videoed a TON of clips of the other boys by this age :( But anyway, here is Nathan in �action�, hehe! I really DO wash/comb my hair, contrary to what these recent photos and video clips might suggest! ;) This evening I lay down in the boys� room waiting for them to go to sleep, and konked right out. Neil woke me to come down and nurse Nathan, and I was sooooooo groggy. Thus, the hair. But I�m still awake now and it�s stupidly late. *sigh* I will go to bed right after this � have just nursed Nathan again, and he seems settled and asleep now so I will head to bed. Anyway, video clip!...

I hope it works!

I booked Nathan�s delayed 6-8 week baby check. The clinic couldn�t fit him in till April 16th! So he�ll be 13 weeks old by then, but oh well. That�s the equivalent of 8-9 weeks old, according to his early arrival, so it�s not too bad. Apparently I have to wait till he has had that check before I can book his first round of immunisations. So I�ll do that then. He has an appointment with the paediatric urologist on the 14th (and Arthur has his physio appt at the same hospital clinic on the same day, by huge coincidence (booked when I was still pregnant with Nathan!) but annoyingly one is in the morning and the other is in the afternoon! Tsk!). I can�t remember if I wrote it here, but when Nathan was born they were questioning whether he might have a slight hypospadias. They booked him an appt with the paediatric urologist, but were very reassuring about how it wouldn�t be likely to require surgery, etc. I was not in the least bit concerned because I know about the condition pretty well. My brother has a hypospadias and did not need surgery, and Nathan�s lil bit does not look as bad as my brother�s did when he was little. My cousin was born with one too, and his was severe and required surgery. I actually am pretty sure the doctor was wrong in his diagnosis. Nathan�s urethra is slightly above where it should be, not below (which is the definition of HYPOspadius). If he has any sort of �spadius� (!) then it�s the epi- kind, NOT the hypo- kind. I hope the urologist will confirm that. It looks extremely mild to me. I am sure he won�t need treatment for it. We will just have to really work with him on pointing that lil bit DOWN when he�s potty training! He does pee at a slightly upward angle, bless him! :)

I weighed Nathan today! Just a rough idea, not on proper calibrated scales or anything. I will now have to wait till April 16th to get him weighed and I couldn�t bear it another minute! I finally bought new batteries for our digital scales and weighed him on those for a basic idea of what he weighs now. He weighs 13lbs! I don�t know the oz but he definitely weighs 13lbs. That is 6kg. I looked it up on his growth chart, and it puts him at the 95th percentile (adjusting his age like the previous weigh-ins � so it would be charted as 6 weeks old)!!!! He was at that percentile the last time he was weighed, so 13lbs is probably pretty accurate as it turns out. He is keeping to his growth curve nicely. He is such a cute little chunk! :) I don�t know when he doubled his birthweight but it is well past now! 11lbs 10oz was double his birthweight.

He is lifting his head up very strongly now. It�s steady when he holds it upright to look around when I�m holding him up on my shoulder, and he can lift his head and shoulders to look around while he�s lying on his tummy. Not ALL the way up, but enough to see things around the room. The chiropractor noted this week (his third adjustment) that his neck muscles really felt a lot stronger than last time she saw him! I have to give him a back massage with olive oil every day at the moment. The chiropractor showed me how. It�s to help loosen his tight muscles in his upper back and neck. He is still more tight on one side than the other. We go back for his 4th adjustment on April 7th. I really hope he doesn�t need too many more! They are expensive, and besides, I just want them to WORK and for him to be all better and not need treatment any longer.

Right now, Arthur and Matthew have another cold, so I�m watching Nathan for signs of the same :( I sooooo hope he misses this one. But he has been kissed aplenty by Matthew before I realised that he was probably coming down with a cold, and they were sharing the breast at that time too. They still are, but until Nathan shows symptoms, I am once again washing with soap after the older boys have nursed. That gets old reeeally fast.

I also weighed myself! I don�t think I weighed myself after about 28 weeks pregnant, because the battery died in the scales and we couldn�t afford to get more (I know, they�re just batteries, not allll that expensive, but yeah). We didn�t replace them till now. So I had no idea what I gained during my pregnancy, which I�m a bit bummed about. I like to know my stats to compare each time! I�m sure my weight gain would have been very similar (if not identical) to the previous pregnancies though. I gained exactly the same with the first two (54/55lbs). I probably didn�t quite get to the 55lb mark this time, but only because I gave birth just over 4 weeks early! It saved me packing on those extra lbs! Anyway. I weighed myself and I�m 10st 9lbs. So I guess I must have weighed around 12 stone?? I don�t know. I will have to see if there�s any record of what I weighed a couple of months postpartum the other two times, for an idea. I am not stressing one bit about the 30lbs that I still need to lose to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. There�s nothing I can do about it till around 6 months. And then there is NOTHING I can do about keeping the weight from falling OFF me after that point. So I�ll wait, but I DO hate wearing maternity clothes this many weeks after giving birth (11 weeks tomorrow!)!! I�ve lost the box of size large non-maternity clothes that went into the loft (I know, we�re terrible with storage and completely scatterbrained to boot!) � I can only find THREE boxes of size 10-12 non-maternity clothes, and I�m currently a size 16. Yeah, I am a whoooole different shape to before I got pregnant! It doesn�t exactly thrill me, but I don�t really care about it. It will fall off me before I know it. I get to worrying after about 3 months of �fall-off� that I won�t be able to stop losing weight, and then I�ll get too light for my wellbeing. But then I get pregnant again right after that point � problem solved, haha! I guess the same thing might happen this time, as we know we want another baby, and the last time we discussed it, we were hoping that the age gap would be similar to all the previous ones (so that nobody was set apart from the others, that kind of thing). I�m already so excited! But let�s not get into that yet, hehe!

I have had 2 days of EWCM this week � strange for me! I don�t think I had any potentially fertile signs whatsoever until I ovulated and went on to get my first postpartum period, the other times. But it�s surely waaaay too early for me yet. The first time I got my PP period at 5 months (exclusively breastfeeding), and the second time I got it at 6 months and 3 weeks, whilst tandem nursing. So, now I�m nursing THREE (Arthur�s still having very tiny bits a couple of times a day), one of them exclusively, so surely I couldn�t start getting all fertile again this crazy early?! I doubt it, anyway. I started charting again (no temping, that would just be daft!) just so I could record it for future reference anyway. The extra weird thing is that it coincided with three other signs � somewhat increased interest in parsnips (no PP parsnips yet) � always an alarm bell for me, hehe! And achy breasts in a certain way that I only ever get when I�m either ovulating or about to get a period. Or newly pregnant. So, hormonal. And I craved chicken in creamy sauce with veg like crazy for those same two days, which is really strange for me. It was like a pregnancy craving. It has all cleared up now, so I�ve charted it and will watch and see. I cannot really believe I�ll actually get a period yet. I�m sure it�s just my body having a vague attempt at something (although if so, what is it THINKING?!).

When Nathan has his check at the clinic, I�ll stop writing here again, and come back the NEXT TIME!!! Yay! :) I am so eager for more babies, especially lately (hmmm, especially those two days too....). Now, if I could only figure out the parenting aspect, we�d be away! Having the babies is one thing, but bringing them up and coping with it all.... I so hope I�ll get the hang of that so that Neil will relax about it and say, �Heck yeah, let�s have a dozen more!� :)

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