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2008-03-25 - 1:20 a.m.��previous entry��next entry

10 weeks old - lots of photos (smiles!!)

It's soooo late, so I will just be quick and say the bit of news I wanted to say!

Here is Nathan's first smile on camera! Yay! He was 9 weeks old here. He is my first baby to do "open-mouthed" baby smiles! My others did just the wiiiide beamy type from the start, hehe! The photo is blurry due to me being a tad over-excited, haha!

Better photo of Nathan smiling, a couple of days later. He was smiling at Arthur here - he LOVES Arthur and is constantly trying sooo hard to get Arthur to look at him! He stares and stares at Arthur and cranes his neck, and coos in such an earnest way! When Arthur does look at him and seem interested, Nathan BEAMS and coos till he gets hiccups :) It's so precious!

Here are some photos of Nathan and Arthur together. They do interact quite a lot at the moment, because they both seem interested in lying with each other and just staring and smiling at each other, bless them! I often think how similar they look and how they REALLY look like brothers already (where Matthew and Arthur never really did), but everyone keeps telling me they think Nathan looks like Matthew. Hmmm.

Nathan has finally had the chance to lie on the playmat which all my babies have enjoyed! It's always so strange to put another baby of mine on there when it's soooo keenly associated with Arthur when he was a baby, for me! But lovely :) Arthur was very keen to help Nathan get into it all! Here are a few pictures (he was 8 weeks old here). Note the unconscious toddler on the sofa behind them, hehe! He got up too soon from his nap and just konked out on the sofa when he got downstairs. Also, please excuse the hideous mess. Believe me, the worst parts are cropped out! *sigh*

All three of my sweet kidlets, taken TODAY (gasp! hehe!). I just posted it at my arthursmummy diary, but I love it so much that I'll put it here too! :)

With Daddy!

Trying to decongest a week ago when he was allll full of cold :( Don't worry, he was only like this in my bed for about 3 minutes. I had been holding him upright most of the night and finally morning arrived, he was unconscious, and I HAD to pee, hehe! I went back to scoop him up onto me again, but he looked too cute in the bed so I took some photos first :)

Less bunged up and back in his cot! Yes, he is still tummy-sleeping. He is back to the chiropractor on Wednesday for adjustment #3. Once he finally kicks the last of this cold, I am going to start trying to get him sleeping on his back (I think it will not be a restful process, but I'm eager to be less scared of SIDS)...

This photo is for me, for my memory treasure trove. It's the back of Nathan, as I'm burping him. I don't want to forget the shape of his little body curved over my wrist with my hand holding a muslin under his little chin (although it's usually a terry towel (the boy can posset!), but none were clean). I don't want to forget the sight of the back of his teeny tiny little soft dark-haired head. This photo makes me mushy indeedy (ignore horrible mess):


What do you think his eyes are going to do? They are still like a NAVY blue, which I don't think either of my other babies were at this age. Matthew's had long since lightened up to a clear mid-blue with no ring around the iris. Arthur's were never blue - they were dark and murky and lightened to a dark grey-ish colour by Nathan's age. What will his eyes do?! I'm intriged to find out when they decide to do it! ;)

Nathan is sooooo talkative at the moment, more each passing day. I am soaking him up! I just love this stage when they are newly smiling and cooing, and seem so excited about having discovered interaction!

Nathan had his first snow today! It settled but only for about 20 minutes and then it soaked into the wet ground. The two older boys went out for a walk in it immediately, while it was still falling heavily. Nathan was napping, but when he woke I held him at the window in the living room to see the snow :) I don't think he thought much of it, to be honest! Hehe!

I can't wait to find out what my little man weighs. He has rolls on his thighs that are just delectable! I want to spend every waking hour squidging them and kneading them with my fingers and thumbs! He's so gorgeous. I'm so besotted. Was that apparent, before now?! ;)

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