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2003-02-23 - 7.27pm��previous entry��next entry

Shopping spree....

Well I've discovered eBay. Uh-oh!! Hehe! I am soooo impatient, and buying baby things is soooo premature, but urgh, I can't contain myself. I really want to start trying for a baby now, but I know, I know, I know the timing is right for the summer. It's just MONTHS away!! And I'm impatient.

Today I bid on a beautiful Moses Basket at eBay. And I lost the bid TWELVE SECONDS before closing! I was so gutted. I was all excited about that item and I really thought I had it. Tsk, it's so silly, what am I like?! Neil was excited about it too, he really liked it. It was a Mamas and Papas one, completely without all the frilly yuck that's on most Moses Baskets. It was gorgeous :( And cheap. But hey ho. To lift my spirits I surfed around looking at other Moses Baskets. I found a seriously gorgeously cute one in a Peter Rabbit design so I will probably buy that nearer the time if another perfect and cheap one doesn't hit me first at eBay! I know we don't need a Moses Basket for, ohhhh 14 months or so (!!) but we looked at the HUGE checklist we've got and we really need to spread those costs out a bit. Especially if Neil's job is going to be at risk in the next 6 months. So yeah, woo-hoo, this means I get to buy cute lovely baby things NOW!!! Yay! Well, a few things anyway, and even so we are looking at second hand stuff in great condition to save money.

So yesterday I bought a LOAD of adorable baby outfits online. They are all gently used, or washed but never used. I saw photos so I know they are gorgeous. Here's what I bought (I know you all REALLY want to know, hehe! But humour me.....):

� 8 assorted patterned and plain popper vests (3-6 mths) - they were 25p each in excellent condition!!!!!!!!!
� Winnie the Pooh sleepsuit and matching vest (3-6 mths)
� Little denim and white lace up newborn bootie-shoes (soooooo cute!!) (3-6 mths)
� Newborn white hooded fleece with little eskimos embroidered on the front (awww!)
� Soft pink dungarees (1-2 mths)
� Mothercare newborn red sleepsuit with a sheep on the front
� Blue fleece dungarees with an adorable fluffy sheep on the chest pocket - utterly gorgeous and only �2!!!! (3-6 mths)
� Lovely Winnie the Pooh yellow dungarees and matching top outfit (6-9 mths)
� White T-shirt with a tortoise on the front for 75p!!!! (0-3 mths)
� Denim dungarees and white T-shirt (0-3 mths)
� Colourful swim nappy (0-6 mths)
� Two luxury bibs
� Disney Store Winnie the Pooh dungarees (9-12 mths)
� Beautiful colourful plaid dungarees (6-12 mths)
� Reeeally cute pink dungarees with embroidered teddies on the legs and chest!! (3-6mths)
� Denim dungaree-shorts (0-3 mths)
� Blue striped long-sleeved popper vest (0-3 mths)

I based my purchases around the general idea that we would conceive in the summer and thus have a brand new baby in the spring. Therefore we wouldn't want to be buying snowsuits for a 0-3 month-old!! Of course British summers can be naff, but still, snowsuits are a bit extreme.... Ooooh I know this is completely irrelevant but writing that about the snowsuits was a serious deja-vu moment!!! Weird.

I got this at eBay for �2.50:

Very cute. I like putting pictures in my entries :) There's a lot of Winnie the Pooh stuff out there! I like Winnie the Pooh a lot but it's so..... fashionable, or something, and I don't always like following the general trend. Hmmm. But I do like Winnie the Pooh. I think I prefer Peter Rabbit though. I liked both as a child but I have cosier memories of Peter Rabbit being read to me than Winnie the Pooh. Actually Brambly Hedge is my cosiest memory of the lot..... I wonder if there's such a thing as a Brambly Hedge nursery range? Hmmm. Anyway, all those clothes are costing me only �45-ish inclucing postage, so I am pretty pleased about it. Babies need so many clothes! There are still plenty of clothes on my checklist that I have room to go out and pick myself in the shops during the year. Mostly basics and stuff, like I don't have any newborn popper vests, and the checklist says I need seven. And sleepsuits. And bibs, and stuff like that. Okay so I don't need them for a looong time yet but I love buying them and I KNOW I will use them and a year will pass quickly, and, and..... I have a million rehearsed excuses!! Hehe! But it really is true that we need to spread the cost and this is helping. My parents gave me some money for my birthday on Friday and I am going to spend the whole lot on baby-related stuff. I told my mum that and she was FINE about it!!!!! Yay! A breakthrough? Pleeeease someone be excited with me!!

A big thing that I bid on at eBay (other than the Moses Basket) is a newborn car seat/carrier. It's pretty and colourful and it's a Britax one so I know it's safe. It's a rock-a-tot which is even better. And it's only been used for a short while and looks in great condition. Best of all it's incredibly cheap, so far. It closes tomorrow so I think the price will go up considerably before the day is done! I hope I win this one. Neil said to go for it, and if we win it we'll store it in the huuuuge deep cupboard in our bedroom along with a Moses Basket if we get one and a baby bath, until they're needed. We are actually really excited about this kind of stuff now!!! :) Now that I've seen all the stuff on eBay I am even more encouraged because it looks like some of the stuff we'll buy will sell on eBay (if we need it to) quite easily. Even some of the stuff I'm buying from eBay in the first place. Yay!

Well I think I've told you all the shopping news (!!) for now. I am just so excited about it because of how much money we are saving, and we had been getting a bit worried about that, especially with Neil's job potentially at risk. I really need to find a job.....

I also need to pick myself up a bit on my pre-conception stuff. This week my IBS has been a nightmare and I've not eaten so well. I also forgot my prenatal vitamins a couple of days. Plus I could be drinking more and sleeping at a more reasonable hour!! The thing that's bugging me the most right now is exercise. I keep starting "things" to get me fitter and each time I am SO determined I'll see them through. Then I always don't. Pfthth. Maybe I've got to just force myself out of the house and walk until I let myself turn around and come home again?!! That would be a start. I do a lot of stuff in the house at the moment and I love it. But I know I should be getting out as well. I do a lot of sewing and housework and keeping up with things on the internet just now, and it is getting me NO exercise at all, except however much housework works my muscles. I need to pluck up the courage to go swimming or meet someone (aaargh!) and walk or do a class, but for some reason those things are scary and I am too shy and inhibited to initiate stuff like that :( I am sure I should just pull myself together though! ;) But I've GOT to do it soon because I am about as fit as a lump of lard and I am hoping to get pregnant in..... five months (woo-hoo!!!). So, aaaaargh!!! Must get fit.....

I am due a period this week, which I am impatiently waiting for (!!) because it means one less period to go, one more cycle out of the way, fewer months between now and baby-central!!! I am impatient. *sigh* But yeah, the time will pass quick enough and then I'll probably slam the brakes on and get scared or something! Hehe! We'll see.

That's all I think. Oh wait, I added a LOAD more links to my pregnancy links page, and also a few more pregnancy and mama diaries :) I will write again when I have anything interesting (or semi-interesting, hehe!) to write about.

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