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2008-10-14 - 8:52 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

Ovulating yet?!

Okay, just to update on the last entry: I did not ovulate! It's toootally obvious now that I can see my chart a few days further on and look back. Last entry I was wondering if I had ovulated without much warning or something, but I hadn't! I have now had SIX days in a row of EWCM (quite ridiculous EWCM for the last few days too) and I'm on CD21. Every day I temp and get a low temperature, I think, "Surely I have to ovulate soon?!?!" ;)

I found some OLD ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) that I bought to test when we were trying for Matthew!! They didn't expire till the month I got pregnant with Nathan, I used them then too (I think?). Anyway, I sent my leftovers to Meg last summer, but I was rifling through my top bedside table drawer a few days ago and I found another box! Who knew?! They had the same expiry date as the ones I sent to Meg, so they are well out of date now. But I can't bring myself to throw away ANYTHING that can be peed on and have the potential to show me two lines, haha! Plus, I happened to be fertile and confused as to when I was going to ovulate, so I figured I might as well pee on them and just not take the results too literally, in case they were totally skewed.

The first one I peed on was the day before yesterday (CD19) and it was positive! But I figured they were probably all going to read positive because they were old and dodgy or something, so I waited. Next day I took another OPK at the same time of day and it was also positive. Ahh, I thought, I was right! But later on when they had dried properly, I could see that the first OPK's test line was about as dark as the control line (this means it's positive) but mayyybe just not quite... It was too hard to tell. If they're less dark than the control line, the test is negative, so it's really difficult to be sure! But yesterday's OPK was definitely as dark as the control line. You can hardly tell the two apart. I think they are both positive, and I caught the start AND the tail end of my LH surge (sorry if this is all jargon that some of you don't understand - usually I'm one to explain or leave helpful links, but I haven't got time tonight, sorry! Except to say the LH (leutenizing hormone - I may have spelt that wrong!) surge is a hormonal surge that triggers ovulation. It can be detected in urine and lasts only a short time. It predicts ovulation about 24-36hrs after the surge. There, I explained it after all, haha! ;) ).

Today I took another OPK and it was DEFINITELY negative, which was a big relief and also very reassuring - these tests may be way out of date but they seem to be just as accurate to me, at least the ones I've used so far anyway! If they are accurate, then going by the OPKs I should be ovulating today, or should HAVE ovulated today, even. I did have ovulation pain of sorts, yesterday and today, but it was different to what I'm used to. Yesterday evening I had a lot of discomfort like just a strange pressurey full feeling in a weird part of my abdomen low down. That's about the best I can describe it really. This morning I woke up with the same, but it has all but gone since I had some very sharp sort of searing pains for less than 20 mins all told (on and off, not constant) late morning, which I put down to weird trapped wind at the time, but now I'm not so sure. I'm more used to just period-like cramping when I ovulate, and this is different, but the sensations are still quite consistent with ovulation. The sharp pains were RIGHT sided. I am very dominant with my left ovary and don't ovulate from the right side very often, although having said that, Nathan is a right ovary baby! :)

So tomorrow I will not know what to think if I get a low pre-ovulatory temp in the morning! I was confused THIS morning when it was still low, but I knew there was still a chance/likelihood that ovulation would not occur till today. FF says that with my OPK results, ovulation could occur anywhere from CD19 to CD22, but I really would be surprised if it was a late as CD22 with a positive on CD19! Anyway, we'll see.

I have various other signs that I am used to seeing at ovulation time - more spots, sore to breastfeed, etc. I don't think I have had more than 6 days in a row of bothersomely obvious EWCM before on a fertile cycle (as in, not right after they start back postpartum), without ovulating on that 6th day, but I haven't thoroughly checked my charts so I could be wrong. So by all accounts I should have ovulated at last! Quite late for me this far postpartum though - CD21... my stats aren't good for a sticky pregnancy past ovulating on CD18, but I'm hoping that's just because my cycles improve in the luteal phase each cycle as well as ovulating earlier each time. This time my luteal phase is probably quite able to support a pregnancy (I hope, after an 11 day LP last cycle!) so hopefully that means it doesn't really matter that I ovulated a bit late.

If I AM ovulating, we do have a great chance of conception this cycle. The woman-I'm-not-sure-I-know-who-has-taken-over-my-body (haha!) has kept up this weirdly frisky thing for TWO WEEKS now!!! Seriously, it's like I'm somebody else! ;) I have a loowwww libido normally. Low. Neil did get over his head cold thingy, which I was so ungenerously complaining about here, so it does serve me right that I came down with it at the weekend and felt GRIM. No wonder he didn't fancy parsnips! Didn't stop the "new" me though, haha! ;) So we have 2x parsnips in the last 3 days, which is better than when we have conceived in the past, except for Arthur. The boys are all poorly with this weird throaty/coldy/achy thing that we've had, and I'll be darned if it wasn't an exact repeat of last cycle when I was fertile and we were trying to um, find some time together (!), but poorly little ones kept waking up crying! It was actually worse this time, with 4 disturbances in the one parsnip! Weird how it's only every time I'm ovulating, lol! ;)

Okay, that's it really. Other than to say thanks so much to Jemma for the comment on last entry! :) And for the sweet offer of local help if we're living near enough to each other and I bleed in pregnancy again. Thank you! *hugs*

I guess it's still possible that I totally WON'T ovulate and be all perplexed and stuff, and then I'll be back to waffle about that, no doubt! But otherwise I think I am ovulating around now, and I'm quite excited about a good possibility that conception might be taking place right about this very moment. Not that I want to jump the gun and think ahead and get too excited or anything! I know I need to trust God. If he desires it, so it will be. If he doesn't, no swaying the odds will result in a baby for us. So we'll wait and see what he decides! :) I admit that I do like making sure God has something to work with though, haha! ;)

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