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2007-04-30 - 11.59pm��previous entry��next entry

Various obsessive ramblings at 6DPO

Okay, a few things that I want to update on:

I discovered that my chart is just mightily confused by my negative OPKs with obvious ovulation following them. So I removed all the data on my OPKs. Then it changed my ovulation date to CD19, which really doesn't sit right with me as the day I ovulated. I couldn't stop thinking about that OPK that had a strong line (vs. the others that had no line) so I edited my chart to put that OPK in as "positive" instead of negative. THEN the chart said I ovulated that same day as the positive OPK. This feels right to me, somehow. It means I ovulated the day before we had parsnips. I really did feel like I had definitely ovulated (and not just on that day) the day we had parsnips. And CD19 didn't feel right because I had my peak EWCM the next day and the was-it-positive? OPK too. And a very definitely fertile cervix. So I feel sure I ovulated that day. I feel better for seeing FF agree with my gut feeling when I changed my OPK data. So my chart has a positive OPK recorded on it, even though I did not technically see a positive. It's there for the above reasons! I feel confident that it's accurate :)

Soooo all this means that I am now 6DPO! Yay! So far, I don't feel like my period is right around the corner or anything. I soooo hope this luteal phase will be more towards a normal length, but I am not sure I can hope for that yet. I really have never found out what happens after a chemical pregnancy with a short luteal phase before! Will it go back to the short length it was before the chemical pregnancy? Or will it be "recharged" by the chemical pregnancy and be much more towards normal? I guess time will tell.

Or not? Now, first of all - I don't feel pregnant, and I have been in this early stage of pregnancy 5 times now, so I guess I should know how my body feels when it's pregnant by now! Although I did not get any symptoms out of the ordinary with Arthur until he implanted, which was 7DPO. Then I had symptoms.

But I did think we were "safe" (though I hate even typing that word, since being out of a chance of being pregnant feels like more of a disappointment to me than a relief!) because we had parsnips the day AFTER ovulation, and in the evening at that. FF tells me the egg lives 12-24 hours, so I figured that evening parsnips the day after ovulation ruled out pregnancy completely. Buuut, you know I am just a crazy obsessive can't-leave-it-alone woman (!!), and a bit of a google revealed that the egg can live up to 48 hours, though only a few places said that and I'm not sure where they get their information from.

Then, yeees, you guessed it - I went searching through the FF chart gallery - pretty much exactly at the same stage past ovulation as I was when I thought "Hmmm..." after conceiving Matthew despite the looow odds, and found 75 pregnancy charts with our intercourse pattern! And my chart ended up being #76 :) So I looked, and blow me down if there weren't 121 pregnancy charts with the same intercourse pattern as ours was this cycle (that is, the day after ovulation only)!! Yikes! Although a lot of those charts got dismissed because they didn't seem all that clear about ovulation date, or they'd over-riden FF and chosen their own date, or they weren't charting consistently so there was a ton of data missing. I disregarded those charts because it was quite likely that they didn't ovulate on the day FF thought, and so the intercourse the day after ovulation probably wasn't accurate. But there were still perlenty of charts just like mine, and quite a few with "pm" intercourse too.

So yes, yes, yes, of course I am taking the crazy-woman thing one step further and starting to symptom-spot. *sigh* I really DON'T think I am pregnant. But it's fun to wonder! :) My cervix is higher than normal for me (except when I'm pregnant), but that's not enough of a sign in itself. The main thing is that it's not tight shut like a vice, which is ALWAYS the case when I'm pregnant, even this early (I think?). So I am pretty sure I'm not pregnant.

I AM crazy hungry since I ovulated. It can't be pregnancy-related, and I can't figure out how it can be normal-cycle-related, because it's too early for those hormones to kick in. Weird. I literally get hungry so that my stomach is scrunching and I just HAVE to stop and eat, within 2 hours of eating, no matter how much I just ate.

I have heartburn right now.

I have stabby pains in my breasts, but that is also normal for me between ovulation and getting my period.

Yesterday around 4pm I was in the kitchen preparing something or other to do with the family meal for when Neil got home, and I became totally distracted by a series of twingey stabby type pains on my left side, low down inside my left hip. Now, usually I'm constipated - a trivia you don't really need to know! But I'm currently on Day 6 of oh-so-yummy Fybogel (I have a repeat prescription!) and so I KNOW that for once I was not confusing stabby left-sided pain with constipation issues. It wasn't the odd prickle, it was real twingy crampy pokes. It didn't last long though, but throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening (right up till I went to bed around midnight), I had on-and-off crampiness or achiness around the same location. If I get my period I will forever be confused about that! I have no idea what it could be other than maybe implantation pain?? But, since I am likely NOT pregnant, I have no idea what to make of it.

Anyway. Today I haven't had any particular discomfort there, but I started to feel kind of mildly crampy here and there over the afternoon. This evening (not till late evening though), I actually feel pretty crampy. Right now I feel crampy low in my front AND back. I am rather anxious that it's because my period is ABOUT to arrive, because then I'll have a crappy FIVE-day luteal phase and that will suck. Six days would also suck. And seven! ;) Also, eight would, come to think of it. I'd be a lot happier if it was 9+, but I am not sure if that is likely at all. I just don't know what to expect! My last LP before the chemical pregnancy was only 6 days, so it could be that bad this time I suppose. I hope not though!

Yesterday evening I was crazy tired. I mean, I'm tired ALL the time, knackered really, because I have two tiny ones and am chronically sleep-deprived, and insane about going to bed too late. I am sometimes so tired that I can't see straight! But yesterday evening (from early evening) I was the type of wiped out that only really happens when the cause is hormonal, for me anyway. For at least 10 years now, my norm the day before my period turns up (or occasionally 2 or 3 days, but not often) is to get this mind-blowing exhaustion and sleepiness, as though I took a sleeping pill. I feel warm and fuzzy and like I can't keep my eyes open, and my body feels completely shot of any energy. That's normal for me the day or so before my period shows up. But it's also normal for me in early pregnancy. I think it's due to progesterone levels being raised, so if yesterday's sleepiness WAS hormonal then I am glad! I like my progesterone to be normal and healthy! But I wonder at the timing because again, I was anxious that it meant my period was coming early. But so far, no period. I can't remember how early I felt tired like that in pregnancy though, maybe later, after the positive test, I think.

And um...

Oh yes! My temps have levelled out after that steady climb! They have been flat at 36.7 for 3 days straight now, which is weird, and weird = exciting to a crazy obsessive woman like me, hehe! Even if I get my period. I love seeing quirks in my charts :) The type of quirks that make people at FF go "Oooh flat temps!! That's a good sign!" Even if I get my period. It makes waiting to TTC so much more fun and exciting to have even the slightest "hmmm..." going on! :)

This morning before Neil left for work, he came and woke me as normal, but then we had to hurry and lower Matthew's cot mattress down to the lowest level ("mobile baby" - an understatement for Matthew these days!), and I temped immediately but then in the kerfuffle (sp?!) that followed, I mislaid my thermometer!! I have searched the whole room and I absolutely can't find it anywhere. I am so frustrated!! This evening before I put Matthew to bed, I took the torch and lifted my mattress up to see if it had gone down behind my bed, but it wasn't there. I DID find my other thermometer though! I bought it new for TTC #2, and it's a proper basal body thermometer (BBT). It records temperatures in celsius, correct to TWO decimal points! My pregnancy chart with Matthew was soooo pretty because of it, hehe! And thank goodness I have one to use tomorrow morning. But I am slightly miffed because I know I won't get another 36.7 to continue my flat temps, even if I would have got 36.7 with the lost thermometer, because the BBT will temp more specifically, like 36.73 or something, which will slightly mar my nice chart, haha!

Oh my gosh, I really need to get out more. Or something! ;)

Okay, so I will temp tomorrow with my new thermometer, and that might skew my temps but oh well. Just so long as they're still up and my period stays away a bit longer!

And now I must eat. And then go to bed! I'll update again soon!

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