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2003-07-01 - 2.25pm��previous entry��next entry

Day 10 and officially fertile!!

Thanks so much Robbi and Erica for your guestbook entries!! :)

Day ten, day ten, day ten is here!!!! I am officially fertile from today :) But no baby-making today because there won't be time, and my daddy is visiting so hmmm, that rather puts me off with him in the spare room!! But yay, I will be fertile till Saturday when I should be ovulating. I hope I am pregnant by Sunday. How weird is that to say?! And it's July. How amazing that it's finally July. How wonderful that it's finally July!!! :)

I ordered a couple more things. I bought a second hand copy of "A Child is Born" because it's full of amazing photographs of early pregnancy and even fertilisation and stuff, and I want to see what is going on from Sunday. Okay so we might not conceive this cycle, but what am I going to do about it? There is still a pretty good chance we will, and there's no way of knowing till the old pregnancy test time, and I don't want to miss a second of pregnancy by wondering if it is or if it isn't, so I am going to look at the photos and hope, whilst trying to remain somewhat detached (like that is really going to work, hehe!!). I think it will help things to seem more real to look at those photos, because everything is starting to feel rather surreal at the moment. Plus more exciting!! :)

Today I got my maternity dungarees in the post, and they are okay. Not as fabulous as I hoped, but they're the best blue denim ones I've seen so far and they will do. Plus they were very cheap! Also I got the pregnancy exercise video in the post too. It has some really good information at the beginning, but the actual exercises are kind of annoying! They look good though, I'm sure they will do the job. It's just the way that exercise videos can be so laughable, the way they smile and say things like, "Aaaaand relax!" and stuff like that! And why must people in exercise videos look so ridiculous?!! Haven't they heard of hairdressers?!! Or have they forgotten the decade they're in?! Hehe! The video is split into trimesters, and so far I've watched some of the first trimester workout to see what it's like. There is this one lady who I already want to slap, she is so annoying, and that's WITHOUT pregnancy hormones, hehehe! It's the little irritating flourishes to her bounces and claps, and the ridiculously over-performed stage smile, and the toss of the hair - now why does anyone need to exercise their hair in pregnancy?!!! So I just know I'll find the first trimester workout very annoying! Hopefully there are less irritating people in the subsequent trimesters!

My mother-in-law phoned last night. The first thing she asked was, "Are you feeling nauseous?" *sigh* It has begun! I'm so happy to have told our families and lots of our friends that we're trying for a baby - I like having it all out in the open early on. If we struggle to conceive or miscarry or something awful, then if they know everything already they can support us better I think. I don't know. But I like them knowing :) I like sharing the excitement and hearing them all be excited even at this stage. It's so much fun. It's kind of mean though because they are all on tenterhooks right now, wondering when we'll be saying I'm pregnant, hehe! Anyway, MIL thinks I am "pre-nesting" - whatever that is! She says when she was preparing for her pregnancies she got a nesting instinct similar to when she was in late pregnancy. Hmmm I never heard of that one, but I have been cleaning a lot more lately and wanting to get ready in the house and stuff, so maybe. My mum thinks we should be having sex daily while I'm fertile - yes, I told you things were open in my family!!! I told her it isn't necessary. I can see how it looks like common sense, but sperm live longer than a day so they don't need replacing in the fallopian tubes daily. This doctor at UKparents said every other day is plenty. Anyway I don't want to get too hung up on these things. That's how I was a few weeks ago and I'm enjoying being more relaxed. If it's meant to happen we can have sex once and it will happen. If it's not meant to happen we could be at it day and night and still not conceive. God knows the timing, and that's okay with me. I hope it's soon though :)

Did you know that a 3 litre bottle of Orangina (the one with the label saying 50% extra free) weighs just over 7lbs and fits perfectly into a Baby Bjorn sling? Well it does. And 7lbs is heavy!!! It doesn't feel so heavy when you hold a newborn baby, but a bottle of soft drink that heavy is reeeally heavy! I wore it for a while yesterday when I was doing housework, just to see how feasible it is. I found that it's not going to work doing the washing up with a baby strapped to my front. And going to the loo is kind of fiddly. When Neil got home he wore it for a bit and remarked on how heavy it seemed. But then a bottle isn't soft and cuddly, and it doesn't draw close to your body, and it doesn't have little legs and arms that stick out of the carrier. So maybe that'll change things! I am so silly. Plus I think I would wear a different type of sling round the house anyway. Baby Bjorn is more for outings isn't it? Or else I would just carry my baby in my arms all the time. My little stick arms need to be a lot stronger for that! Hopefully the exercises will help that. I was sat on the sofa with the sling on yesterday and I took the Orangina out and looked down into the carrier on my front, and got this waft of clean laundry and baby powder, and suddenly I felt overwhelmed with wishing there was a soft little head in there against my front to kiss and kiss and kiss. I suddenly wanted to have my baby here right NOW and not wait at all!! Until now I've mostly just been longing for pregnancy - I know I want the baby here too, especially once I'm pregnant and waiting on the baby, but first I want to enjoy pregnancy. But this was different. I just felt like I couldn't wait to meet him or her, just to see what the baby looked like and to just feel and kiss the little head and face and hands and tummy. Wow it was a broody moment. I can't wait for this all to start. It feels SO close but juuust out of reach for now. I can almost brush it with my fingertips it's so close. Pfhhhh, but anyway the time will pass and soon enough I'll be either taking a test or getting a period and then I'll know so that I can get on with whatever the next month holds. Waiting is weird.

Oh, and I've had this diary for exactly six months today. Baby, how I've been waiting for you, and how I want you.

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