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2007-10-02 - 9.41pm��previous entry��next entry

Back from the scan!!!!

The scan went well! The baby is healthy and growing well, and wasn't in the greatest position to show us the bits (thighs firmly together, as modest as all the other scans we've had for this little one!), BUT we did get a good underneath shot and another look at the end of the scan, and although I didn't see as clearly as I wanted to, the sonographer was sure from the outset that.....

















Can you believe it?! I know Jenn can't, hehe! ;)

I can NOT believe I have THREE little boys! I did feel more disappointed than I expected, at the scan. I feel silly for it, but it just wasn't a feeling I could push away. I actually thought this baby was a girl really, deep down, so it was a different kind of expectation to the other two pregnancies at this stage. It wasn't complete expectation at all though, as I really didn't know, and was aware that Beanlet could well be another boy. I know any lingering disappointment that I haven't had a baby girl yet will blow over in the next couple of days. I am actually delighted to be having another sweet baby boy! It's just that, completely hand-in-hand with the joy, I also feel disappointed not to have a girl, if that makes sense. Michelle just found out she's having a third boy as well, and she described the feelings the same as I'm experiencing them.

Our newest baby boy is called Nathan Martin, and we are so excited about his name, and what he'll be like, and which of our boys he might resemble more, etc! I got a vague look at his feet and I don't think they look curly like Arthur's did, but I wouldn't say they struck me as ramrod-straight like Matthew's, so hmmm. I hope they're okay!

We were in the smallest, coldest room for the scan, with a brisk, formal sonographer. So that was kind of sucky, compared with the other two experiences. The scan was quick, almost rushed, and we weren't given the opportunity to really look at our baby. We didn't see his facial features at all really, which I'm really disappointed about. So I have no inkling as to what he looks like, whereas I did with the (other!) boys.

Afterwards, when I had my notes and the scan report, I did look at the measurements for his femur, abdominal circumference and head measurements, etc, and from that I am thinking he might have a build much more like Arthur's than Matthew's. Arthur's head was about a week ahead for dates, his tummy was too, and his femur was over a week behind, bless him! He TOTALLY has the same build - big head, stocky little body, and short leggies like me and my daddy! Well, I don't have the big head, but Daddy does! :) And then Matthew's measurements were almost exactly spot on for dates (to the day!), especially his tummy and femur. His head was slightly small for dates, and he is just the same way now. He has Neil's build (small head, longer limbs than my family's, lean body). Nathan's tummy measures a little ahead, and his head circumference is greater than average too. His legs are just a bit shorter than they should be for dates, but I'm not sure HOW much shorter, as they didn't put the exact dating measurements on the report, just plotted them on little graphs. So from that, I'm pretty sure he has the same kind of build as Arthur :) I like that, especially as their build is basically my daddy's, and Nathan has daddy's name for his middle name!

I'm feeling really yucky and queasy right now, for the 5th evening running. Yeurgh. I soooooo don't want to feel sick for the rest of my pregnancy! It kicks in mid/late afternoon like morning sickness used to. Hmmm.

Anyway. Nathan is healthy and they can see no abnormalities, so I'm REALLY relieved and pleased! The only thing they couldn't see was his stomach, because they said it was empty, so after they'd checked everything else, they sent us out to the waiting area for 15 minutes, to wait for Nathan to drink some amniotic fluid and fill his little tummy up! It was SUCH a totally weird and surreal thought that as we were sitting there, a little person inside me was gulping away! So sweet!

They didn't call us in for nearer 25 minutes which was annoying. We were anxious to get home to our little boys, and hoping they were getting on fine with my grandparents and not giving them too much trouble! When we went back in, sure enough Nathan had had a nice drinky and his tummy was a little round bubble, easily visible on the screen!

He wasn't very active during the scan. He kicked and bumped me quite a bit in the waiting room while he had his drinky (!) but was pretty quiet again once the scan started up. He is definitely the quietest of my boys so far. It was lovely to see him! The more I use his name and talk about him like a real person (which, obviously he is, but you know what I mean?), even as I'm writing this entry, the more excited I get about him, and the more distant my feelings about having a girl get. I know that's the way it will be. In a matter of weeks (if not days!) I know I will be thanking God that he's NOT a girl, as I will be so glad of who he is, and so adjusted to the mindset of having boys boys boys! I still want a girl someday though, but I will put that pink fabric in the loft and put the thought out of my mind and all will be lovely in my house of bluuuue! :)

I wish I had seen Nathan's boy bits more clearly. The sonographer did point out the scrotum squished between his legs, hehe! She actually looked for us right at the start of the scan, just quickly, which was a relief! She whizzed the image around lots and I couldn't really see anything obvious, and then she said (as the image was still moving, to try and focus it in better), "It looks like it's a little boy" and I just thought, "What?! How can it be a boy?!" I just felt like we were going to see a girl for the first time, but no! ;)

They only gave us two pictures, right at the end, and they are basically the same, one after the other. That was a bit disappointing, as we had seven lovely shots of Matthew last time, all different parts of him as we chose them. But oh well! Nathan was rubbing his nose with his hand during the photos, it's was so sweet! Here are the pics - I'll add them to the ultrasound gallery when I get around to it (hopefully soon!):

Tonight I'm feeling fine. I'm surprised at how fine I feel about everything! I felt surprisingly disappointed at the actual scan, and then MUCH less so by this evening, which is when I was kind of expecting the "after-scan blues" to kick in. So that's good! Tomorrow they might though, I guess. I have my pamper treats at the ready! But right now I'm happy. Neil and I are already talking about what if the next baby is a boy as well?! Neil says he'd be so happy to have four boys. I would too, but we both said that we would like a girl "at some point". I hope this means he will say yes to just continuing to breed, haha! Beyond four, that is. I will have as many babies as he lets me have! ;) I'm worried to start trying for a girl as that would set us up for proper disappointment if our attempt brought us another sweet boy, and I don't want that. To be honest, both Matthew and Nathan are the result of Shettles' timing method for a GIRL, so I am not sure exactly how we'd TRY for a girl anyway! We seem to be boy machines, hehe!

Okay, I'm sure there is a ton more I could talk about, but it's getting late and I need to update my due date group and a couple of other places with my news! I already told my parents and my brother, and they are THRILLED for us. Seriously, my brother is ecstatic for some reason! My dad didn't know we were going to use his name for Nathan's middle name, and he was quite overcome when I told him, bless him! He's really touched. He said, "But.... I'm not worthy!" Bless his heart. He's as special to me as anyone could be. I'm so proud to use his name for one of my sons!

I told Arthur before bed that Mummy and Daddy had been to the hospital to have a look at our tiny baby inside Mummy's tummy, and - guess what?! - the baby is a BOY baby! Arthur was so sweet, he listened so carefully, and when I said BOY baby, this huuuuge smile spread across his face. He looked genuinely delighted! I told him that the baby was going to be a baby brother for him and Matthew, and he beamed yet more. I told him the baby's name is Nathan, and he beamed again. He's so sweet. I believe he's actually more thrilled to have a brother than he might have been for a sister. He had recently been telling me that the baby would be a boy, just like him and "Mashew" :) So I think he's pleased to have another little person around who is just like him and Matthew.

Later at bedtime I asked him, what is in Mummy's tummy? He said, "BOY!" hehe! And I asked if he remembered his name, and Arthur asked back, "John-fan?" I said he was called Nathan, and Arthur tried it out carefully, "Nay-fan..." and looked thoughtful. I asked if he liked it, and he immediately did another winning beaming smile and said, "Yes!" :) I'm so glad. I know he'll be a wonderful big brother to TWO little brothers. I just hope it won't rock Matthew's little boat too much! I told him that he was getting a baby brother, but he just licked the mirror that he was looking into. I guess he's too young yet! ;)

Okay, must finish for now. I'll update again asap though! Lots to talk about now that I know who my little bean is! It's exciting to call him by name and get to know him better already! Thanks so much for being excited for me as I wait to find out! Looooads of you thought it would be a girl this time! Meg and Julie hung in there with their boy guesses!

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