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2004-01-12 - 10.14am��previous entry��next entry

Sperm Analysis results are in!!

I'm back to update you on the sperm test results!

We went to the doctor this morning and waited till someone could see us, which wasn't too long really but the wait felt like a long time. Neil was really fidgetty, he was kind of surprised how nervous he was. Then we got to have someone explain the results, and we FINALLY know what the deal is with Neil's sperm count, etc.

We were right about the 2.5. It WAS sample volume, thank goodness! But guess what? We are SO thrilled! Neil's sperm count is 96 MILLION!!!!!!! Ninety-six!!! That is more than normal or good, it is STONKING!! We were hoping for above 20 million (which is termed as normal), and I didn't really expect more than that for some reason, although I would have been ecstatic if it had been 45 million or above, since that is considered a good count. Just Saturday I was reading online about how sperm counts are so much lower these days than in years gone by. I was reading it out to Neil. It said that 100 years ago, sperm counts of 100 million were normal. Because of all the "modern day" counts I've been reading lately at FF or on sites about sperm counts, we were both sort of wowing at the idea of a count of 100 million, and this is why we are so completely thrilled and bowled over that Neil has a sperm count that high!! Yayness! I am soooo happy.

His other results are:

Motility - 60% (normal)
Morphology - normal (no figure for it on the results)
Sperm antibodies - nil
White blood cells (not supposed to be there) - nil
Progressive motility - 55%

We had the doctor write everything down on a little card I wrote out with all the things I wanted figures for! He was most impressed! :) They didn't have results for viscosity or pH balance, but that's okay. I just wrote everything down incase they had results for any of it. I wanted a result for a motile density count, but the doc thought that was probably the same thing as progressive motility. This is the amount of sperm still swimming after a certain amount of time. The websites say that there should be at least 8 million sperm per ml still swimming for a normal result. From the percentages and his count, we worked out that he would probably have had around 30 million still swimming, which is wonderful.

So a great result!!!

The only thing is, because Neil's result is so fantastic, it leaves me wondering much more about what is wrong with me. Surely with a sperm count like that, if everything else was normal, we would be expecting by now? I think it's my cervical fluid. Which is why I'm really really hoping the eggwhite thing will work this cycle. If it doesn't I think it will feel like we're narrowing things down, because I will start thinking more of what is BLOCKING the passage of the egg, rather than why sperm aren't getting there. I am sure I'm ovulating, but I am still getting blood tests later this month to confirm it.

Neil is worried that I will be even harder on myself now that I know his side of things is so healthy. But I don't think I will necessarily jump to that conclusion. At the moment I feel so relieved, because I was getting worried that we might never have a baby of our own. I know, I know, a bit OTT of me. But it was just how I felt. But now I feel much reassured because if we do have to resort to assisted conception, like IVF or IUI (not that they do IUI in my region), then we should have a good chance with Neil's count and motility. So I feel like we WILL have a baby, and it's just a matter of time, which is a relief!

But the best thing of all is Neil's self-esteem. I am absolutely LOVING seeing him so quietly content in himself. He's not the bold brassy type who shows off about blokey stuff (yuck, that type of man really annoys me!). He didn't crack egotistical jokes. He didn't punch the air or look in any way proud of anything. He did that thing that is unique to Neil, where he goes kind of pale and quiet if he's really thrilled about something, with just a little smile. Just quietly thrilled, y'know? I love seeing him like that. I feel so proud of him, even though it's not that kind of thing and he didn't personally strive to achieve anything. It's just how he is and I feel so proud. I would feel like this if he had a sperm count of zero, but I have the excitement and joy on top so it feels great. He's so lovely. I told him he now has complete permission for as much BD'ing as possible when I'm fertile, hehe! He is upstairs taking a nap, hehehe!! ;)

That's it really. I started making a nappy yesterday, the first one in ages. And I bought a couple of maternity things on eBay and UKparents. I am on CD10 today, and I had the start of some fertile CM yesterday, which is hugely encouraging because it makes it quite likely that I'll ovulate somewhere around the 16th (the day I leave for France) rather than later on, so that's a relief too. Now I just have to buy me some fresh eggs and we're away. Too much info? Hmmm, sorry! I'm too excited not to tell everything that occurs to me! I phoned my mum already! Like I said before, we tell each other everything in my family! She is so pleased that Neil's count is so good! :) He doesn't mind me telling her, he said so.

Anyway, that's definitely all for now, but I'll update again soon :)

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