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2004-03-24 - 8.41pm��previous entry��next entry

7 weeks, 5 days - grumpy girl

Hello again! Yes I am feeling loads better!!! I am still queasy all day, but this eating thing definitely has it's advantages! ;)

Girls, if you are in early pregnancy, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT allow yourself to get hungry!!! I can't believe the difference it is making to keep my tummy working on something at all times. I am up another lb today which is good, still steadily regaining my lost weight at about a pound a day. I am looking forward to when I have gained it all back, which I don't think will take long. I still eat every hour or so, but it still isn't that easy feeling sick at the same time. It's been a good learning curve for me. Or something!

Today I am as grumpy and cranky and hormonally-moody as anything. I don't know what has come over me, as I haven't had this trouble yet in my pregnancy. I am just insanely irritable. I had this huge argument with the 50 millionth window sales person to phone this evening. They just asked if I was Mrs (my name) and I lost it - I can tell if people are asking my name before they try to sell me something!! Unfortunately for this person they did not back down but got all pushy saying it was just "one quick question" that they had to ask me, which I know so well I could repeat it by heart ("if you could replace any doors or windows at no cost to yourself, how many would you replace?" Aaaaaaaaaaargh!!!). Well we argued. He persisted. I let him have it. I did apologise at the end that I was about to be impolite and slam the phone down though. I'm so nice ;)

I am a bit crampy today, but my bowel is soooooo annoyed that it could be that. I feel it in the back of my pelvis though, but it isn't anything like period cramps. I think my womb is just having a growth spurt. Books and stuff say it is about the size of a grapefruit now, which has me really surprised, as I still can't imagine myself being pregnant - even though I already am! So weird, all these changes!

My breasts are sore and stabby today, but that's all good :) I have a load of cattarrh (sp?!) which is making me more queasy than ever. It has been there since just before I found out I am pregnant so I guess it's a pregnancy thing. I need to blow my nose a lot with this pregnancy. Apparantly that's very common though. My mum had a completely stuffy nose right the way through her whole pregnancy with my brother, and it finally cleared just after she gave birth to him! I have a mild headache today, which I don't mind since it is my first one this whole pregnancy, and headaches are supposed to be super bothersome in the first trimester, AND I've been dehydrated which can cause headaches too. So I'm just amazed and relieved I haven't had a problem with them before. I just feel stuffy and grumpy today.

Well TWO days to go until I am eight weeks pregnant!! I can't believe it!! I am super nervous about losing the baby all the time. Still afraid to look when I go to the toilet, incase I see red blood. I am only faintly spotting brown now, and have plenty of CM (which freaks me out when I feel it, because I always worry that it's blood!). The cramps worried me somewhat but I know my womb is gonna cramp a bit now and again as it grows. And it really could be bowel-related, I just can't tell. I wake usually once or twice a night with pain from gas and bowel cramps. Nice. But normal, again!

I am drinking tons of milk today, I don't know why. Maybe because Bean is about to get serious working on bones and teeth. Today I ate chocolate! It started with rice krispies and milk, when I felt like I would like some sugar on them. I have had no sweet tooth since I became pregnant, but the sugar on the cereal was soooo nice this morning! Later on I thought I might try chocolate (my doctor actually TOLD me to eat chocolate when I saw him on Monday, as a good source of glucose and calories!!!). So I ate a Cadbury's twirl. And really enjoyed it. Of course I worried myself silly because why have I suddenly lost my pregnant aversion to sugar? But I still feel queasy and all that so I think I am okay. I am just praying to God CONSTANTLY that I won't lose my baby. I just can't wait to reach the 2nd trimester and get my scan, then I will be able to relax.

Well I think that is all. I am ordering limited edition Kissaluv nappies (diapers) from Natural Babies. It's Mia's fault ;) But I check there regularly anyway, and I was sure to notice them sooner or later. I am getting six in newborn size (size 0) with pastel coloured edging, and six in size 1 with bright edging. They are so pretty. I love Kissaluvs. I will have too many if I buy any more because I have quite a few already! :)

What else can I say about today? People from church phoned to check on me today, which is so nice :) My strength is returning rapidly now I am eating, and I am getting itchy to go outside and breathe the lovely rain-soaked spring air and DO something, rather than sitting around like some sick person all day! I want to do laundry too, but Neil said to wait till I feel back to normal, strength-wise, before I take on normal housework again. He is such a fantastic husband. He makes food for me at the very moment I desire it, and fetches me anything I need. He doesn't wear headphones when he plays his computer game so that he will hear me if I call him for anything, bless him! He has done so much laundry and changed the bed sheets and stuff, and cleaned the kitchen. He is so wonderful. We have run out of butter and I am eating it on toast and bread a lot, so Neil says he's going out to buy more after dinner (it's already 8.30pm) and he's been at work all day and is back to work tomorrow in central London. I don't know what I'd do without him!

I did clean the loo yesterday as best I could without feeling too sick, because uhm it had become a real batchelor toilet, if you know what I mean!! Yuck! I had a bath last night, which was soooooo nice and relaxing. I haven't had a bath for weeks, only a very exhausting shower, because of my bleeding. So it was lovely to relax in the bath and feel clean and like myself again.

Today I have been really tired. I read in bed in the afternoon - oh the luxury of not working! Thank you Lord! And I slept from 3.30 to 5pm. I could sleep and sleep lately. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so grumpy? I'm just tired. Well I have heartburn (a GOOD thing!) and Neil is making our dinner (first meal together in two weeks!) so I'm going to go now. I'll update again soon. Did you know that my baby is a FETUS from eight weeks onwards?!! I can't BELIEVE the embryonic stage is almost over already!!! In some ways this pregnancy feels like it's whizzing by, but in other ways it's dragging and I can't wait for the next stage. I wouldn't wish any of it away though. It's all so wonderful and such an amazing privilege. I am so happy! :)

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