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2004-03-20 - 7.35pm��previous entry��next entry

7 weeks, 1 day - Improvement, yay!!

I'm still heeeeeeeere!!! Yay!!!

Thank you all SO much for the guestbook messages and emails about the sickness, wow, I so appreciate all of your advice and helpful comments!! Katie, I am MUCH reassured by your advice! I am not on Phenergan, I'm on Stematil (prochlorperazine). And Mia, thanks for your tips as well! And everybody, of course!! You are all wonderful. It's always such a relief, such a weight off, to see your messages.

Well I am trying so hard today and I'm doing REALLY well!!!

Things are so weird. I am so desperate for food!! But swallowing and having things in my stomach are hurdles that I am struggling with. But ohhhhhh the smell of food is WONDERFUL, so I'm encouraged because surely if I was this sick through morning sickness alone, I would not be able to bear the smell of food. I dreamt about food last night. I was in a food place with a free food token, and I was eating hotdogs, chicken nuggets, chips, all sorts of things. I was making noises like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally, it was THAT good to eat!!! hehe! People kept saying that they thought I was pregnant and morning sick, so why was I eating like that? I just said I was hungry.

What a nice dream! :)

When I woke this morning, I had my lovely suppository (mmm!) and after about 20 minutes I DID notice that I felt a little better - still nauseous but not so bad!!! Yay!! So I stayed in bed for a while and Neil brought me ice cubes - water ones, apple juice ones, and a few orange juice ones (the orange ones are the hardest to take for me). I had water with a straw in it too. I ate and ate through the ice cubes, stopping here and there for a break, and I reckon I got about 100mls of water and juice within an hour!!! Yay me! Then I went back to sleep for an hour or so, and my stomach was cramping painfully when I got up, so I had more fruit ice cubes.

Oh last night Neil had pizza - not that gorgeous type that you get from proper pizza places, just a chilled one from the supermarket that you heat up. But ohhhhhhh myyyyyyy goodnesssssss it smelt soooo amazing!!! He always has ham and pineapple on pizza, which I hate, but I could have swallowed that pizza whole if my stomach/throat would have let me! It looked so good too. I asked to nibble one of the crusts, so he broke me off three bits of crust with some pizza attached. I nibbled just enough to make a corner crumble, and immediately felt sick for the rest of the evening. I was almost in tears, it was such torture!! I wanted to eat it like NOTHING else, but my stomach was ready to throw it back up again. Silly stomach.

Okay then this afternoon I came downstairs and had more ice cubes, and even sipped some water!! A bit later on I sipped half a mug of milk (huge achievement for me!) and a little flat lemonade, and I nibbled at quarter of a slice of bread with butter on it. Then just now I had some sips of flat ginger beer, some apple ice cubes, HALF a piece of buttered bread, and I'm working on a half cup of milk again. At lunchtime Neil made himself mashed potato, corn, carrots, and chicken nuggets. I was making those Homer Simpson gaggy-with-desire noises (!!!) and I wanted to smell his dinner! Neil is being so sweet to me :) He let me smell his dinner in big lonnnng sniffs right under my nose! Hehe! Then he gave me like a dessert spoonful of mash with a couple of bits of carrot and corn, and one chicken nugget. I ate all of the potato though it took me a while, and half a slice of carrot, and 2 bits of sweet corn. I wanted that chicken nugget soooo much but I knew I couldn't so I just licked it, lol!!

I am really encouraged by my hunger, even if it's taking me a while to work up the ability to eat.

Neil just ate a ham and French (pasturised) cheese sandwich with salad - oh my gosh, I had to smell it for a while before he could eat it! Halfway through his meal I asked to smell it again, and I took a little nibble because I couldn't resist. No ham or cheese though, just the bread.

So yay, no hospital for me today! I definitely have to go back to the doctor on Monday because I will need a new prescription of these suppositories, so I will get my urine re-checked then. I hope hope hope it looks good enough so they don't threaten me with the hospital again. Does anyone (Katie???) know if today's eating/drinking sounds like enough to turn my balance so that I'm not acidotic or ketotic anymore? Or will it take more/longer?

Today I am desperately craving Pizza Hut deep pan pizza with tomatoes, cheese and mushrooms. That specific! I am constantly distracted by the thought. Neil offered to get me one, but I know it will just make me cry because this luscious pizza will be sitting right in front of me smelling heavenly, and I won't be able to do much to it. So I said no. Not for now. But I am sooooo having one just as soon as I am able to stomach it. I have been daydreaming about gulping down huge tall glasses of fizzy lemonade through a straw, and ohhhhhhh steak and chips!!!!!! My parents ate that for lunch today, and my mouth has been watering with joy at the thought ever since! But these are all foods I can't move onto yet, not for a while till my stomach is back in action for sure.

Well it's a good sign anyway, isn't it? No other symptoms to report today. I am thinner than thin, but I don't know what I weigh. We really must buy some scales that work. I am very weak still, but feeling so much happier since I am starting to eat a little.

Thanks again for the love and support and wise advice! I will keep updating as much as possible. If I do go into hospital I will try to tell Neil how to post an entry here, but if I am not needing to be in for long then I won't bother since I'll be back before you miss me (I hope!).

Will update again soon! xxx

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