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2004-03-04 - 12.31pm��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks, 6 days - happy happy :)

Not much to report today. My temp is STILL 36.9, six days running now! Nice and high though :) Nearly nearly nearly 5 weeks pregnant!!! I have been reading a lot of embryology sites online today and it is soooo interesting what is going on in my womb!! According to most of the sites I've looked at, a baby's heart will begin to beat at day 21 or 22 after fertilisation. Which is tomorrow or the next day for Bean. I can't wait till I can think about my Bean inside me with a beating heart!! Two days to go until I can confidently think that way! :)

Thanks Shelley, Cristie, and Meg for your guestbook messages! Shelley, thanks so much for telling me about the book - I ordered it straight away! :)

Yeah I am gonna want to know the sex of my baby at the scan if possible. I used to think there was no WAY I was gonna do that, because I liked the old fashioned idea of being surprised at the birth. But now I think about it, I know I am not going to be that patient, hehe! If I know I COULD find out, then I'll want to, I'm sure. I am already impatient to know anyway! So yeah, I would like to find out if Bean will oblige at the scan.

Neil and I are really excited because we've decided to put some money aside for a 3D scan later on in my pregnancy!!!! Yay!! I saw them on the news a year or so ago, and immediately thought, "I don't know how much those cost but I WANT one when I am pregnant!" So I looked up the clinic that was on the news, in London, and found it. It will cost something like �275 for a 3D scan. 3D scans are gentler than normal routine scans, apparantly, sound-wave wise. Interesting. The price was a 2002 quote so it's probably gone up. But the image is soooo incredible, it's as clear as a photograph of a baby's facial features. You can tell exactly what the baby looks like, who it looks like and everything. I know we don't NEED a 3D photo, because a few months later we'll meet our little one and know full-well what it looks like! But what a thing to have recorded - a clear photo of yourself/your child actually in the womb! I think it's amazing. We both do. So we think it's worth putting money aside for. Yay! I think we would wait till I'm about 24 weeks or something. Facial features are very clear at that stage, and after about 29 weeks, their faces are most often smooshed up against the womb and harder to see.

I'm sure there was something I meant to write from yesterday evening.... Oh well, I can't remember. I have to pee, but I haven't finished writing yet, so I'll be back...

Back again :) I love this peeing thing! It's so pregnant of me :) I rmembered what I wanted to say - last night I started sorting allll the baby clothes. Neil asked me to take an "inventory"!! Really, it's that necessary. So far I am listing tiny baby clothes (up to 7.5lbs) and newborn sized clothes. I have two big piles so far, which I'm folding neatly so that I can just put them away when I've listed them. The lists will help us know what we've got and therefore what else to buy (or NOT to buy, in my case!). But I got tired and dizzy doing that after a while so I went to bed.

I woke in the night with such a sore throat, and then it kept waking me up. This morning it is sooooo sore, and when I looked in the mirror it is red and swollen all over, even my tonsils :( I never ever get sick, and I have hardly been out anywhere this last week. I have read that progesterone can make the sinuses, nose and throat more susceptible to being sore and stuffy and getting little nose bleeds, etc, because it dilates and relaxes the blood vessels. Also you can get an increase in fluids in general, and that makes the same areas more likely to become irritated. So it could be that. But I also read that when you're pregnant your immune system is lowered, so maybe this is viral? Yuck. I feel a bit naff today therefore. I had a hot drink (green tea) and then orange juice and cereal, and now I'm having cold water, but it still feels rotten, and now that it's past 12 noon I am feeling ready for another sleep as usual. But sleeping seems to make me wake up with a worse throat. All that darn breathing! ;)

I think I will cosy down with a movie this afternoon. I am so glad I have the freedom to do this. Next time I'm pregnant I should have a toddler and that will make things pretty hard if I am feeling rough in early pregnancy! So I'm grateful for this experience and I'm counting my blessings while I can!

Super-duperly constipated now. I am beginning to understand what my pregnant friends at FF (about a week or two ahead of me) are going on about now. They are all complaining of terrible constipation, and here's me thinking, "A-ha! That won't bother ME too badly because I am already used to it! It can't be much worse, surely?" But noooo. It's worse. Trust me, it's worse. I am starting to seriously consider Milk of Magnesia, and that is so gross, so I am obviously getting concerned!

What a nice paragraph. But like I say, allll my pregnancy symptoms MUST be recorded in this diary, so be warned! ;)

Talking of slightly "hmmm" stuff to write about, I was expecting the 1st trimester to totally kill off my libido, like all the books say. Maybe I am not quite at that stage yet, since I am not yet morning sick. But I keep being all, y'know, in the mood, which is surprising me for some reason. I know it'll sound silly, but we're still a bit nervous about sex in early pregnancy so um, we're not sure what to do about that. I am itching to see a midwife so I can ask. I forget so much of what I learned in midwifery now, it will be good to meet my midwife and ask all my questions. I know the answers to many of them, but I just want to hear the answers given to ME personally, about MY pregnancy, you know? Unfortunately it will be for EVER before I get to see a midwife I think. Weeeeeks. Probably at least 5. Oh well.

I have no real back issues today so that's good. I have had a few stabbing ligament pains above the pubic bone since yesterday afternoon, but not many and they occurred on both sides. I like normal things when they happen!

I have started to take a different approach to my pregnancy. I was praying in bed last night before Neil came up to bed, and I remembered something. When God healed me of M.E. (one evening after 2 years housebound, I might add!! Amazing God!), I remember that evening I wasn't sure how to.... hang onto my healing as it were. I knew my tendency to jump on any little symptom and freak out about it and be convinced I was not healed after all. So I asked the preacher who was at church that evening. He said I should get up every morning and the first thing I do should be to praise God aloud for my healing. That confirms with my mouth and my heart that I believe I am still healed and I'm still thanking God for it.

So anyway, I suddenly remembered that (I did stay healed and well, just for the record! M.E. NEVER clears up like that. Ever. It's unheard of. God is sooooo great!!), and I decided that for now at least, God has blessed me with a living baby in my womb, and I have been forgetting that while I look ahead and worry. I know that I trust God completely, even if I lose my baby, I trust him. I know that he only wants GOOD things for me, and I trust him. So I figured it was time I start thanking God for what he's given me, like I was doing when I thanked him for my healing before I completely saw the effects. So now I wake and lay my hand on my tummy, and thank God out loud for blessing me with my baby, and then I pray for God to make Bean healthy and strong, and to give me a healthy pregnancy.

But the more I pray like that, the less I feel like praying for God to please help, etc, etc, and not let my Bean be lost. The more I thank God, the more I WANT to thank him, no matter what happens, even if I lose this baby, I just want to thank him for what I have NOW, and it gives me so much joy to be close to God in this now that I'm praying this way, that nothing else seems to matter. So yay, I am delighted about that. I have good feelings about this pregnancy, but it is okay if it's not meant to be. I will just keep praising my God because he is always faithful, no matter what. And I love him. More than I love Bean. But I love Bean too! :)

Neil keeps giving me bear hugs from out of the blue, and when he has me enveloped, he says, "My little one with a little one!" or "My little one is all pregnant!" He's so sweet. I have always been his "little one". It seems crazy to both of us that little me is carrying a baby. I really am just a little one myself! :)

Well my throat feels horrid and hot and I feel a bit sub-par, so I'm going to have a rest or something now. I'll update again tomorrow though :)

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