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2004-03-02 - 12.15pm��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks, 4 days - mini milestone!

Thanks girls for your guestbook messages! Cathy, I really appreciate your words, they were very reassuring to read! Everyone is telling me my Bean is well implanted in there by now so I should not worry, so I am trying not to!

Well today is another mini-milestone!!! This morning my temperature was 36.9 yet again, and I am now 18 days past ovulation with high temperatures, which is a sort of cut-off point for definitely being pregnant! :) Of course I know I am anyway, but I always love a milestone!

I am also 4 and a half weeks pregnant. Well technically, just a bit more, but yay I only have 3 days to go till I'm 5 weeks!!! Five weeks is sounding so much better than four right now!

That maybe-spotting yesterday only happened right after I got home from the doctor's in the morning, and I didn't have any more yesterday. I am still not really sure whether to call it spotting, but I charted it as that anyway. This morning when I got up and went for a pee I thought I saw 2 little spots of a similar colour, but I am not sure if I'm just getting kind of yellowy CM and reading too much into it. Anyway I have not had any more so far, and I've had plenty of normal CM today. I checked my cervix (gennntly!) and there wasn't even a trace of blood so I'm reassured! If it WAS spotting I think it must have been my Bean burrowing further in! I hope so :)

I was still worried about that tender spot really low down on one side last night, as it persisted all day and all evening. By bed time it was quite sore. But just as I was about to fall asleep, it rumbled!! Hehe! So yeah, ahem, I guess the doctor was right! ;) I'm sure my Bean doesn't have a rumble function just yet, so it must have been my bowel all along. Ahhhh how easy it is to worry when newly pregnant! Or veteranly pregnant, for that matter (eh Judy?!).

C'mon Judy's baby, make your appearance!!! If I'm getting impatient, Judy must be climbing the walls!! She is overdue. Come on baby!

Well what else can I say? Oh I told my grandparents!!!! They just got back from holiday on Sunday, and we were planning to send them this cute little card we bought a few weeks ago. We bought 2 cards of the same design, with a little toddler, just old enough to walk, dressed in a little sleepsuit, standing in front of a piano with it's hands reaching up to try to touch the keys. It is a really cute black and white photo, and also it is nice because my family (and Neil's for that matter) is really musical. Everybody but Granny plays an instrument or two or three. So I just liked this card. I don't see how we can fail to produce a musical child, with 2 musical parents from musical families! :) But there is absolutely NO WAY I am gonna push a child of mine into taking up an instrument or practising like crazy. If they are musical and they see family playing instruments then they will be naturally curious I'm sure.

Anyway, I digress! The cards - so we bought 2 of them, one to send to my parents when we found out I was pregnant, and the other for my grandparents. But when it came to it, we were actually WITH my parents when we found out, so the card idea fell flat. And I knew my grandparents would phone before I could get the card to them in the post, so I decided to tell them on the phone. We think we will send the cards out when we have better confirmation or a scan or something, further down the line.

Anyway so G & G were really thrilled! I can't believe they are going to be great-grandparents!!! That is crazy! They seemed a little held-back on the phone, asking if I was sure, and being quiety pleased about the news, etc. I was hoping for all out celebrations, but never mind. My parents were like that the first day I had that first positive test. After 3 days, Mummy told me she had needed 3 days just for it to sink in. She said she didn't really believe it till the day we left France, and couldn't get excited till then either. So maybe everyone we tell is needing time to adjust? After all, the last baby born in my family was my brother, and he's 25!!! We have a really small family. My grandparents are both only-children and my dad is too. My mum has one sister who has one child. It's a small family! So a new member is big news that maybe will take a while to sink in!

Neil's family is huge, but they have little contact with most of them. He is one of 4, and his dad is one of 10!!! But they have no contact with any of his dad's siblings. All Neil's grandparents died when he was young, and his mum has one brother. Mind you that brother has 6 children, so he has a lot of cousins! I am amazed that my Bean already has 3 aunties and 3 uncles!!! I have only ever had one of each, a married couple.

My brother is so excited about having the word 'Uncle' in front of his name! Hehe! His fiancee will be 'Auntie' of course. And then there's Neil's brother, his sister and her husband, and his 17-year-old sister too. Sooo many relatives! And I'm excited for my children that it's likely they'll have LOTS of cousins to play with eventually. Okay so we are the first to have any children, but there are lots of people out there to produce cousins! I am THRILLED, let me repeat that - THRILLED - that Neil and I are producing the first grandchild for not only my parents, but his parents too!!! I feel so proud. I'm sure I shouldn't, but I LOVE that we have this special role. I can't wait to actually show off my precious baby to it's newly-titled grandparents on both sides!

Well, what else? I still have a lot of abdominal discomfort today, but it's on both sides now and not just low down, so I am guessing the old progesterone is increasing and slowing everything down so that it aches. Other than that I feel great today! I am starting to feel tired and like I might need a nap soon, but it is 12.15pm and for the last 2 days I have started to need a sleep at around this time. But I am taking it easy and I have only put on a laundry load today and eaten and done my online things.

We watched Shrek last night. It was soooo good to laugh till my sides hurt. I ate really normally yesterday - a normal sized portion of dinner did not bother me and I even wondered if I felt like something sweet afterwards. Which of course worried me slightly at first because I haven't felt like that about food since before I was pregnant, so hmmm. But I think things might change throughout from day to day or week to week, as to what I feel like eating or how good I feel in my stomach. I am really thirsty today so I am drinking much better. Yesterday I tried to eat tons of salty things to stimulate thirst like my pregnancy book said, and it worked a treat!

Well that's all I think. I will update if there's any pressing news, and otherwise will write again tomorrow! :)

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