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2007-09-20 - 10.56pm��previous entry��next entry

19 weeks, 4 days - nearly halfway there!

I have no time for a good update because it's late and I'm tired, and my legs are jumping jumping jumping and driving me CRAZY (I have had Restless Leg Syndrome pretty badly in my legs and arms (?!!) since as far back as I can remember, but it's always worse when I'm pregnant - and when I'm tired). I'm trying to stick to an 11pm bedtime (FlyLady is WORKING for me this time, yaaaay!), even though I know I SHOULD have a 10pm or 10.30pm bedtime. 11pm is more realistic, as I need a certain amount of time to myself before bed! So, it's 10.30pm now and I still need to get ready for bed, which means I can't stay long. But it has been way too long since I updated, and I figured I might as well post a few things here than not, because otherwise it will only get put off even longer!


* I went to the hospital again the day after my last entry, as my bleeding on Wednesday evening was approaching period-heavy, and it was red. On Thursday Neil took the day off work (due to my bleeding, they were okay-ish about it, thankfully), and I did another 2-hour wait at the maternity unit. The same thing happened really. My bleeding was already so much less by then, and by the time I had my internal examination I had "no active bleeding" at all! Tsk. Sooo typical! But anyway. Of course it started up again the next day, but not nearly as heavy, so I just kept an eye on it.

They just said it was likely to be cervical erosion, since my cervix still looked raw, and the doctor said he could actually see the blood vessels in/on it with the naked eye! So it's prone to bleeding then. It just didn't seem likely to me that my annoyed cervix could be the sole source of almost period-heavy red bleeding that just kept on and on, the day before. They said I was right to go in, and unfortunately I should go in every time I get bleeding like that. If I get the odd bit of red spotting then since I know it's cervical erosion, I could stay home and keep an eye on it. Unless it's been ages since they diagnosed me with it and no bleeding in that time. They said it needs to heal but pregnancy doesn't give it much chance to do that. Oh well!

* My urine from the Monday came back fine after all, and I noticed before I went to the hospital a second time that it was no longer cloudy, and I stopped peeing so frequently day and night. I still need to go twice per night, and will wake to do so if Matthew doesn't wake me (he's beginning to sleep longer stretches at last, yay!). So I don't know what that was about.

* I am still spotting, mostly brown, some days pink or red, and especially when I over-exert myself. The doctor said to carry on as normal and not rest because of the bleeding or anything, which was a relief to hear, since I really have no choice in the matter! I do notice if I take the boys for a walk and get TOO tired out before we're halfway home and THEN Arthur wants me to carry him and I didn't have the foresight to take a) the tandem pushchair, or b) the buggy board, THEN I will carry him a tiny way and bleed RIGHT after I put him down. But not enough to meet the "go back to hospital now!" criteria. I don't plan to carry him again any time soon!

* New thing this last week - my old friend the hurty pubic bone. I get SPD (Symphasis Pubis Dysfunction) during pregnancy, although I should PROBABLY say SPD-ishness, since I'm sure my mild agony and associated complaints bug the heck out of anyone who really suffers with diagnosed SPD! LOTS of women get pubic bone pain during pregnancy, and not all of it is really SPD. My hips aren't quite aligned - MUST get that fixed when not pregnant one of these days! - so as a result I get horrible pain in the centre of my pubic bone in the second half of pregnancy. I think I was 19 weeks-ish during one of my other pregnancies when this pain first started, so this time it's spot on I suppose. With Arthur's pregnancy it was AWFUL. I had trouble sleeping and saw an osteopath, etc. It was just unbearable at times, especially near the end, and after the birth for a month or so. I can't remember how long. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised with Matthew's pregnancy because I'd read that it pretty much comes back every pregnancy and is likely to be worse each time, but it was actually less awful the second time. I don't know why, but I was glad all the same! It was still pretty bad at times, but not as awful as with Arthur.

This week I am having trouble with walking, as it hurts when I walk. It's not AWFUL though! Yet. ;) It also hurts to walk/jiggle Matthew just before I put him down in his cot or if he wakes crying for some reason. I shift my weight from one leg to the other on the spot, and I hear my pelvis clunk at the back. It feels like a suddenly hard "drop" inside as well which is disconcerting so I usually put him down as fast as he'll let me! We have a safety gate in the kitchen/living room doorway that's fixed (doesn't open, but can be popped out if need be), and we scissor our legs to climb over that every time we go from one room to another. I have SHORT legs so it's a "full extension" for me, hehe! Anyway, I don't think I can do that much longer. It really hurts to do it now.

* I'm having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions lately, and some of them are really tight and uncomfortable. They feel much stronger suddenly, than they used to.

* The baby seems to be in a weird position tonight. He/she is getting so big in there! I feel parts pressing out against my tummy now, and they seem so big! The full length of the little back/head seems to my hand to be 5-6 inches now, which I guess is about right, since Babycenter says crown-to-rump measurement at 19 weeks is 5.5 inches. The head feels like a hard apple when it's pressed out. Beanlet changes position all the time, but mostly I don't notice it that much. I just notice a head where there wasn't one last night, or something! Tonight my womb feels very uncomfortable, tight and achy, and like I'm having BHs really frequently. I'm not sure if I actually am, as some of my womb feels soft enough to the touch if I poke. But I feel the whole length of Beanlet ACROSS my bump, well, slightly oblique from my left hip to my right ribs, but basically across. I can't remember ever feeling a baby of mine across my tummy before, and it feels really uncomfortable! I can't fathom how unpleasant it must feel to have a full-term baby wedged across a womb with a transverse presentation! Yikes! It seems to annoy my womb anyway.

* Beanlet wakes and kicks and wiggles a lot at exactly the same time every evening, around 8pm when Neil and I are talking/praying after putting the boys to bed. I lie on the sofa on my back and Beanlet gets all active, all of a sudden! It's really sweet :)

* I soooo don't know if I'm having a girl or a boy now! I really don't. Neil confessed to me the other day that he's always wanted a "Nathan", and he'll be thrilled if it is one! And I asked Arthur for the first time in ages if he thought the baby in Mummy's tummy was a girl baby or a boy baby, and he answered (very confidently!), "BOY baby, just like us - just like me and Mashew!" Hmmm! I really don't know, because twice now I have surprised the heck out of myself slipping up and saying, "He" when talking randomly about Beanlet to Neil. And I am getting fond of our potential little Nathan already. I don't know why - maybe it's for the same reason as when I got inexplicably fond of our potential little Matthew at around 18 weeks last pregnancy?! Hmmm....

* I heard Neil chatting on the phone to his mum this evening while I was online, and he told her if it was a boy it would be called Nathan, and if it's a girl then it will be Georgia!!!! I thought, "Yaaaaaaaaaay!" but then he (lightheartedly, don't worry!) said stuff about how he was probably going to give in since it was a name I really liked, even though it wasn't one he liked originally :) He told his mum that I told him he has to come up with some alternatives if he doesn't want to use Georgia, so he'll probably just give in and agree to Georgia :) But now suddenly I feel funny at times, about the name. I LOVE it, and I think I always will, but I feel like it's not my child's name - does that even make sense?! Maybe it really IS a boy. I feel like we could have a Nathan, like something about him is already familiar. Georgia feels lovely to think of as a prospective name for a prospective baby, but when I try to make it REAL for like 2 weeks time, for the actual baby I'm going to have, it suddenly makes me feel all weird and insecure, like there's no REAL familiarity to that name. I can't figure out why I feel that way, unless it's because something in me knows my baby Beanlet is a Nathan-boy-bean!

* I can't believe there are LESS THAN TWO WEEKS till my scan!!!!! I'm so excited! And now that I'm feeling so fond of a potential Nathan, I'm so relieved and happy, because it means I can go excited to find out we're having a boy, AND excited to find out we're having a girl. Of course, I will not kid myself this time - last time I was convinced that I was a-okay with having a boy, and although I WAS happy to have a Matthew in my belly, I felt really down the next day and couldn't shake it. So I will go cheerfully prepared for the "next-day blues" and maybe think of some feel-good treats for the next day or something! I will LOVE all my boys if I have 10 in a row, I promise! I can't think why I get so silly about it at scan time, tsk. But anyway, just saying.

* In a few days it will be time for ANOTHER belly pic - I can't believe how fast those are coming round! As it's 20 weeks (halfway already?!!), it will be the first "full-body" photo, yeurgh! At 20 weeks I have a thing where I wear the same outfit as the last pregnancy at 20 weeks, and then after that all the belly pics are full-body but in any old outfit. So, I will try to dig out that outfit from wherever it's hiding, for Sunday!

Okay, it's my bedtime! I know there is plenty that I've missed (oh, I remembered something - I made a ton of my own cloth pads for after Matthew's birth, which were wonderful! So I do know about cloth pads for the bleeding, but they're packed away with the home birth supplies and urgh, it's a huge faff. Right now I'm on pantyliners if I change them frequently on "bleedy" days, and those flush so I'm okay with that! I just hate those big wedgy disposable pads, yuck!). I will try to update on things I've missed next entry, which will HOPEFULLY be soon! Definitely one for 20 weeks though! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going.

Okay, back soon! Night night! :)

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