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2007-08-19 - 11.15pm��previous entry��next entry

15 weeks - names, and scan tomorrow....

It's late and I'm going to bed, BUT I couldn't go without quickly writing here to say that, YAY! I'm 15 weeks pregnant today! :) I can't believe how fast it's going! This last week just zipped by. I know I'll be 16 weeks before I know it. Sixteen weeks has felt like a big milestone every pregnancy for some unknown reason. I am happy to be nearly there! It's the next belly picture day too, already!

Well, my morning sickness is still hanging in there but DEFINITELY on the way out now - yay! I'm so happy about that. At my peak times for feeling dreadful, I now just feel queasy. It's bothersome and distracting, but still it's just queasiness and easy to deal with compared with what I was used to. I have large portions of the day with zero nausea now, which is wonderful! My peak times are between 4.30 and 6.30pm, and then after a small lull, back again for the rest of the evening. Right now it's 11.15pm and I feel queasy. But just queasy :) With Arthur, I didn't stop feeling morning sick completely till 18 weeks, but it was just like this. From 14 weeks, it was suddenly much more bearable, and just queasiness for parts of the day. I was glad when it finally went, but it was a big relief to have it so mildly until then. So I am feeling happy about the morning sickness!

I am also GULPING plain water again, yaaaaay! Look, I'll do it now.... See?! ;) I can chug down a WHOLE large glass of water in one go if I'm reeeally thirsty and it doesn't bother my stomach or make me feel green at all! I'm so pleased. I hate it when I can't get enough fluids because of stupid morning sickness! I mean, that just isn't natural, is it?!

I am 100% in maternity bottoms now. I have only got 3 things that I can wear (the others are too baggy for my tiny bump yet!) and due to tiredness and complete lack of organisation, three items means that I pretty much reach a stage where all three are in the wash. So yesterday I pulled on some jeans that I mentioned last entry (low waisted size 12s I think), and a) they did NOT fit my thighs. Seriously. They are too tight to fit! Aaaargh! And, b) at my best stretch, the gap between button and button-hole across my little bump is 2 inches! I can't fasten them up! So, maternity clothes for me :) They are soooooooo much comfier than anything else now, anyway. I don't need the tops yet, of course, except for the jeans with the big ole jersey stretch panel - that needs hiding with a long/maternity top. Thank GOODNESS fashion has finally come back to long-length tops! I hated the short tops phase, and have been not-so-patiently waiting for the long-length stuff to come back. My torso is long, and I look daft in short tops! They are great for covering a little bumpy beany bump, before I really need flowy maternity tops!

I love showing!!!! I'm so excited for people to look at me and SEE that I'm pregnant! I just love it! I don't think it's all that apparent yet, unless I am standing in a certain way, or wearing something that makes it look more obvious than not. But I can't WAIT till it really does look obvious! I'm so proud to be seen with my two very little ones and a lovely baby bump on my front! I know I will get looks, but phooey. I hope I don't get comments. I heard that some people with several kids close together DO get unkind/unsensitive comments, and I am slightly nervous about this happening to me. I think that would just really upset me. I'm a bit useless at dealing with things like that, and just tend to dissolve. I was the same way with bullies at school. *sigh* I know the advice is to ignore and not show you're hurt, but I am useless at being able to do that! Oh well. I hope everyone will be NICE to me! I'm having another sweet precious baby! It's a wonderful joyous thing :)

I am not feeling the baby move very much any more. I rarely sit or lie down and get to focus and be still for long enough to tune into the little one and feel movements. Sometimes I feel the odd squirm or flick, but they are still ever such light movements yet. I listened with the doppler the other night and Beanlet was VERY active in there. I had a hard time keeping the heartbeat in earshot! It sounded less gallopy than the two times before though....

I almost don't want to say it, but completely inexplicably, I have a pretty big GIRL vibe going on. I can't possibly really know though! So I am trying to ignore it. I have never HAD a girl to know what a "girl pregnancy" feels like for me, and have been wrong before about the gender of my babies (VERY wrong, calling Arthur "she" for the entire first trimester!). It doesn't feel different to the boys' pregnancies at all really. But I just FEEL like the baby is a girl. I am taking note of it more as it's later in my pregnancy now. My first trimester gut feelings seem to be completely inaccurate, personally! I have found that a more "set" gut instinct in the second trimester tends to be the accurate one for me (with the boys anyway, but I did have a patch around 17 weeks with Matthew - I think - where I thought I had a girl vibe. Then a BOY dream put a stop to that!).

With the boys, though, even when I thought the baby might be a girl, if I was in a baby clothes shop, for example, I would automatically gravitate towards the boy clothes. I would sometimes be interested to look at the girlie clothes, but I can't explain it - I couldn't bring myself to really get stuck in and browse girls' clothes because it just didn't feel relevant to the pregnancy, somehow. I just bought Matthew some new Robeez shoes. When they came in the post, there was a brochure of all their designs, and I was reading through it. I figured I would look carefully at the boys' shoes and see if I liked any other designs for when Matthew outgrows the ones I just got him. I didn't even notice till I'd read a couple of pages, that I was INTENSELY browsing the girls' shoes, and absent-mindedly choosing which design I would get for HER 0-6 month size, and which for HER 6-12 month size, etc! So that is a first, for me, with my pregnancies. And it definitely makes me go, "Hmmm...."

Sometimes I have been thinking about the baby, and had to stop myself thinking "she" automatically. And sometimes (once or twice) I have suddenly felt so overwhelmingly convinced that I'm carrying a girl that I've even said out loud (to nobody in particular!), "It's a GIRL! I know it is!"

So now I will definitely look silly for one reason or another, hehe! Either it's a BOY and then I'll look kind of silly for all of the above! Or it really IS a girl, and then I'll feel silly for the thing at 8 weeks when I felt that God had shown me I was having a boy! I still don't really know whether that was my own thoughts or not, but we'll see. It came from nowhere as I was waiting on God after praying, so I immediately thought of it as something from God. But, either way, I'm glad of the distraction from wondering if I'm having a girl for the rest of my first trimester! If I hadn't felt like God told me I was having a boy, I would have got into such a state of "what if...!" about the baby's gender, and I'm SO glad I didn't. I know that if it IS a boy, I will be happy, because it feels more than ever like God has shared that with me early, and this baby boy is a real gift from God.

Of course, if it's a girl then um, *blush* I guess I was wrong about the above! And I'll be THRILLED! Because I've never had a daughter, and it takes any future "stress" away about "will I or won't I have a daughter, ever?!"

I think we know our baby BOY'S name, if Beanlet is a boy. It doesn't leap out and grab me as much as Arthur and Matthew, but we both love the name and it was on our shortlist for both my previous pregnancies. I will tell you it because I have a question:

Is it just TOO many "th" sounds with all three children if our three boys are named:

Arthur, Matthew, and Nathan?

Too th-y? I think it's the name we'll use, though I'm not 100% sure, as we're not as in love with it as we were with Arthur's name or Matthew's. But there are no others right now that we love better, and we BOTH like it the same, whereas we can't agree on other boys' names. So I think it will be Nathan. We can't decide on a middle name either! We'll be using either Robert or Martin. Robert is a name that is in my mum's side of the family. Her dad was called Robert. My brother's middle name is Robert and my cousin is called Robert. It would be nice to continue that! We always want to use middle names after special people, with our children.

Martin is more special to me, because it's my daddy's name. I would much prefer to use this, in case we have no more sons. We used Neil's dad's name as Matthew's middle name. But Nathan Martin (our surname ends in 'm') just doesn't go so well as Nathan Robert. Not sure what to do about that. Opinions appreciated!! :)

We haven't even discussed girls' names yet!!! I was too convinced the baby was a boy until recently, and we have a HUGE list (40 names!) that we can hardly agree on at all. I still love Georgia but Neil does NOT. He likes names that just make me think, "Meh" even though they're okay. Some are even pretty, but for me it has to be something that I really fall in love with, to give that name to my child! I don't see myself falling in love with any of the names Neil has come up with so far, for a girl. He has picked some of the 40 name "short" list that I came up with, but they're all the ones that I like the LEAST off my own list! Oh well. We left it there, and haven't revisited, so if this baby is a girl, I'm not sure what will happen with her name! Her middle name will be Jane, without a doubt. That's Mummy's name, and it has always been the name I wanted to use for a middle name for the first daughter we have. If we have a second at any point, we'll use Neil's mum's name (Averil - I'm already thinking Grace Averil for girl #2, as Neil has okayed Grace! She would be Gracie though, mostly. But Grace is out for this time round therefore).

Anyway. Waffle waffle. I am eating crazy amounts of coleslaw this week. I need some by lunchtime every day, and I'm looking at it longingly in the fridge every evening. I don't let myself eat it in the evening as well as lunchtime, because it just ISN'T worth the digestive complaints! But yum, coleslaw! I want some now. But I am going to BED.

Tomorrow morning at 9.30am I have my scan to check on the haematoma. I hope it's WAY better than it was. I am still bleeding, though I think it is actually lighter at last these last 2 days. I can't believe how heavy it has been and for so long! It has all been brown/old blood this week, so that's good. I have high hopes that the haematoma has largely drained itself. I hope they let us see the baby too! Neil has the morning off, and at the last minute I called Granny to ask her to watch the boys in the waiting room so Neil could come in to see the baby on the scan without the boys. Meg offered to help (lovely Meg!), as did Granny, but we decided Neil would stay home to put Matthew down for his nap (which Matthew wouldn't do very cooperatively for either Meg or Granny!), since the scan happens to be at his morning naptime. But I felt increasingly sad that Neil wouldn't be in the scan with me seeing our little one. And what if we got to find out the baby's sex, and Neil wasn't there?! This evening we finally decided that Matthew could miss his nap and just be cranky (hopefully not though!), and I'll put him down after an early lunch for a LONG early-afternoon nap instead. I hope that works. The boys can come with us to the hospital, and Granny will meet us there and just watch them, or push them outside to watch the cars (they both love watching cars on the roads or in the car park!).

So, I will update tomorrow after the scan, but probably not till quite late in the day. If I'm super tired and don't get the chance, I might not get around to updating till the next day, but I'll try. I am not sure if they will let us have pictures tomorrow, but I'll ask if we can have some when we arrive. I soooo hope they'll let us watch our little one for a bit! I also hope to glimpse boy or girl parts! 15 weeks is early to confirm GIRL, but it is certainly possible. It's definitely possible to confirm BOY though ;) We are pretty much looking for those boy bits. If we don't see them then we'll be even more "Hmmm!!...." until the big scan in October! If we see obvious boy bits, we'll know the baby's sex tomorrow!

I will let you know how it goes! :)

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