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2007-08-20 - 9.36pm��previous entry��next entry

15 weeks, 1 day - scan update

Hello!!! I have no time for a decent entry, but I didn't want to leave the day without writing to update about the scan. Tomorrow I just remembered I have my booking appt with the midwife!!! Excitement!! So I will try to update tomorrow properly, with more about today's scan too maybe. I have a picture from the scan today, but it's not a great one, and I haven't had chance to get it scanned and uploaded, so maybe that will go in tomorrow's entry instead? Or, if tomorrow is a really tiring day, the next day! But hopefully no later than that!

Anyway, the scan went great! We were seen on time, and were in there for only 5-10 minutes. Granny had no trouble with the boys in the waiting area - they stayed in their tandem pushchair and were good as gold while she chatted to them and stuff :) It was SO nice to get called and Neil and I just walk in sans children, without worrying about them while we were gone. And it was JUST US watching our tiny one! I'm so glad. We will definitely be trying to do the same kind of thing for the Big Scan in October, although that's a much longer scan, and at a time of day when the clinic might be running late. NOT a nap time though, which is good! :)

So, the haematoma is improving, yay!!! I'm so relieved! I did think it was, with all the bleeding I've been having. It now measures 3cm instead of 7cm long. And the instant I saw it, I KNEW it was on the way out. Last time, it was a huge black "fresh" looking HOLE on the screen, round and enormous. This time, it was just dark grey and crescent shaped, and soooo much smaller. The sonographer commented on how big it was originally! She was glad for us that it is much smaller now. She asked if I wanted to see a doctor afterwards or anything, but I said no. I just needed the confirmation from the scan that it was going away, that's all. I didn't feel any need to talk about stuff with a doctor. I am just so relieved!

And guess what else?! I asked if she could tell me about my placenta, because I was worried that the low-lying-ness of it would cause more bleeds. She looked and sounded confused, and said that actually my placenta couldn't be further away from my cervix! She said it's on the back wall and high out of the way! So, either somebody made a mistake earlier on (which I don't think they did because I remember at the 11 week scan, the sonographer pointed to the screen and showed me how the edge of my placenta touched the edge of my cervix), or God did something AMAZING in answer to all the prayer going up for this particular issue of mine! Wow. So that is wonderful news! Thank you so much for praying, if you have been! It's too early still, at 15 weeks, for my placenta to have gone from marginal placenta previa to high and posterior! Praise God!!! :)

We asked if we would also get to see the baby, and she said she would be taking measurements of the head, abdomen and femur, to confirm that the baby was measuring for 15 weeks like it should be. She was lovely to us and it was a nice scan, but she seemed in a hurry so we didn't stop to ask questions like, "Can you see if the baby might be a girl or a boy?" There's a notice in the waiting area that says about telling the gender at scans. It says if you want to know the sex of your baby, you need to wait till the 21 week scan and ask the sonographer at the start of the scan. So, I felt even less confident about asking the question at a quick 15 week re-scan! But of course we kept our beady eyes peeled!

We didn't get any ideal shots of the baby from underneath, or with open legs or anything like that, but the sonographer did move up and down the full length of the baby several times, back and forth, cross-sectioning through the abdomen and out through the bottom, and through the head too, to get the measurements. Also the view was rotated to more underneath the baby to get the thigh measurement.

So far, Neil and I can both confirm that there are NO visible boy parts on this baby bean of ours! Nothing. Nada. I even saw buttocks and no protrusion! Now, Beanlet could still very well be a boy, since sooooo many people actually LOOK for the sex and just see an absence of boy bits, and so they guess girl, but it STILL turns out to be a boy at the next scan or at birth! So, since we didn't even get a good shot of the actual bits, we really can't say one way or the other. But all we know is that we have two boys so far, and it was nigh on impossible to miss their bits, even from 12/13 weeks at their nuchal scans! Even without a good shot, we kept getting flashes of the little bit ;) It's different then, however it turns out, that on THIS baby we can't see any sign of a protruding lil piece, no matter the angle or how hard we strain our eyes. It doesn't mean that it's NOT there - maybe we finally have a shy boy?! Hehe! But personally my girl vibe (and Neil's - he is just as convinced as me, if not more so) is getting stronger.

I can't WAIT till the next scan when we actually get to find out for sure, and have a good look to see! Hopefully we'll also have a name ready, and our little one (boy or girl) will have a name from that point onwards, instead of Beanlet, like the boys did. That scan is October 2nd, which feels like ages, but it actually getting quite soon! I'll be 21 weeks, so that's just six weeks away!!! Woohoo!!! I can't wait.

I hope I have no more bleeding episodes now. I am still bleeding brown and it's still annoying me, but it's such a boost to see the haematoma so much smaller in size, and to know that all this darn bleeding is working to make it go away. There are still 3cm to go, so I guess I'll be bleeding and spotting for a week or two yet. Ugh. But I'll be soooooo glad when it finally stops! :)

Feeling a bit queasy this evening, and I want to relax a bit before bed, so I'm going to go now. My midwife appt tomorrow is at the local clinic, so I'll be taking both boys to that - obviously, as I have no choice with Neil at work and nobody around! But that's okay. Arthur came to the midwife appts with Matthew's pregnancy, and he kind of got into things a bit too much (like drawers full of urine sample bottles, etc!) but it was okay. With two of them, I am thinking to put them in the tandem pushchair and they will sit in there for the duration! That way I don't have to have 10 eyes in the back of my head to keep track of what they are up to while I try to answer a bazillion questions and stuff!

Thank goodness the midwife at the hospital took all my booking bloods! Now I don't have to have those done tomorrow, I just get the results instead. I hope I see a nice midwife... The booking appt is long because of ALL the questions they have to ask for the maternity notes. I LOVE this, because I love talking about my previous pregnancies and births, and it's exciting planning for the next one with my mind on all the things they are asking me! But it might be tedious with the boys if it drags on a bit for them. I think I will try to take some toys/books for them, but they aren't huge fans of sitting with toys and books while strapped into a pushchair, when there is a new territory to explore! We'll see how it goes!

Okay, I will be back either tomorrow or the next day to update about that. I guess I have said everything about the scan after all, but I'll post the scan pic (such as it is - it's just a grey blobby thing, as Beanlet was turned half away at the moment she took the picture for us!) then as well. Thanks so much for the messages, especially in response to my question about names! I'm glad everyone seems to think that Nathan works well for our little family! I love that it means "gift of God" just like Matthew's name! :) I still can't think what to do about the middle name, as I definitely prefer the flow/sound of Nathan Robert, but would MUCH prefer to use Martin for the next baby boy, so I would probably end up going with Nathan Martin I suppose. But, I do think we won't have to worry about boy names, like a couple of you said! ;)

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