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2007-07-22 - 5:27 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

10 weeks, 4 days pregnant

[This entry was saved on Word and finally posted at the same time as the next entry (10w6d)]

I can�t believe how late I am updating for 10 weeks!! I soooo wanted to update before 10 weeks even, as I last updated at 9 weeks exactly. So much has been happening this past week, and I�m so annoyed that I didn�t have time to write it down as it was happening. We�re having a stomach bug here at the moment (Matthew, then Arthur, and now Auntie Lilian (Neil�s sister) who came so kindly to help us with the boys this week). So I still don�t have much time to update, but I will just try to get the most important things jotted down, so that time doesn�t pass by and they get forgotten, or something.

I can�t believe I am a quarter of the way through my pregnancy already!!!!! Yikes! It�s going so fast, but I love that this early bit is going fast. It�s not the most fun part after all! I can�t wait to get to the more fun stuff!! At 10 weeks, Beanlet is officially a fetus instead of an embryo! He/she has lost the little stumpy tail, and has all internal organs and external features in place. All the organs are functioning, but there is a lot of fine tuning and more detailed development to be done on everything. Everything is in its final place on the body, except the little ears which are low for now, but which will rise up over the next few weeks :) Beanlet is over 3cm from head to bottom at the moment! Which is pretty big really � he/she would fill my palm. The little legs and arms are long and more spindly and the fingers and toes are all separate. There are brain waves and spontaneous movements � Beanlet can kick and jump even!

Talking of which, I am definitely feeling the baby move! Yay! This is different from the last two pregnancies, although I felt the boys move very early, at first it was just what I called �shovey� movements � just their whole body shape pressing out and then shifting somewhere else. The taps and flicks and bumples didn�t start for a few more weeks. This time, I really haven�t noticed ANY shovey movements. I am noticing things like little flicky sensations under my skin, around my bikini line, usually just right of my belly button (the non-bowel side, less likely (for me!) to be wind!). Also I had a lovely sweeping sensation there the other day, like a finger being quickly swiped across my tummy on the inside, just about an inch across the whole movement. Probably a little tiny limb! It�s so exciting!! I can really feel my womb now. The top of it is halfway between my pubic bone and my tummy button, although I wouldn�t say it has �popped out� yet. It feels rounded but still fairly flat. It�s lovely to be able to feel so much of it though! All my sensations of Beanlet moving are about an inch below the top of my womb.

I finally got a belly picture up in the belly gallery for 10 weeks. It looks quite different to me, from the 5 week picture, but Neil reckons it�s still all bowel! How nice! I don�t think it is ALL bowel, as it�s definitely to do with the pregnancy, but it�s probably partly just stuff that normally resides down low, having been pushed up to make way.

I have been checking with the Doppler occasionally (not all that often) and finding the heartbeat just below 180 every time. Sometimes Beanlet is hiding quite deep in there and it takes me a while to find it. The heart sounds are beginning to be quite distinct now rather than just a chuff-chuff sound. I can also hear little �doofs� on the Doppler when Beanlet is moving and kicking! :)

I am pretty sure it�s a boy, seriously. This pregnancy feels ever so similar to the others so far, and also I am still going by what I felt God was saying to me the day of my 8 week scan. I keep saying to Neil things like, �What are we going to name him?!� because I just can�t think of a name that really DOES it for me this time � well, a boy�s name anyway.

Morning sickness is still there, urgh. I don�t think it�s easing up at all yet, but I am feeling confident that at least there are only a few weeks to go before I start to feel a lot better. That feels reachable now, after 5 weeks of morning sickness so far! :)

Okay I have a TON more to say, but I keep getting distracted from this entry and have no more time to write now. My brain keeps going blank when I try to think what else I wanted to say. I know there�s loads, and I�m probably forgetting some BIG news even, but I�ll hopefully catch that up when I update again next time, which will hopefully be very soon! Oh but I did get my scan appt and my first midwife appt!! Yay! My nuchal scan is at 13 weeks exactly, on August 6th! Soooo soon, I�m so excited!!! Arthur was 13 weeks exactly at his nuchal scan. Matthew�s was a bit earlier. My midwife appt isn�t till 15 weeks, so a little way off yet. Okay must stop for now. Will update again asap!

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