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2005-10-28 - 4.47pm��previous entry��next entry

8 weeks, 2 days pregnant

Wow, coming up to half way between 8 and 9 weeks pregnant already!!! It really is going so fast compared to last time. It feels a bit strange that I am not more focused on this pregnancy. I mean, I am totally aware of being pregnant all the time, but I don't know... something is sooooooo different to when I was waiting for my first little one to arrive. I guess that's to be expected, but it is still leaving me feeling a bit perplexed by it all the same.

I still feel sick as anything, but there's not much more to say about it because that's just the way it is and it will be that way for at least 5 more weeks. Or 10, if it's the same as last pregnancy. Weirdly, this is okay by me! I have no idea why I feel so "ah well, c'est la vie!" about it, since I really do feel hideously nauseated from getting up to going to bed. There are no windows and it's a battle to eat or drink anything at all times. When I wake in the night to nurse Arthur I feel queasy, so it doesn't seem to be disappearing at night like last time. But oh well. I am sooo thankful that I haven't been sick yet. I have felt like it a few times. I am just so proud of myself that I am managing to eat and drink vaguely adequately, and getting on with things. I have to admit (ashamedly), poor Arthur hasn't had a very interesting or active mummy lately. Monday to Wednesday this week we did not leave the house once. I felt soooo bad about that, ugh. I just felt too awful to go out the door, or deal with the hassle of getting Arthur's pushchair ready and stuff. That's so awful of me. But there we go (again). I know it will pass, and then I will more than make it up to him! In the mean time we play a lot and read and even dance to some music when I feel slightly less limp! Arthur loves exploring the house and helping with laundry and stuff so he's busy busy.

Yesterday I did get out with him for a walk though. We went to the swings and he loved that, and then I walked pushing him in the pushchair for half an hour or so. I was so glad to get him some outdoors time. Me too, I suppose. I think I was just a complete hermit for the first 18 weeks of my last pregnancy! I just felt too sick to go anywhere or do anything, and this pregnancy is so far EXACTLY the same as far as morning sickness is concerned. In fact, I can hardly find any differences to my last pregnancy at all! Except tomatoes and the odd food is different that I like or dislike, but nothing extreme. At the beginning I thought I was going to be all into sweet foods and violently against salty or vinegary foods (thus completely opposite to last pregnancy). But it hasn't panned out that way really. I was feeling that way at first, but at the moment I just don't want to SEE (let alone eat!) anything sweet, like last time at this stage. I want cottage cheese and baked potatoes. I wouldn't quite call it a craving, but I need to eat it once a day. Today I ate three for lunch!! I feel absolutely no nausea while I am eating it, but it returns as soon as I've finished. It's a little better for a while though.

I also like to eat salt and vinegar crisps and cheese spreads and white crusty bread. Those are my main things! I can always somehow manage those when I'm at my queasiest. So I don't see many differences at all so far. I sometimes feel better if I nibble a couple of rich tea biscuits though, and those are sweet. But I can't bear the idea till I've managed to get one down me! It's horrible to eat when I feel like it's stuck in my throat and wants to come right back up! So the foody things are not really much different from last pregnancy so far. I'll be so interested to see if it has any bearing on whether I'm having a boy or a girl!

I am much more tired lately. I feel bone tired in the morning or when I wake to nurse Arthur at night. During the day I get times when I just have to lie down because my muscles just go weak and don't want to hold me up anymore. I feel breathless with exhaustion and get palpitations. Just now and again, but more often these days. Growing a baby is a tiring process! ;) It's very hard to be able to just lie down with a very active baby to look after! I lie on the sofa for a few moments but Arthur isn't crazy about me doing that. He likes me to be interesting! *sigh*

I have been having lots more ligament pains low down and up my sides - yay! I love these! They hurt but they remind me my womb is bigger and pulling on things! :) No change in the "pushed up stuff" just above my pubic bone. There is no more or less of it than there was when I first noticed it a week-ish ago. It is pretty tender still, and I am feeling more crampy and achy in my pelvis these last few days. I am peeing WAY more too.

Sprout is doing great!!! I continue to be amazed by his/her progress! I am 44 days past ovulation, and Sprout is now at Carnegie stage 18 of embryonic development (wow, that sounds super important!). Sprout has visible digital rays on the feet now (the beginnings of toes), and there are ridges developing between the digital rays on the hands! Also the nipples are visible today!! How amazing is that?! Eyelids are forming, and Sprout has new elbows and ankles! The critical period for the development of the arm is now complete, and it has all its essential parts and is now in the right place in proportion to Sprout's body. The hand still has some work to do yet though.

Sprout has done amazing work on his/her kidneys, and they are ALREADY so well developed that around today they begin to produce urine for the first time! From this time on, ossification of the skeleton begins - yikes! I strongly suspect that I will develop an increase in calcium-based cravings! This time last pregnancy I began to drink soooooo much milk. I literally would drink like a litre of it (2 pints) a day and it was like I could not get enough! I loved the stuff. I also had to have chocolate milk on top of that. I think that was the first sweet thing I started liking again. At the moment I am really enjoying milk but not drinking LOADS of it or anything. And the thought of chocolate milk - bleurgh! But we'll see. I will probably want cottage cheese and stuff like that even more over the coming weeks, which is good!

Sprout now measures 18mm long from crown to rump, and has an average heart rate of 173 - going up all the time at the moment! It will come back down after about 9-10 weeks, but I don't have any average stats after the end of this week of pregnancy. BUT after that I truly hope to be able to actually hear Sprout's heart beating with my doppler, and not need to rely on the stats to wonder at what Sprout's heartrate might be like! I am SOOOOO excited about hearing Sprout's heart beating!!! I am getting so close to the gestation I was when I first heard Arthur's heart beating - 9 weeks and 3 days. That's next week!!! I hope to try earlier than that though. I only tried at 9w3d with Arthur because that's the day my doppler arrived, and not before. I think it's toooo early this week but I would try all the same. Probably a good thing then that Jemma still has it! Of course I am now beginning to pester her with emails begging for its return, hehe! I am getting itchy to have my doppler at easy reach if I get the urge to splodge around on my non-existent belly, hehehe! I wanted to go and fetch it from Jemma so we could see her and the lovely Jaya again, but I feel too yeurghy to make the trip. Hopefully we'll figure a way to get it to me before I'm 9 weeks, but that is fast approaching! I can't believe how fast it's going! 9 weeks seems so far on somehow. It doesn't leave much of the first trimester left!

No news on my next scan appt yet. Last time I had to chase them up, so maybe I'll do the same if I haven't heard from them in another week. They said I should get my appt 2-3 weeks from when I booked in with the doctor, which is now 3 weeks ago, so we'll see. I don't know if we'll still be living in this area though. I need to write in my other diary about that. Things are so up in the air at the moment!

Okay Arthur is napping and I need Dairylea on crusty bread with a bag of S&V crisps! I would LOVE a humungous glass of milk with that but we have run out. Oh well. I will hopefully update again soon. I can't wait for 48 days post ovulation (4 days to go!) as that's when the first brainwaves can be detected!! How amazing... Thank you so much for the messages too! Hopefully soon I'll feel up to responding to some of them! They really brighten my day though, so thank you!!! :) Meg, thank you sooooo much for the email - you made my day! xxx

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