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2004-08-09 - 10.10pm��previous entry��next entry

27 weeks, 3 days - lovely boy :)

Hello! Another half-week mark AGAIN! Wow. Thank you for the guestbook messages, and the hot weather tips! :) They are much appreciated! Nicola, I took your advice and started keeping a jug of water in the fridge - much easier to drink! And haven't bought any melon but grapes are doing the trick quite nicely at the moment! Valerie, I haven't tried freezing wet hand towels yet - feels a bit like it might shock the system! But if cold showers stop working then I'll try it :) Thank you!

Okay, it's still hot. Well, humid, more to the point. Bleurgh. Today was a GREAT day because the sun stayed behind the clouds all day long, and we had some rain :) But it's soooo humid and the temperature is still really warm so yeah. I was able to wear clothes today and go to the supermarket again! Ah the joys of a cooler day! ;) The lady at the checkout asked me when "baby" was due. Oooh I love being pregnant! Everybody is noticing, and I mean EVERYBODY!! It's so cool. I can't imagine getting tired of people commenting, even though my books say I will eventually. It's soooo much fun! I still feel like I want to stand out on a rooftop or mountain or something, and fling my arms wide and yell, "I'M PREGNAAAAANT!!" - the joy of it hasn't worn off yet. So I guess that's why I still love people commenting on my bump everywhere I go.

Arthur is the wiggliest boy ever, it's official! Just these last few days his movements have stepped up a notch it seems. He wiggles almost constantly, this boy never sleeps! He must cat-nap because otherwise I am not kidding, he doesn't appear to sleep! Either that or he takes after his daddy who is a very wriggly sleeper. But apparently his brain hasn't been developed enough for REM sleep yet. My books and websites say from 28 weeks babies start having REM sleep, and then they spend masses of time in it, like 30% of their time or something. Arthur's brain is currently growing so fast that it is beginning to fold onto itself, hence the folds and grooves in our brains! Also his cortex is becoming capable of "thought" this week. He seems to me to have been thoughtful about things before now, but then that's just a mushy mama thinking wistful thoughts about her baby's existance in her womb ;) But from around now he is able to think about things, and ponder deep and meaningful stuff. Or something!

Anyway so he is very wiggly and active. Yesterday so much so that I did start to feel tired by it. Not tired OF it, I hasten to add! But he wiggled or kicked with only a few minutes quiet here and there from around 12 noon till after 7pm. And when I say "wiggled", these days I mean he wriggles his whole body so that my tummy lurches about like a waterbed. I know I keep using the waterbed analogy but it's soooo accurate, honestly! He is not up to the level of my stomach yet but all that lurching has a general ripple effect, and after a few hours it can make me a bit queasy now! I love feeling him move though. He plays poke and kick much more readily these days, and kicks back immediately too. I am growing so so so fond of him, the more time I spend feeling his little limbs prodding my hands and fingers, and stroking my cute belly with my little boy inside. My mum says she never knew anyone bond so much with their baby this early! Hehe! I am always talking about him when we chat on the phone, and I'm usually really mushy and in love. He's the sweetest boy though, how could I feel any different?

I am pretty sure he's lying across my tummy (transverse) all the time these days. All the kicks are now up out of my pelvic area, which is nice, but I now have absolutely NO movement in that region whatsoever. I also have a very curvy thing with strong-kicking legs up on my left side, and a rather hard round thing occasionally surrounded by smaller bumply limbs (!) over on my right side. So I'm sure he's transverse. I see my midwife this week (Thursday) so I'm sure she or her student will tell me after they've poked the heck out of him. If I get that same student as last time, I've decided I'm actually going to ask her to be more gentle this time, before I get up on the table thingy. But Arthur does not appreciate being felt in any case, not like the midwives have to in order to feel how he's lying. Poor boy. Poor mummy too, because she has to have a big ole jab in the buttock. But it will be worth it.

I am continuing to feel very large these days. Still doing the leg lifts every day (10 of each type), and those are easy to do now. I can't say if my legs are getting a different shape because it's been too hot to wear any clothes and find out! I have been the same weight for a week up until today, which is quite something for me, because for at least a month I seemed to increase my weight DAILY! Yikes! Today I am up another lb but overall I think my weight gain so far is about 24lbs (or 1 stone 10lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight). It feels like a lot! The numbers also look kind of scary! My books (note, only the American ones) state that I have gained more than average for this stage of pregnancy, but who cares. My midwife has never once weighed me, or even asked what I weigh or if I'm gaining much weight. I eat dessert a lot but if I start to look seriously weighty or puffy then that's when I would stop doing that. I am not even exercising so I think I'm doing fine. Looking forward to the aquanatal class this week though! As well as being slightly terrified because it's new and there's people I won't know and I'm generally a wuss about this kind of thing. But otherwise I can't wait! :)

Ooh I made a nappy at LAST, though it made me too hot. But yay. I have 3 more pinned and prepped ready to sew, so I will wait till they're done and take a picture of all 4 of them. They are all flannel print outers with baby blue velour on the inside. I have been waiting for baby blue velour to go with a large pile of fabrics for ages! Now it's here and I am having fun matching fabrics with it and sewing, or just looking and stroking if it's too hot to sew! ;)

Okay it's late and I'm hot and I need milk for my heartburn (which incidentally has not bothered me for a while, yay!) and Arthur is kicking, and I am DESPERATE to be able to kiss my belly but I can't reach it :( You've no idea how much I am longing to kiss my little boy. Stroking is no longer enough. I get Neil to kiss him for me but it still doesn't make the urge go away. I guess I am just getting impatient to meet him and love on him.

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