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2004-08-06 - 12.15pm��previous entry��next entry

27 weeks!! - THIRD TRIMESTER!!

Yay, I�ve reached my THIRD trimester!!! And I am 27 weeks pregnant today! :) This is really happening, isn�t it.

Thank you Meg and Melanie for the guestbook messages :) Melanie, I do sleep with a full-length body pillow, in fact I have two (!!) but these days I can�t fit one on either side of me in the bed! I have one in the middle of the bed and it�s really helpful to put my leg on so my hip doesn�t hurt so much. But it doesn�t help me with turning over to the other side in the middle of the night! I have a little wedge-shaped pillow too, to put under my bump when I�m lying on my side for extra support, but I�ve found I haven�t needed to use that for months now. When I first got a little bump, it would pull down towards the mattress when I lay on my side, so I needed the wedge pillow underneath to support it. But now my bump is so big that it just lies on the mattress when I�m on my side and doesn�t pull on anything (!) so I don�t need that pillow anymore. If I use it, I get heartburn straight away. I think it squashes my womb into my stomach so that I get a nice bit of heartburn!

Urgh, it�s sooooooo hot again. Yesterday we had THE most incredible thunderstorm � well the rain was the most incredible part actually. I waited till it was really cloudy before going to the supermarket to buy some food because when the sun is out it�s just too hot in the car without air conditioning. That was the problem I had the day I picked my friend up and drove to the park � no air con and too much sun and humidity. Blargh. So yeah, it�s super humid but at least the sun was behind the clouds. So I drove in some light rain to the supermarket, and then I did my shopping, and just as I was paying at the checkout, everyone suddenly stopped shopping and paying, and my checkout lady went, �Aw my gawd!� and people were pointing out of the window, and I could NOT SEE THE CARS (parked directly outside the building!) for the rain!! Wow. We never get rain that heavy. It was like a big white sheet. The lady told me I�d better take a seat and wait for it to pass, so I did. I sat by the big glass windows and watched the rain, and it just didn�t ease up for 15 minutes! After that it eased off to that type that bounces back 2 feet in the air off whatever it�s hitting, so I made a run for it with my umbrella up! I didn�t get too wet. I figured the roads would start flooding and then the traffic would get reeeally bad. England is sooo not used to rain like this. Rain, yes, but not torrential rain. The old Victorian sewage system got overloaded yesterday and spilled out into the River Thames in London. Isn�t that nice? See, we don�t get big weather here normally. We need a new sewage system. Seriously. The fish died. I am actually surprised there even WERE fish in the Thames, it�s so mucky! But anyway, I�m getting off track.

So yeah, it rained!! But the humidity stayed unfortunately, and I am surviving with the fan 3 feet away from me and frequent cool showers! The heat wasn�t the unbearable thing yesterday, it was the humidity. Yesterday I cut out some fabric for making some nappies, and my tummy RAN with sweat, I am not kidding. I had to have sharp reflexes with wads of tissues to catch it before it got onto my underwear. Yuck. I am so sweaty now I�m pregnant. But humid weather does not help. Apparently it�s going to be 90 degrees from the weekend, which is AWFUL because so far it�s only been sort of high 80�s and that�s been bad enough. More storms are forecast then too. I can�t WAIT for frosty weather. I am soooo not a summer girl!

Arthur doesn�t appear bothered by the fact that his mummy is melting away. I try to drink water as much as I can because I know I am losing it fast when I sweat this much. But it�s hard. I am the type of person who doesn�t like to ingest much in hot weather, drinks included, so it�s kind of hard forcing fluids down me. Nothing really appeals to me. But I�m pretty hungry considering the weather so that�s good! I am also trying to remember my prenatal vitamins again � I keep forgetting. I am having fewer leg cramps again now that I�m taking calcium these last few days. Although I did get cramp in my foot yesterday. It�s usually the same leg/foot too! Maybe my leg lifts are helping as well? I am onto 10 straight lifts and 10 bendy lifts every day now :) My trousers still don�t fit though. Good thing it�s too hot for clothes!

Okay my 27 week stats! Arthur now weighs about 2lbs!!! Yay!! He is getting to be a good weight for if he arrives early. He is about 36.5cm long, or 14.4 inches, from head to heel. His eyes are now open, a concept that I am really finding amazing and wonderful! He now sleeps with his eyes closed and opens them on waking :) Awww, my little boy!

He is very wiggly today again. I think he tends to lie oblique or transverse, not straight up and down me. I get too many kicks in the side, or when he does a little jump-type movement I get a bump in both sides at the same time, which makes me think his head is poking out of one side and his bottom/feet the other side. I hope he starts thinking about putting his head down in the next few weeks! Today he was wriggling such a lot. He pokes feet out and I scratch at them, and it makes him poke them out even harder, or else kick me really hard right where I just tickled him! Yesterday evening we were watching a movie and he was going crazy in there. He pushed some part of him out really strongly, so I rubbed and tickled it with my finger tips. He started doing the occasional kick-push against the opposite side of me, it felt exactly as though he was pushing against the other side of me so as to shove the tickled part out as hard as he could manage! It was soooo sweet. Today when he was wriggling around I had a couple of seconds where I could actually see the outline of his leg!! It was kind of weird and freaky, and for a split second I got scared he�d burst right through my abdomen like in alien (!!) but obviously that didn�t happen! ;) But he was wriggling his legs into a different position � it really looks like he�s run out of room when he does that. He gets very squirmy. Anyway he was pushing his legs about, and I saw a pretty clear foot shove out near my tummy button, and then slip right down to my side, still pushing out, and just before he pulled it away from the surface down there, I could actually see the outline of his foot, and the knee where his foot had been near my tummy button! I could see the knee bending off towards the thigh, so I guess his leg was sideways on against my tummy. It was kind of scarily big!! But actually just the size it should be, given how big he is now. Yikes! So weird to see. It made me realize just how much I haven�t really accepted the fact that there�s a person inside me, a real person! Wow.

I have also graduated into a very nice part of pregnancy � the part where total strangers comment on my bump or ask when the baby is due!! I LOVE this part!! I�ve been impatient for it for ages! It means I look well and truly pregnant, and not just that, but I also look like I�m heading for my due date, which I like! The other day at the park, I went to the loo and when I was washing my hands, a lady at the next basin said, �Are you coping with the heat?� and I said it was a bit hot for me! She said, �When�s your baby due?� and when I said November she told me her son was born in January (years ago) and winter is a nice time to have a baby :) This pregnancy-magnetism is so much fun! And then yesterday at the supermarket, the lady at the checkout asked me exactly the same thing � �Are you managing the heat in your condition?!� and I said no, not really! She asked me when my baby was due and I told her November. She said her daughter was due in November too, and it turns out her daughter has the exact same due date as me! So we had a nice chat while I packed my shopping. She offered to pack for me but I said it was fine. I didn�t buy much anyway. I love love love being pregnant! I love being noticed for it, and I love how everyone knows it�s an amazing thing that is taking place in MY body!! So exciting!! :)

Okay I know it�s a short entry (for me!) and I�m sure there were other things I was going to mention, but my tummy is running (nice) and I�m suddenly ravenously hungry, and I�m too hot, and oh man I have so much HAIR (!!), so I�m going to towel off or shower or something, and shave my head (!!) or at least tie my hair up off my very warm neck, and then make some lunch. Or maybe I�ll eat first and then shower? Hmmm. I was going to do lots of laundry today but it�s soooo hot, I feel like I�ll melt if I so much as walk across the room! Good day for hanging laundry on the line though (no storms today) so maybe I should make the effort? Yeah I think I will. After lunch and another shower :)

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