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2004-07-28 - 1.08pm��previous entry��next entry

25 weeks, 5 days - bleurgh and yay!

Thank you to Meg and Mo for your guestbook messages AGAIN!! :D You girls are lovely! xx

Well it wasn't hayfever. It was a virusy thing. I do have hayfever as well which was what confused me over my symptoms, but thank goodness I am not allergic as badly as I thought!! It just got worse and worse all Monday and by the evening I had the aches and chills and huge glands and a big ole swollen throat, etc. Tuesday I felt rotten and giddy and fevery, and had 3 nosebleeds (!!) including one in the middle of last night, and then today I am feeling sooooo much better!!! I love when you feel better, that's the best thing about feeling ill. Eventually you feel better and it's just the best feeling in the world!! I am soooo glad it seems to have been a quickie virus and not like the ones in my first trimester where I was just ill in bed for 2 weeks solid. Phew! I was getting concerned that I'd be ill for the whole time I was here with my parents. Everyone else is going crazy on the Vitamin C, hoping they don't catch the lurgy I had! :) I feel a bit achy and snotty still, but waaaaay better than before, and my appetite is fully back to its enormous self today :) Yay!

Soooo, Arthur does not seem to have minded me having a virus at all. He has been super wiggly the whole time. Well he was a bit quiet on Tuesday when I was feeling wiped out, but he picked up later on when I did. He is such a kicky boy these days! Last night I was up mopping my nose on and off (!), and every time I woke, there would be like a 60 second delay and then it's like he'd go, "Oooh!! Mummy's awake!! It's time to get up, yay!!" and start kicking like crazy! Sweet boy :) He doesn't just kick either. He bumps and wriggles and squirms SUCH a lot. When he squirms it's the weirdest feeling. I wish soooo much I could get you all to know exactly how it feels. Like a "click on this link" type thing! Hehe! Click this link and you'll feel a weird sensation in your tummy that is exactly how Arthur was nudging me this morning, that kind of thing! But oh well. It's the most lovely thing to have a precious little person making himself known by bumping you from the inside. So amazing.

Yesterday he did something so weird, I cannot fathom what he was doing. From how it felt though, I have made a guess. You know how competitive swimmers swim under water as they get near the end of the pool, and then they hit the end with their hands, roll over and almost at the same instant, kick off hard with their feet to turn around? Well that's almost identical to the feeling I got from Arthur yesterday evening. Only I was the pool ;) And unfortunately, the bit of the pool he was turning against was my cervix (ow). But it really did feel like a sudden, fairly sharp whack on the cervix, followed almost instantly by a "throttle" sensation (a big flutter roll) which involved feeling about 12 tiny limb-ends rattling on my cervix at once (!!) and then a hard shove again but with bigger, less sharp extremities (ie. feet). Then a split second later his head hit the top of my womb. Maybe he will love swimming? Anyway it was quite painful but too awesome to mind that!

This morning was the third morning running that he has had a bout of hiccups before I have even got out of bed! It's so cute!! He's such a good boy, practising his breathing like that :) He gets hiccups such a lot now. Apparently this gets more common the more babies practise breathing. One time he was going craaazy kicking and thumping like 3 times per second (!!), and rolling over and over in there without stopping. Then there's this pause (eventually!) and then.... hic.... hic.... hic.... hic...!! He gave himself hiccups with all that thrashing around! When he's leaning on my pubic bone I feel them the most clearly, I can even feel the little rebound from the hiccup.

Ohhhhh I can't WAIT till he's here!!! I love him so much that it's getting difficult to be patient over not being able to cuddle and stroke him yet, and kiss him all over. I can't wait to see what he looks like. I'm so glad we decided against the 3D scan - it feels more and more like the right thing for us.

My skin has gone soooooo soft and smooth!! Seriously! My bump is the most scrumptious thing ever. It is so cute and round and pregnant, and I have no stretch marks (yet), and it is super soft and smooth. It also seems to have grown the softest peach fuzz on it, but only a little, and very fair and fuzzy, exactly like a peach. While we're in France my bump never seems to sweat, so it feels delicious and smooth. It's always warm as if there's a little gentle furnace underneath, which I suppose there is really! I spend hoouurs every day stroking it!! hehe! I don't care if that's crazy of me, I just loooove how my bump feels! I get gooey over it, because it's so soft and like baby skin, and Arthur is right there under the surface, so it feels like I'm stroking him, and I'm so mushy about him these days that I could honestly do that all day. Ahhh. My little boy :)

Neil hasn't shaved for 3 days so his beard is starting to really show. I only mention this because when his beard gets even a couple of days of stubble, you can see that he has a ton of red and auburn in it. He has dark dark brown hair but his beard (if he ever grew it) has a lot of dark red. His brother has red hair, and when my hair is in the sun it looks quite gingery. There is red hair in my family and his family quite strongly, so we think Arthur has a very good chance of having red hair. We are both so dark though, that I don't think it's likely he'll be strawberry blonde or anything - much more likely that he'll have bright red hair or even auburn. I don't know. We don't mind red hair at all, and I think his name will suit him just as well with red or brown hair. I am pretty sure we'll never produce a blonde child! I'm so impatient to find out what Arthur will look like!! We just keep talking about him and wondering and speculating, and we're sooo longing to actually find out now.

My breasts are super owchie painful these days. They stab me with red hot pokers all day and night. I don't know why they've suddenly started doing that but oh well. No colostrum leaks for a couple of days now, and no new stretch marks on them yet.

Yesterday I got the doppler out and showed Mummy Arthur's heartbeat, and his umbilical cord, and my placenta. She has heard those sounds over the phone a couple of months ago, but I wanted her to actually see in person, because it's so amazing when you never had that technology when you were pregnant. She was amazed, but she kept worrying that Arthur was hating every second of it. Actually he was really calm while I used the doppler and didn't wiggle or kick much at all. I found his heartbeat nice and clear, it was beating around 150bpm. My placenta is getting quite hard to find now that he's getting so big. It's on the back wall, and everywhere I look on my bump, I find Arthur thumpety-thumping away! Which I like, of course! :) But it does mean I have to really search around for placenta sounds, and then when I find them they are quite faint and easily lost by a huge kick in front of the doppler!

Yesterday Mummy and I read the whole of "A Child is Born" together - I brought it over to show her - and that was nice. We looked at the birth pictures in detail and had a good long chat about birth and stuff again. Did you know that Arthur's heartbeat is now so strong that I could hear it with a stethoscope? My latest Babycentre update told me that. My stethoscope is at home but I will definitely try it out when we get back!

My tailbone is still sore, but not as bad so long as Arthur uses the whole of my womb instead of squishing his whooole body and limbs into 3 square inches near my tailbone! My butt hurts either side of the tailbone, like a bruised feeling, and it's always very sore and stiff when I get up or move after being still for a while (like first thing in the morning). When I walk now, I definitely waddle. I feel stiff and achy in my pelvis, and I know this will sound crazy but it feels a whole different shape, like I can't figure out how to walk like I used to, now that my walking apparatus is a different shape! It's sooooo much more comfortable to just waddle and keep my back fairly stiff and straight.

I feel sooooo pregnant these days. I look in the mirror and I just can't believe I am really looking at myself! All through my pregnancy I have been saying, "I can't believe I'm really pregnant!" and I thought eventually I would stop feeling that way, but honestly I still can't believe it's me who is pregnant! Especially when I look in the mirror and see this really pregnant looking person, and it's ME!! Wow. I LOVE looking pregnant, I mean, I love it like I can't even describe to you. I love being pregnant. I am already looking forward to going through it again, and worrying that eventually we'll have had all the children we want to have, and then I will never get to be pregnant again. I know I'm only carrying my first baby at the moment, but already the thought is sad when I think of it!! Crazy girl.

I am so blessed. Like, I-can't-get-my-head-round-it blessed. It's so awesome. God has been so good to me. I am going to have a baby. My due date is now less than 100 days away (96, to be precise!) and that is so incredible! It's August this weekend and I reach full-term 2 months later. Yikes. I can't actually quite believe this is happening, but not in a scary-help-surreal way, it's more like Disney and Christmas rolled into one. Actually that's quite a good analogy since I love Disneyland but there's always Space Mountain which scares the diddly out of me ;) But I still love it.

Thank you Lord :)

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