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2004-07-26 - 6.55pm��previous entry��next entry

25 weeks, 3 days - just stuff

Thanks Meg and Mo for your guestbook messages!! :)

Nothing much to say today (so not sure why I'm updating really!) except that today is another half-week mark again :) So we are halfway to 26 weeks. Every day Arthur is still in there is good, so I love half-week marks at the moment! I'm looking forward to 28 weeks because he will be so much stronger for incase he is born early from then. I'm too paranoid aren't I.

I have somehow developed THE most horrendous hayfever ever. At least I think it is hayfever. My parents think it's a cold, but hmmm, it's a bit too stingy and prickly for that. I feel full of cold though, and I just sneeze and stream all day and night :( Especially outside so that's why I'm thinking hayfever. It's such a beautiful day, but honestly now that it's 6pm I am fed up with feeling so ill and allergic, so I'd rather sit inside and update my diary with no news (!) than feel worse outside. Bit of a shame, but never mind. I hope it won't be this bad all week. I have noooo idea what I'm allergic to so there we go.

Paddy (my baby cat) went to the vet today because he hasn't been eating and he started being sick too :( That's how Percy (other baby cat who died in December) started with his illness that he had to be put to sleep for, so we were worried. But Paddy seems okay. He has had injections and he has medicine to take and no food till tomorrow. This isn't pregnancy related is it? My other diary is getting a bit obsolete these days. I wonder if I'll get back to it properly like I always planned to? I am so fond of this diary these days (I wonder why?!).

Okay pregnancy stuff. My tailbone is much better than it was, still sore and stiff if I am still for too long, but it's soooo much better. Yesterday Arthur kicked all day and all evening with only 45 minutes of quiet at the very most between kicking sessions! Soooo busy! But nearly all of those kicks were down in my pelvis. He seemed to be persistantly feet-down yesterday. I'm actually wondering if he was head-down, but with his legs splinted up his body, so there was the pressure of his head, plus hands and feet down there too. There were never any movements anywhere else, so that's why I'm wondering.

Today he has been head-down most of the day but with his feet nice and UP in the air!! Yay! So I have had huge thumping rippling sessions all over my belly, and everyone has been able to feel him kicking nice and clearly! We got a camcorder a couple of weeks ago, which we set money aside for quite a while ago. We always wanted to buy one for when I was pregnant, so that we could record our children growing up from when I was pregnant with them. And maybe the births. But hmmm, not sure about that yet. Anyway so Neil has been figuring it out over the weekend (we brought it with us) and today he filmed me lying on the sofa with my tummy bare. Arthur had been squirming about like nothing else for ages, and the SECOND the camcorder was mentioned, he went completely still, I mean totally still, from being really active! He's a little monkey! ;) Anyway we waited aaages and I even poked him and stuff, but he wouldn't move even a tiny bit. Neil put the camcorder away and he started moving about again within about 60 seconds, hehe! So out came the camcorder again and this time we got lots of lovely tummy ripples and heaves on camera, which is lovely - our first footage of our little boy :)

I have a pain in my tummy, about 2 inches right of my tummy button and slightly above. It's just a really sore spot, and if I lie on the opposite side it is a really searing pain that goes right through to my back. I don't think it's a kidney thing because I can squish my kidney without pain, and also it's just too.... within the womb area, not beneath. I guess it's either Arthur putting pressure on that area, or referred pain from him putting pressure on another area. Or stretching of some sort. But ow.

This morning when I got out of bed, I looked down and my belly seemed huge - much bigger than I'm used to seeing it first thing in the morning. I asked Neil and he said I really looked big and pregnant this morning, and my parents said my bump seemed bigger since even yesterday! So maybe that accounts for all the aching and stuff that I've had the last couple of days? The top of my uterus comes about 4 or 5cm above my belly button, which is right on target, but it's harder to find these days, as it's competing with my annoyed bowel for space and therefore there are lots of ridges and curves in there when I try to press around and find it!

This morning Neil and I decided we have changed our minds on the 3D/4D scan. We're so changeable, hehe! Meg, yes, we have researched all the risks, etc, in great detail since I became pregnant. Those were some of the "various reasons" that I mentioned last time for not being sure about whether to have the scan or not, but I didn't really want to start a discussion about them here since there are some strong opinions either way out there! As far as I can see, the problem is where non-medical centres offer scans like a photo session, and their technicians are not medically trained to use the scanners, etc. Those places tend to expose babies to higher levels of whatever it is and for much longer sessions than if they were done in a medical place. The clinic we would use is a medical place, and they have stated that the exposure with 4D scans is exactly the same level and intensity as a normal 2D hospital ultrasound. A 3D scan (still pictures) is far less intense because it doesn't involve continual scanning like a 2D or 4D does. So for me that = no more risk than the routine scan we had at 22 weeks.

But anyway, we both started to feel like we don't want to know what/who he looks like until we see him for the first time as he's born. It's too special. We are soooo intrigued and impatient to have a scan because we're impatient to see what he looks like, but we are starting to feel like it would spoil the surprise somewhat. We decided we'll wait till he's born, and not get the scan. Also he is due only 3 months from now, so not long! Neil's dad may well still be alive then, and he is not expecting a video of Arthur or anything.

But you know us, we are good and chopping and changing! But for now, we are thinking not to have the 3D scan. If we do, of course I will post the pictures! But I want to see my little boy for the first time as the most wonderful reward after pushing him out! :)

Um, I can't think of what else.... My breasts are soooo painful today. They keep having hot shooting pains which make me wince even at the dinner table! They haven't been this sore in months and months. I can't think what else they are doing that they haven't done already! Neil says they are growing again.

I can feel Arthur kicking me really clearly now when I am standing up. That has been the position that's been hardest to feel kicks in - for some reason they always feel so light and it's easy to miss them if they're not hard kicks, but they are getting stronger and my bump is getting tighter, so when he kicks me as I'm standing upright, I can really feel them now. Other people can too, if they put their hand on my belly in the right place.

We are getting so impatient to meet Arthur! Today me and Mummy went through the photo albums and saw the photos of her when she was pregnant with me. She was a different shape to how I'm carrying Arthur, just as she said. Apparantly I am carrying like he is a boy. Which of course, he is! :) It boggles my brain to see the pictures of her with me in her tummy, and think that the egg that made Arthur was already present in my ovaries even in that photo. Wow.

Then we looked at my baby pictures, the ones of me when I was a newborn baby, and we had Arthur's scan pictures nearby. Arthur's little chin is so pointy and mine was never that shape as a baby. Neil's is that pointy shape so we are pretty sure he must have Neil's chin. But when we held the profile of his face (the 22 week scan pic) up to a profile of my face when I was 2 days old, ohhh man! Of course we could be completely wrong, but his profile was so like mine, except for the chin. Our nose shapes are the same, and the lips and mouth too. Like I say, we might be wrong and he could be the spitting image of his daddy, but I get such a thrill looking at real pictures and thinking wow, this baby in my tummy looks like ME!! He's MY baby, he looks like me!!! Somehow it's so exciting and thrilling! I can't believe I have my own child and I'm really going to be a mummy. Wow.

Well my eyes are stinging so I'm going for now. Will update again soon! :)

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