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2004-05-18 - 6.28pm��previous entry��next entry

15 weeks, 4 days - UTI-yi-yi

So my hunch was right, I have a UTI. Poo. Today I have been progressively more achy and sore in my pelvis and lower back, and the sides of my tummy, and I just feel out of sorts. I didn't know what to make of the out of sorts bit because I haven't felt completely well yet this pregnancy, but hmmm it was just a gut feeling. Still peeing plenty, and it's still a little bit burny to pee, so I thought maybe I should go to the doctor and check it out.

I hate going to the doctor at the moment because I seem to come away with another cold from the waiting room, but oh well, it had to be done. Neil had a chiropracter appt this afternoon (he sometimes wakes with back pain in the night) so he had the car for that, so we figured I wouldn't be able to get to the doctor's until tomorrow morning. I said okay to that, but my mind wouldn't drop the issue, and I just told Neil that I felt I needed to go this afternoon.

So we figured out the car thing and Neil took me after his appt. We had to wait 50 minutes (!!!!!!) for my appt and I got too hot (it's hot and humid) and my legs filled up with allll the blood in my body so I got lightheaded even though I tried to keep getting up and stretching my legs. In the end I had to go outside and the receptionist got me a drink of water :) Ha. Don't make patients wait nearly an hour and that won't happen. Tsk.

Anyway I saw a really nice doctor :) I peed (messily) in another test tubey thing and the dipstick showed protein, white blood cells and bacteria. So I am on antibiotics 3 times a day for 3 days, but I can't start them till tomorrow morning (unless I start running a fever or something during the night), becasue I need to do a first-morning-urine sample before I start them and take it to the path lab at the hospital. That's so they can see which bug is in my urine, incase it's not covered by this antibiotic.

The doctor felt my tummy and my kidneys weren't tender so that's good. But everywhere else was really sore. He felt my womb and said, "HOW many weeks did you say you were?!" hehe! I told him 15 and he said I was a big 15 weeks :) I don't stick out much but Bean's house is nice and obvious if you put your hand on my tummy.

I was a bit worried about Bean this afternoon because I didn't feel any little flicks or bumps today and I was worried because of the soreness everywhere. I meant to listen with the doppler before we left but I ran out of time. Anyway while we fused to our chairs in the waiting room for all that time, Bean started kicking me with little bumps and flutters for quite a while, so I was much relieved! There was a brand new baby in the waiting room. Neil was trying to guess how heavy she was :)

Um, that's about it really and I feel kind of sick (it's the evening) and not so great in general so that's all I'll write for today. I can't WAIT to get started on those antibiotics, which is funny because earlier this morning I was chugging down cranberry juice and saying how I was dreading antibiotics and I'd much rather find another way to fix an infection (yeah right!), and now I feel so much worse that I can't wait to take the marvellous things. I don't much like the idea that I have to get sicker overnight before I can take them. My back aches so much and I just feel hurty and poo. But the doctor said I would feel 100% better by the time 3 days was up so yay, I can't wait for that!

I'll update more soon. Ooh but I made a quiz that I stole from Judy in case you didn't see it in my other diary and were just gagging for something to do in a fit of boredom! Heh. It's a How Well Do You Know Me? quiz. How self-focused of me ;) But yeah, that's it for today. Back soon! :)

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