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2007-06-01 - 9.30am��previous entry��next entry

Complete flapperooney!

Well, yesterday evening after I wrote my entry here, I had to go for a BM (yes, you get allll the details here, haha! ;) ) and after that I had EWCM again streaked pink. I faffed about online for a bit, and then I got some bad cramps again. I went to check my cervix before bed (like I always do for my chart) and found that it was lower and slightly open :( So that was it really. I also found a little more spotting than before and this time it was red. More EWCM as well. I did NOT want to have to chart my period that day, just like I said yesterday about a previous cycle! ;) So I went to bed as fast as I could with just a pant liner on. I knew I would be up at least twice in the night (FOUR times, as it turned out, yeurgh!) with Matthew so I would be able to check if I was bleeding. I took a hot water bottle and put painkillers on the desk because I was sure I'd need them in the night since my period was starting.

I woke properly with Matthew in my bed at about 6am. We must have fallen asleep from the last breastfeed and goodness knows how long we'd been like that! We had no covers on so I felt cold, but Matthew was snuggled right into my tummy so he was fine. I put him in the cot and then tried to go back to sleep. Arthur was awake downstairs and being noisy, and I couldn't sleep. I was SO frustrated because I thought I was not going to be able to temp! A temp so early would have been inaccurate for me, and anyway I had been lying awake some time by then. Also I was out of the covers and feeling cold - that would have affected my temp too. Aaargh!

So I tried harder to sleep. I couldn't manage it and eventually just took my temp anyway. It was 36.2 - a good indication of a normal drop before my period starts :( Poo! I felt so disappointed, and like I didn't want to acknowledge the temp at ALL! I planned not to chart it, such was my stubborn defiance, hehe! But it was obvious that my period really was about to hit me, if it hadn't already (I hadn't been to check in the night because I hadn't woken up enough each time I was settling Matthew).

Anyway, I got cosy under the covers again and fell asleep. When I woke up it was time for Neil to go to work, and I temped as usual, THANKFUL that I had been able to get some sleep so I could temp accurately (for me, it doesn't seem to matter that I only get an hour of sleep before temping, just that the time is consistent, and that I temp straight out of deep sleep). I was really surprised when the thermometer said 36.8!!!! That's a RISE on yesterday's temp, though only by 0.5 degrees.

So, I jumped right out of bed and checked my pant liner - white as snow! No spotting on it at all! I ran downstairs and said to Neil, "My temp is UP! I'm testing!" So he waited while I peed.

I went in the bathroom and peed in a cup, dipped the stick and sat on the toilet to watch it "cook" on the side of the bath. After a minute I held it in front of my eyes while I watched, as I was too impatient, hehe! There was already a faint line there! I waited for the window to clear and then ran downstairs with it to Neil. He said, "Is it positive?!" (I was beaming so I guess that kind of gave it away!) and I said, "Yes!" He gave me a huge hug :) And then went straight to work as he was running late.

Arthur wanted to see what the stick was, and I showed him. I said, "Do you see the purple line?" and he said yes. I asked him, "Can you see a pink line anywhere?" He didn't hesitate, he just said, "There!" and pointed to the second line :) There you have it, if a two-year-old can see it, it's definitely a positive test! ;) I told him it meant that Mummy is going to have another baby, not for a long time, but it has started growing in her tummy. He said, "Awwww!" as though that was the cutest thing, hehe :)

It IS a faint line, but it's as strong as the 10DPO positive with Matthew and the 12DPO positive with Arthur. I took a picture but it has come out fainter that it looks in the first one. I made the second photo darker and it's much more visible there. Not as crisp as I'd hoped either, but my hands have NOT stopped shaking so far this morning!!!

I can NOT believe it! Seriously! I darn well KNEW I was pregnant, so I'm thrilled to have proved myself right and not got egg on my face after all, hehe! But still, I am shaking because I can't believe it. Another 4 day cut-off baby! This time my CM was not great quality so that favours a girl (apparantly). And I checked the stats again, and after 2 boys you are NOT more likely to have another boy - apparently that's for girls (if you have had 2 girls you are more likely to have another girl than a boy). You are more likely to have a girl after two boys, but we'll see. Neil told me that while I was testing he had a strong girl vibe! ;)

My new baby (wheeee!) is due on February 11th 2008. That is my granny's 82nd birthday. I think she will be thrilled about that, even though the last time I spoke to her she was all funny about us having another baby any time soon. She said it was too soon and Arthur and Matthew need me for a while longer. So, I hope they won't be funny about our lovely news.

I phoned my parents already! Mummy said, "Oh GOD!" but quickly changed it to, "Oh I mean, that's LOVELY, congratulations!" *sigh* But she did sound like she meant it the congrats. Daddy phoned me seconds after I put the phone down to my mum, and he was highly excited and full of warm congratulations :) He was like that immediately after the news of Matthew being on the way too. So that was lovely!

Okay my boys have been hugely patient while I resize photos and type for ages, so I'll just update my chart and then eat some breakfast (so hungry now!) and then check the pant liner again (nerves about the stickiness of my bean have begun already, sigh) and spend some quality time with my boys. I just wanted to let you guys know!

I'm PREGNANT again!!! Baby number three. I can't believe it. He or she will be known as "Beanlet" (thank you Meg for the sweet name idea!) till we know if Beanlet is a boy or a girl, as is our tradition! :)

I will be SURE to update again soon, probably later today even! :)

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