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2004-08-30 - 3.09pm��previous entry��next entry

30 weeks, 3 days - blinkies and stuff

Just a quick update - I just added a few entries for the list of links over on the left there. I added an ultrasound gallery and put all Arthur's pictures in there! That was fun :) But you've seen them before so don't get too excited! And I added a Birth Story page - oooh that was a scary thing to add! But I'll need it in a couple of months (or so), so I thought I would get that ready. And I added a diaryring page because I have a few that I'm on, and they made my left-hand toolbar look messy! So they are on a separate page now.

And I have gone blinkie crazy!!! I found some great blinkies that I love, so there is a small selection (believe me!) over on the left side of my diary there. I have some of them in my FF signature so I thought I might as well use them here too! I am getting so excited about Arthur's arrival!

I am so keen to give birth and be done with it, and have my baby in my arms. Today my nose is horrible and I feel tired and breathless all the time. All. The. Time. I have tummy ache today because I guess I have good old pregnancy constipation or something (nice!) and I am soooooo thirsty all the time! What is up with that?! I can't drink enough to quench my thirst. Not that I'm really making much of an effort, because then my tummy feels slushy yucky bleurgh.

BUT I am still happy and pregnant and excited. I just notice that the 3rd trimester is definitely not as comfortable as the 2nd trimester was! And I have... 9 and a half weeks to go!! Yay, single digits!!! C'MON November! I have noticed that I'm starting to count the days down in the week again, like I used to when I was morning sick. Last night I went to bed, not because I was ready for sleep (though I was tired enough), but because it would mean that tomorrow would come sooner. And I knew "tomorrow" would mean another half-week mark, so then I would be 31 weeks sooner. And 31 weeks is closer to term than 30 weeks. Obviously. But yeah. I am starting to get tired of how I feel at the moment. Not pregnancy as such, just the few little niggles (and the stupid noggin) that seem to be associated with it.

Neil and I were just saying how weird it is to imagine me with a flat tummy now! Neither of us can picture me without a bump, and when we looked at my 5 and 10 week belly pics this afternoon, we were just going, "Wow, look at that!" We couldn't believe I once looked so slim and flat! Hehe! I love my round bump though. Gotta love a pregnant belly, no matter how uncomfy or breathless it makes you! :)

I don't think Arthur likes having hiccups anymore. He is often quiet until he gets them, and then he goes crazy kicking and wiggling. I am starting to notice this more and more, and I'm particularly noticing that as soon as they stop, he goes quiet again. Actually today that was the thing that told me his hiccups had stopped, the fact that he went quiet again. This afternoon he got a bout of hiccups and they stopped after about 5 minutes, and then literally a few minutes later he got more hiccups! Poor boy! He wiggled a lot till they stopped.

Neil has been painting the house. He finished painting the stairwell and has just started finishing the bit I never got round to in the spare bedroom! Yay! Then we just need to put a few finishing touches to the lounge, and finish the painting in the kitchen (we are good at ALMOST finishing DIY and decorating jobs, as you can see!) and oh then we need to paint the door frames which will be stinky, so we'll need to go out somewhere while the paint dries. But then we'll have finished the painting!! There's lots more to do to the house yet before Arthur is here, and we've only got a couple of months to do it all (well, it's probably gonna be poor Neil doing pretty much all of it now!) so it's good that we're onto it already. It's Bank Holiday Monday today so Neil is off work (v. handy for the decorating!).

We lost Arthur's ultrasound pictures this morning. I wanted to see them again and then I realised I couldn't find them anywhere. It took us half an hour to find them, and we turned everything upside down. They were in a puzzle book for "safe keeping" (tsk!) so that they didn't get crumpled when we took them to show my parents in France last month. I felt all panicky about losing them, they are pretty special.

I am starting to have less of an appetite in the evenings now. Usually I have an enormous appetite all the time (!) but lately the evening is not a big-appetite occasion and I can't always finish my meals, which bugs me for some reason. Maybe it's my noggin? I feel like I have a very blocked nose, like a cold, and I think it's starting to affect my sense of smell and taste, so that could be it? Also I can't breathe at all when I eat now, so that doesn't exactly motivate me to enjoy eating! But oh well. I want that noggin removed. By hook or by crook it's coming out. So there. We have had the windows open a lot today and yesterday because of the painting, and I have had hayfever as a result, which is a really bad bad bad thing with a stupid great noggin blocking my nose. I am so angry with the darn thing!! Tsk.

Okay that's probably all for now. I am working on a new Cuddlebuns diaper (the 3rd one now!), but this time it's a real attempt, not a test run - yikes! I am using fabric I like (and which wasn't cheap) so I hope I don't mess it up! I haven't been in an exactly angelic mood of late (!), so I would be likely to either break my sewing machine or cry for hours if that happened! So yeah, I hope I am going to be having a "good at sewing" day! :)

In other news, the weather is getting marvellously cooler!! Yay! I actually need to wear clothes most of the time indoors now! I'm kind of warm and it's a bit humid today but in general I can tell autumn is not far away, and I LOVE autumn and winter, so I'm happy! :) Except for the bugs and colds. But hmmm, maybe I can just wear bubble wrap or stay indoors or something, and not catch anything! The whole idea of catching even a mild cold at the moment fills me with dread given how I'm already feeling, and my poxy stupid noggin, so I really really hope I don't get every virus going like I did in the first trimester!

I think it's starting to rain! Yay for rain!! :) And I'm boring now so I'm going. Just wanted to explain those multiple entries today! I'm going to have a drink of water and stroke my nappy fabric. Ooh do you like my "addicted to cloth" blinkie?!! That's soooo appropriate for me :) I love my baby boy. So I liked that blinkie a lot. And yeah. Blinkies are fun :)

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