Older entries....

2005-11-24 - Sprout's Ultrasound Gallery
2005-05-10 - 6 months old! - first solids, and last entry!
2005-05-08 - Last day before 6 months old!! More video clips too :)
2005-05-07 - Movies of Arthur!!!!!!!!
2005-05-03 - 25 weeks old today! Photos :)
2005-05-02 - One week till Arthur is six months old!!
2005-04-30 - 5 months, 3 weeks (24 weeks old!) - He sits, he sits!
2005-04-25 - 5 and a half months - professional photos!
2005-04-22 - 5 months and 12 days :)
2005-04-20 - Arthur and the carrot....
2005-04-19 - 23 weeks today! - highchair and photos :)
2005-04-19 - Better!! And lollies...
2005-04-18 - Sleep. Bleurgh.
2005-04-17 - 5 months, 1 week - new diary and newsy updatey stuff
2005-04-13 - 22 weeks old!! - lots of news and photos
2005-04-10 - Five months old!!!
2005-04-07 - Photos and waffle :)
2005-04-06 - Last of the Hibb immunisations done! :)
2005-04-05 - 21 weeks old! - A bit for Angela, and other news and photos
2005-04-04 - Bit of a warning....
2005-04-04 - Fuzzis and photos and things....
2005-04-03 - 4 months, 3 weeks old - lonnnng and waffly!
2005-03-30 - 20 weeks old!! - schedule...
2005-03-26 - 19 weeks, 4 days old - waffle and chat...
2005-03-25 - Sleeeeeeeeep, plllleeeeaaase!!!
2005-03-24 - Feeling better, and happy newsy stuff! :)
2005-03-24 - guestbook broken :(
2005-03-23 - 4 and a half months! - sooooo tired
2005-03-23 - 19 weeks old - um, that's 4 and a half months I think...
2005-03-15 - 18 weeks old - time is passing so fast!
2005-03-13 - 4 months and 4 days - teething and plaster casts :(
2005-03-09 - 4 months old!! - sleep issues, and the spoon :)
2005-03-06 - 16 weeks, 5 days - bathy boy!
2005-02-28 - 15 weeks, 6 days old - MEGA loads of photos! And clever boy!! :)
2005-02-25 - 15 weeks, 3 days - home from France, and the first photos (yay!)!!
2005-02-24 - 15 weeks, 1 day - some new things and still in France :)
2005-02-19 - 14 weeks, 4 days old - we're in France!!!
2005-02-13 - 13 weeks, 5 days - the first anniversary...
2005-02-09 - 3 months old - wow!!
2005-02-05 - 12 weeks, 4 days old - Monkey :)
2005-02-02 - 12 weeks, 1 day old - BIG boy!!!
2005-02-01 - 12 weeks old!! - update and photos at last!!
2005-01-22 - 10 weeks, 4 days old - shopping and photos and stuff...
2005-01-16 - 9 weeks, 5 days old - church!! And other stuff and photos :)
2005-01-13 - 9 weeks, 2 days old - more photos and updatey stuff
2005-01-12 - 9 weeks, 1 day old - getting so big!!
2005-01-07 - 8 weeks, 3 days old
2005-01-05 - 8 weeks and 1 day old - first immunisations!
2005-01-04 - 8 weeks old - urgh, what a Christmas!!
2004-12-21 - 6 weeks old - soooooo not well
2004-12-18 - 5 and a half weeks! - lonnng update, and photos!
2004-12-14 - 5 weeks old - lonnnng day....
2004-12-11 - Four and a half weeks - better, thank you!
2004-12-09 - One month old!! - struggling a bit
2004-12-08 - 4 weeks old! - lots of thoughts and stuff
2004-12-05 - 3 weeks, 5 days old - complete cuteness :)
2004-12-01 - 3 weeks old already!!
2004-11-27 - 18 days old (already!!) - loads of photos...
2004-11-23 - Two weeks old!!
2004-11-19 - 10 days old - the Hug-a-Bub!
2004-11-18 - 9 days old - more photos!
2004-11-14 - 5 days old :)
2004-11-12 - Arthur is here!!


Thinking of trying to conceive our first baby: January - June 2003

Trying to conceive baby number one!: June 2003 - February 2004

My pregnancy with Arthur: February - November 2004

Arthur's arrival and first six months: November 2004 - May 2005

Back to my pregnancy journal.....