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2008-01-20 - 11.15pm��previous entry��next entry

8 days old, a few photos and things

Sometimes I really HATE Diaryland and the fact that it doesn't automatically save an entry as you type it! I have just typed for almost TWO HOURS with Nathan next to me on the sofa, with two breaks to nurse him and burp him, only to get back to typing because I have sooooo much to write about. Then my computer told me Internet Explorer had stopped working and instantly shut all my windows!!!!! Thus, my entry was lost. I was almost done posting a ton of photos after writing in detail about EVERYTHING that's on my heart right now. I just want to cry! I can't possibly rehash the whole lot, and it was all in so much detail - I SO wanted that stuff on record in my diary for my own reference, but I doubt I'll ever get round to writing it again now. And Nathan is stirring :( And it's 11.15pm. I �%"$$% hate Diaryland!!!! :(


What can I say that needs saying, in brief?

Nathan was weighed again yesterday (2 days after the last weigh-in). He weighs basically the same, 5lbs 9oz. I got an earful about my milk and the possibility of needing to pump to show them what I'm making (don't worry, I will NOT), and maybe supplementing with formula (also will NOT), and they're coming back on Tuesday to weigh him again. He DID weigh slightly more in grams than last time, so they were vaguely satisfied. Tsk!

Nathan is weeing and pooing plenty, and nursing 2-3 hourly around the clock - as I type this sentence he has just contorted for a while on the sofa next to me, and suddenly the MOST squitty sound was emitted from his bottom, haha! So that will be a fun job for me in just a moment! ;) His jaundice has all but gone - just the slightest yellow tinge to the corners of the whites of his eyes now, and his skin colour looks normal - yay! So I know he's doing fine. I have a ton of milk - I seem to still leak or produce enough for someone to gulp and gulp for ages, even after nursing two other small people! Nathan always gets the first of my milk. I don't nurse him on a half-empty breast after the boys have nursed - the boys have to wait till Nathan has breastfed first. He has a tiny tummy so doesn't take as much per feed as Arthur or Matthew did as newborns, but he's nursing till he's full, on both sides. He's FINE. I presume he'll have gained weight by Tuesday but if he hasn't I refuse to be pressurised over it.

I wrote a ton of stuff about the boys and how they're adjusting, and their behaviour and challenges for us right now. And how I feel about nursing them with Nathan. And stuff. But I guess all that stuff was more appropriate for my other diary anyway, so I should find/make time sometime to write about it there. There's plenty to write about - I have a lot of insecurities and stuff about how I am "doing" for them as a Mummy right now, with certain feelings that I have (only have eyes for Nathan, etc, which feels AWFUL in terms of my other lovely boys, but I know it's largely normal just a week after giving birth!). So I'm sad and annoyed that I lost all that, because I needed to write it, wanted to record it, and could have done with some feedback over it, but oh well. I'll try to write about it at my arthursmummy diary sometime, hopefully.

What else did I write about?

Nathan's sleep - it's great if he's sleeping on my tummy, which he does all the time now. Otherwise he doesn't sleep. So I keep him on my tummy! And we are sleeping better :) Will readdress this issue in a month or so, maybe. I wrote much more about it before, but hey ho.

Nathan is waking up and rooting, so I'll put this aside (SAVING it in Word tsk!) and carry on after I nurse him.

Okay now it's 12.45am, I'm completely beat, and have Nathan in one arm (asleep), so I am not going to get chance to post all those photos like I wanted to. I have a few from when Nathan was 3 days old which are feeling a bit "left behind" now, like they're getting out of date! So I will post those ones for now, and try to get back on another day to post the rest. I think we must have left the camera on today at some point because the batteries are completely dead. I will have to replace them asap so I can take more pictures!

Here is my tiny boy during an alert time just before a nappy change - he is getting longer alert patches now and is much more focused when alert too. My other babies were both very alert from birth, but I am not expecting Nathan's milestones to be reached as early as the boys reached theirs, given that he was a month early. Still I fel quite proud of him because he's very alert for an early, slightly jaundiced baby at just a few days old! :)

Here I am with my sweet precious, looking kind of tired! There's another photo almost identical to this one, but less close-up, which I think I will put in my belly gallery to complete it. I feel kind of sad that the last belly pic was 34 weeks, quite a while before I gave birth. This photo was taken at 36 weeks and 2 days, so even though it's not a belly pic, it is still kind of appropriate!

And lastly, two photos that are almost the same (still 3 days old) but I wanted to put the first one in to show Nathan's big hands and long fingers! He has the lonnngest fingers I ever saw on a new baby! Definitely longer than Arthur or Matthew's fingers, for sure. And I just love the second one. I might use it for one of the pictures for the birth announcement (which is going to be ordered online again, using several photos on the design). It's nice and clear, and I love looking at it. Nathan is so precious! I love him so much.

Thanks for all the lovely messages since my last photo entry! They all made me smile :) Andrea, thank you so much for reminding me of that diary entry! I had completely forgotten about it, and so it was "news to me" when I read it again - I was quite surprised!

I will just make note of that here actually - Andrea pointed out that there was a diary entry I wrote when I was 16 weeks pregnant with Arthur, about baby names. We had a shortlist of 3 boys' names (and basically NO girls' names, lol!). Our shortlisted boys' names were:

Matthew, Arthur and Nathan.

That just gave me major goosebumps when I read it, because I have no recollection of our shortlist back then (except I remember Matthew was on it), and how amazing that we had just the 3 names, before we even had ANY kids, and I now have three little boys named Arthur, Matthew and Nathan! Oooooh, it just gives me goosebumps! Nice ones though :) I am so blessed. Thank you Lord for my three little boys! :)

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