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2008-02-22 - 11.30pm��previous entry��next entry

6 weeks old tomorrow! Lots of photos...

Can't type an entry tonight as I have a rather scrummy baby in my arms :) So, I will post a LOT of photos instead, to try and catch up. That takes less use of my hands than typing an entry!

But! Six weeks old tomorrow! And ohhhhhhhhhh goodness I LOVE him! See his cuteness (still from when he was 3 weeks old - will try to upload more photos soon!)!...

See how tiny!!

A couple that were left over from previous photo "sessions" that I have posted here already:

Arthur playing "piggies" with Nathan's fingers! This was actually initiated by Matthew, who has a major thing for "This Little Piggy", or "piggies" as it's known here! Matthew plays this with Nathan's fingers and toes ALL the time, so he has got Arthur started on it too!

More of Arthur and Nathan!

Same expressions!

Opposite expressions, hehe!

Precious little sleepy lovey! See how he's putting on weight?! And this was 3 weeks ago!

Phew, that's it, I think! I have a lot of other photos that were uploaded, but many of them are samey or blurry, so I think I am now caught up on the photos I meant to post from a few weeks ago. I haven't uploaded any new photos from the camera since, so I need to do that soon. I have to say, I haven't taken all that many photos in the few weeks since, or at least not many compared with the first few weeks! I just keep forgetting or not finding time. Which is no excuse! So I have been trying to take lots of random photos of all the boys as they do their individual "things" these last couple of days. I'll try to upload the more recent ones soon!

Okay it's getting late and Nathan is asleep after 2 poos, 2 breastfuls of milk, and 1 bout of hiccups (resulting in change of T-shirt for Mummy!). So I should go to bed with my sweet boy. He's going 2 hours now between feeds, not less (usually) and SOMETIMES up to 3 hours! But only one or two occasions so far. He has a HIDEOUS nappy rash, ugh. We've tried all manner of things, short of camomile tea-soaked nappy liner, and just no nappy on at all. But have not been organised (or found a clear space on the floor, yeurgh!) to do those yet. Will also ask the doctor at my 6-week postnatal check on Monday (is it time for that already?!). The main redness is gone, but he has quite a lot (8 or 9, poor baby!) of raw patches which just are NOT healing. They look so painful :(

He is doing great apart from that. Getting bigger and heavier all the time. Choking most feeds now, he has really built up my milk supply to the max now. I finally have the fire hose spray that I remembered from a long while back! If he pops off the breast early in the feed when the milk is flowing most strongly (which he often does just to get AWAY from the fast flow for a moment or two, sensible boy!), I jet-spray almost 2 feet in distance across my lap/baby/lunch, etc, haha! Two feet. I am not kidding. And yes, my letdown does really hurt now!

Okay, to bed. Back soon! Thanks for all the messages lately! I wanted to comment more specifically and answer a couple of questions, but no time! I appreciate every message though, thank you!! :)

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