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2006-06-12 - 8.24pm��previous entry��next entry

40 weeks, 5 days - no news again!

Yes, it's me again! :)

I got the day wrong for the midwife's visit - it's tomorrow, not today. I think I confused it because she was saying they'd offer me a sweep at 40+5, and that's what I am today. But then the appt got made for the next day because that's a better day for home visits apparently. I forgot that, and just happened to check in my notes while we waited for the midwife to turn up, and there it was - "Next visit, Tuesday 13th, between 11am and 1pm" So there we have it! I will see the midwife tomorrow, and thus I have absolutely NO news today, having had no sweep, and another day of noooo labour signs whatsoever! It's beginning to feel really surreal somehow! While I was waiting for the midwife this morning (thinking it was today), I felt really quite nervous about it. I really would rather not have the sweep, but only because I would rather BE in labour before it comes to it! I do want to accept one though, if it DOES come to it and I am still not showing signs of labour.

So the day after tomorrow I will be 41 weeks pregnant. That just feels so weird! I still hope I won't BE pregnant the day after tomorrow, but I guess it's always possible. I have given up telling myself it SURELY has to happen tonight/tomorrow, etc, because it keeps on NOT happening! But I feel more at ease now than I did before, because I guess now that I'm THIS pregnant, it really can only be a matter of days. Who knows how many, or which one it will finally be, but it HAS to be soon! :)

Today I finally baked ginger snap cookies. It was way way way way too hot for doing that, and I sweated like CRAZY throughout and got really tired, but I absolutely had to do it. I feel so weirdly relieved, almost physically, now that they are downstairs cooling on the rack! I would be 100% satisfied if I could also get some chocolate muffins baked, but the ginger snaps have made a BIG difference to that feeling I have had for ages.

Arthur still isn't sure about my milk today, but he's taking it more anyway. Sometimes I can tell he doesn't like it but he wants to nurse anyway to doze off or something. So he perseveres, bless him!

Matthew is still very very active. Less so far today than yesterday, which is more back towards the norm for him. I have had lots of strong BH contractions today, which is back to the norm for me as well. I felt quite crampy and periody at times this morning but I am no longer paying that much attention to period pain, because I seem to have been getting that for ages now with nothing to show for it! It's very on and off anyway, it never persists enough to get excited about. I had a shower this morning and checked my cervix and it's totally out of reach, so that bugged me. But oh well.

Today has been the hottest day so far, up to 90 degrees with lots of humidity, ugh. We haven't managed to keep the house cool, even with the fans and the windows open, etc. Arthur still sweated without any clothes on, and we ended up doing water play with him to cool him down. We all got wet and that reeeally helped us cope better with the heat! The thing I feel MOST relieved about today is the weather forecast!!! The break in the weather is coming sooner than predicted - yay, yay, yaaaaaay! The best bit about it is that the forecast is for torrential thunderstorms with hail and flash floods and all sorts, tonight and part of tomorrow!! There's no sign of them yet, but I do see a big old wedge of dark cloud in the distance from my window right now. Then after the storms, it will still be hot but much fresher than before, and the temperatures should be much more manageable for the rest of the week! I am so excited, because part of me IS wondering if somehow Matthew is waiting for the cooler weather - I know that sounds crazy, but it has crossed my mind more than once! And that would mean that he could arrive as soon as TOMORROW!! :) Also, isn't a low pressure thunderstorm-type-thing something that can affect the body in a similar way to a full moon? I read that somewhere anyway. I wonder if it will just do the trick for me tonight/tomorrow, given that it will be such a strong weather change. Plus, just a trivia note really, but Matthew was actually conceived the night of a reeeally hugearooney thunderstorm too! Well, okay, I didn't get around to releasing an egg till 4 days later, but yeah, the romantic in me is sticking to the turbulent night of passion, hehehe! ;) So it would be sweet to think that both ends of the pregnancy coincided with a big weathery happening like that.

Soooo tomorrow is the 13th. It's my auntie's birthday tomorrow! We don't see her much though - my mum's sister. So maybe Matthew will share a birthday with her? Then it's my little niece Ella's first birthday on the 14th! How weird if they were to share a birthday and be born exactly one year apart to the day! My mind never even considered that possibility before because Ella's birthday just seemed way too far outside when I expected I'd give birth. But here I still am, so it's definitely possible! It's crazy how many of my diary readers seem to be having birthdays at the moment! :) I like that you are all so willing to share your birthdays with Matthew :)

I am having another of those strong BHs at the moment. No pain at all though, just strong and tight. I have bounced on my birth ball a lot today. I'm sure Matthew is really low though, so I don't need to bounce him any lower. I guess it just helps to have his head bouncing on my cervix!

Not much else to report really. I soooo wanted to get those shelves for the nappies finished, but Neil didn't have time to do them, and it was too hot for me to attempt anything during the day. Plus my mum probably wouldn't have let me! She says I should be resting all the time when I can, especially in the heat. She has been wonderfully helpful again today, with Arthur. Arthur helped with the ginger snaps and did the rolling and flouring and cutting out with his playdough cutters (washed thoroughly before use, of course!). So we have a lot of hippo, crocodile, train and dinosaur shaped cookies! :)

Well, I will update again when I have news, if there is any during the night or whenever. But otherwise you'll see me back again tomorrow evening I should think! I'll definitely have midwife appt news this time though :) Thank you SO much for the lovely notes and messages since last entry! You are all so supportive and sweet, and once again I am so uplifted by reading your words. It makes all the waiting so much more bearable to look forward to those messages! :) Thank you!!

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