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2006-06-10 - 9.01pm��previous entry��next entry

40 weeks, 3 days pregnant - waiting, waiting, waiting...

Hello yet again! I can't believe I'm ONLY 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant - the 3 days feel like an absolute eternity! I feel like I must be at least 41 weeks pregnant by the way things are feeling, but I guess if I do end up reaching 41 weeks it will be a whole lot worse than this!

Noooo signs of labour whatsoever today. I can't understand it! I mean, it's not abnormal or anything, to be even forty ONE weeks and 3 days pregnant with no signs of labour, but still, I feel like it's abnormal for me somehow, because I was in labour by that day last time I was pregnant. I am having another one of those days where I absolutely cannot believe my body will ever go into labour. It feels like, well, if it hasn't done it by now, it's never going to. Weird way to feel.

My womb is so quiet today. I have had weirdly few Braxton Hicks contractions - I could probably count them on my fingers for the whole day, and that is crazy for me, since I normally get several per hour all day long, and more in the evenings. Matthew has been pretty active, pushing his feet out of my left side and squirming around in there. His activity seems normal and "happy" and perfectly contented with staying in there forever more!

The only "different" thing for me today, physically, has been that I have had the most ENORMOUS appetite. I woke at 5am hungry, and tried to ignore it and go back to sleep until I had no choice but to eat breakfast at 5.30am. Then I eventually got back to sleep and Neil let me lie-in while he drove with Arthur to fetch Nana (and my brother to help him take the old washing machine to the rubbish tip), so I didn't get up till 10am! :) Then I had a big second breakfast, and by 12.30pm I was hungry for lunch! Even with the hot weather I ended up eating a big cooked meal for lunch, and ice-cream for dessert, and then I was still munching chocolate digestive biscuits later in the afternoon! I was hungry just after Arthur went to bed, so about 7.15pm, and I have THREE jacket potatoes baking at the moment!! I am just weirdly hungry today. I do wonder if my body knows it needs to fuel up for labour, and whether that means it might be soooon, but I have done so much of that kind of second-guessing (which never proved to mean a thing!) so I am trying not to think about it like that! I checked my cervix after my shower today and it was further away than yesterday - I couldn't feel far enough to reach Matthew's head today. Weird. So I guess it's not that imminent. It's so strange to still be pregnant and have absolutely no sign of that changing!

I heard some sad news today. I don't know if anyone remembers when I only just found out I was pregnant, I had a friend in one of my online TTC boards who I had shared my first pregnancy with. She was pregnant a few weeks ahead of me, with her second baby, and she ended up having a miscarriage at 10 weeks due to a partial molar pregnancy. Apart from being devastatingly sad, it was kind of scary for her because molar pregnancies can be dangerous - she had to wait a while to see if she might need chemotherapy, but in the end she didn't. She got the all-clear to TTC again after 6 months, and got pregnant pretty much straight away. Her first scan was normal and there was no repeat of the molar pregnancy. Last week she had her scan at 22 weeks and found that the baby had severe deformities and also some chromosomal conditions that would make it impossible for her to survive after birth :( My friend had to go through induced labour and deliver her stillborn baby girl a few days ago. I can't believe what she has been through, all the while I am sailing through a marvellously healthy pregnancy. It's so hard to know what to say at that buddy group at the moment, as everyone is waiting excitedly for me to deliver my healthy baby and she must be going through unimaginable things, and it must be so hard for her to hear from/about me. So so sad. Please pray for her - her name is Sara.

Something more uplifting after such a sad topic - our new washing machine is working BEAUTIFULLY! Yay! It has done four loads already, including the hideous pooey one that had sat around waiting for the new machine - eww! It has come out beautifully clean. I am so relieved to have a working washing machine, and so quickly too! Never mind about the credit card - I would say it has been worth it! Arthur has not done any more teething poos, thank goodness! So I think that was a bout that has finished now. Also the hot weather has meant he has been running around naked a lot more and therefore using fewer nappies. I much prefer cleaning lil wee-wee sprinkles off the carpet than worrying about the lack of nappies as they pile up waiting for a working washing machine!

Matthew is going CRAZY in there all of a sudden! He's pushing his feet out so hard that the lump of them actually feels sharp against the palm of my hand! Also he is making some sort of odd little scrabbling motion with his hands. I hope he's okay in there! I get anxious about him getting all tangled up in his cord. I hope he isn't. Arthur had the cord wrapped so tightly around his neck that it had to be cut before his body could be delivered. I hope Matthew is cord-free! He must weigh at least 8lbs now. Arthur was born at this exact gestation (well, tomorrow) and he weighed in at 8lbs 1.5oz. So I'm sure Matthew weighs that at least by now, urgh! He needs to come ooouuut before he gets too big to ever leave my body or something! ;)

We have got a bit done in the house today. I have had more energy today and less emotional stuff, which has been very nice! It has been WAY too hot - mid 80s with high humidity, which is way outside of my comfort zone! We've had fans on in the house wherever we've been, but still struggled to keep cool. Arthur was lucky - he got to wear nothing most of the day and kept nice and cool! I wish I could have just worn no clothes! Neil did a few things around the house - got rid of the old washing machine, put stuff back in the car, etc. And we got a little bit of sorting and putting-away done in the bedrooms, but not much else. He mostly watched the England match and stuff, which was well deserved after all his hard work yesterday!

Tomorrow my daddy is back in the country and we have given Mummy the day off, hehe! We told her she should relax and spend the day with Daddy. She had worked so hard with us, looking after Arthur and helping around the house. It seems like a good day for her to take a break, and we will be fine, as Neil's home and we haven't got too much to do in the house now. Of course tomorrow will be the day I go into labour, with it being the one day Mummy is free to relax a bit! But then I've said that for loads of things so far, and it still hasn't happened, so probably not. The day after tomorrow is my midwife appointment, which I'm pretty much dreading because it will happen on the day that I have never reached before in my pregnancies - 40 weeks and 5 days. They'll offer me a sweep, and I'll accept it, and ow, it will hurt. And they'll badger me about getting an appt to discuss induction at the hospital. Which I don't want to do. Urgh. I sooooooooooooooo need to go into labour BEFORE Monday!!! Please? Mummy and Daddy are due to leave on Wednesday! It's getting crazy. I want to have my baby now! The weather is only going to get hotter still, so it's not ideal for labour and birth and recovery, etc, but oh well. I just want to have Matthew now and be done with it! But I can't imagine being in labour any more, it's like, too surreal, like it will never really happen any more.

Oh well. I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow evening with another not-much-news update! I hope I'm wrong about that, but I don't really think anything is going to happen any more so I guess I'll be back! Happy Birthday to Meg! I wish Matthew shared your birthday, but never mind. It's Neil's mum's birthday tomorrow so maybe he'll share hers instead? Who knows. I am going to just plod on day by day and not expect anything, and then maybe one day I'll get a nice surprise?! Hehe! Either that or I'll have to have some sort of intervention to make it possible :( I really hope not though.

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