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2006-03-01 - 9.44pm��previous entry��next entry

26 weeks pregnant!!

Twenty-six weeks pregnant, yay! And I have only got 98 days to go!!! Or 14 weeks. Soooo little time really. We need to get our heads around transitions that Arthur still needs to make before Matthew arrives. You're supposed to do that kind of thing by 6-8 weeks before the baby is due, so as to avoid associations with the baby, etc. Which now means there are only 6-8 weeks until it's 6-8 weeks to go! We need to sort the sleeping arrangements out, and maybe daytime naps... I'm not sure about that one though. I wish I could see into the future and know which things NEED doing, and which will not actually end up being a big deal if they're not done! Oh well. It's all a learning curve :)

Neil took my 26 week belly picture tonight so it's in the gallery! I can't believe how low and ROUND my belly looks now! I guess I don't see the underside of it anymore so I didn't realise it was all rounded like that :) Matthew is hanging out nice and low, and I am carrying exactly as I did with Arthur. I think the low part of my bump is much more rounded this time than with Arthur, but basically I am carrying the same. I am pretty sure it's not because they are both boys. I think I am just built that way. I have a really long torso and a wide pelvic girdle. They just sit right in there and don't seem to need to take up the top space until the last minute! ;)

Anyway, yay, a belly pic! My belly is so defined low down and yet not doing much at the top, that I realised I had to lift my top to get an accurate view of my bump shape this time. With a top over it, the shape just doesn't show much. Also I got my hair cut just after the last belly picture :) It was getting toooo long. I still need to smile more, but oh well!

Thank you Meg for your tip about the sports bottle - I will try that! I am still not getting enough to drink, but maybe a little more than before. I suck at it! I need to do a whole lot better.

Soooo, 26 weeks!!! Wow, Matthew is 14 inches from head to heel this week!!!! That's 35.6cm. Which is only 6 inches less than the average length at birth! Wow. He's really getting so big now. It feels strange because it's all going so fast, and he seemed just a little Sprouty thing just yesterday! He is getting more and more similar to a newborn baby all the time. His weight is now an average of 760g (about 1lb 10oz), so he's doing great! Although I just found a FAB site with 3D ultrasound links for each week of pregnancy, and some measurements, etc. Here it is if anyone is interested! This site says that Matthew's weight is on average 850g at 26 weeks - quite a bit more than the chart that I have been following so far - more like 1lb 13oz! He has now had at least 2 weeks of his lungs starting to mature. Every extra week is soooo reassuring to reach! His nostrils are now unblocked, and his eyes are now open all the time, except when he is sleeping. His eyes are fully developed along with all the blinking reflexes, etc. His permanent teeth buds are appearing above the milk teeth buds! His brain is really having a growth spurt too, with the brand new interactions between it and his ears and eyes!

I weighed myself yesterday morning, I think, or the day before - before breakfast at last, so an accurate weight for once! I weighed 9 stone 8.5lbs, which means I have gained almost exactly a stone so far, or just a bit over. There are 14lbs to a stone so I guess I have gained 15lbs-ish? I can't remember if I was 8st 7.5lbs or 8st 8.5lbs before pregnancy - I will have to look it up. Anyway that is fine by me! I have been eating chocolate this past week like you would not believe. I'm sure it's not good, but the urge is overwhelming! And it's so yummmmmy! :) I am actually amazed that I only gained 1.5lbs since my last weigh-in, given how much high-calorie junk I have eaten in that time!! I still hope I'll gain less in total than last time (54lbs), but I am happy to just go with the flow, and if I gain that much again, then oh well.

I can't think what else to write, since I wrote quite a newsy update only a few days ago.... Oh but I have noticed these last few days that my appetite is a bit flat. I still eat plenty in my portions, but I seem to be feeling yucky or queasy about eating, especially in the evenings. Like I can't face eating anything, or I just don't feel hungry. Neil says I have to eat anyway, so I do, but I feel yucky while I eat it and no better for having eaten. I wonder if things are just being more squashed (again!) in there and my body is adjusting. I do still seem to NEED the same amount of food to eat, but putting it in is no fun any more! I have a ton more indigestion and wind. I'm sure the chocolate doesn't help that though, so partly it serves me right! I AM eating a lot more fruit lately though. I just want it so I'm eating it.

I think I have pretty much got the extra summer outfits I'll need for Matthew now, having spent a month or two being carefully selective at eBay! That was so much fun! I'm almost sad that Matthew doesn't really need many things, since we have so much already from Arthur! But it's a really GOOD thing for our finances! I still want one or two more summer rompers (the all-in-one thingies with short legs and sleeves) for if we have some hot days. I think if it's REALLY hot at any point, it will just be horribly humid, and we don't have A/C so I think my boys will basically just wear nappies (cute ones at that, heh!) or vests. That's what Arthur did last summer and there was no WAY I could have dressed him in anything more when it was so hot and sticky. So I think we're pretty much there! I want some sort of decent sunshade for the tandem pushchair though. Our shade-a-babe is only for a single pushchair and wouldn't be long enough for the tandem. It's a shame because it's sooooo fab! There aren't any sun protectors that come close to it for pushchairs. I know they do a double (side-by-side) pushchair one, but I doubt they do a tandem one. I'll have to check. It's sooooo different having a baby in the summer, and at the beginning of the summer too, so that there will be months of hot weather ahead, potentially. Arthur was born at the beginning of winter so it was completely the opposite.

There are soooo many bumps emerging at Playgroup!! I'm so excited because I'm part of it! I love that there will be lots of babies born between spring and the end of summer there! There are also a couple of BRAND new babies in their mums' arms there, and I feel so mushy when I look at them. But I'm so happy because it's no longer the wistful type of mushy :) I know it will be me in just a few short months! Can you believe it's March already?!! Jemma will have her baby this month! It seems only LAST month that she was newly pregnant and I was hoping to join her! This week I enter my final trimester and hit the 3-months-to-go mark! It's all so exciting!

Okay I think that's all for now. I need to make my midwife appt for 28 weeks, for my lurvely Anti-D injection, urgh. That will be fun with Arthur there. He is always absolutely wonderful at appointments, but he does seem bothered by things hurting me, even when I act very convincingly as though I feel no pain! But the Anti-D is REALLY painful, or I found it so last time. Big needle, thick liquid, slow injection. Urrrgh. I am thankful that I'm not actually afraid of needles or injections - that would make it a LOT harder! Did I mention that I phoned Neil's sister who had a baby last June to ask her blood type? I figured if she was Rh negative then I could be fairly sure that Neil was, and go from there. But she is A+, pfthth. So it looks pretty likely that could well be Rh positive, and Arthur just picked a more recessive gene (from me!) to be Rh negative. So it's something like a 75% chance that Matthew will be Rh positive if Neil is. So I need to get those jabs over and done with. I can't wait to see what he is when they test his cord blood though! Anyway, so that's in a couple of weeks. I already tried to make the appt but it was too soon (?!) apparently, so I'll try again this week. After 28 weeks I have another appt with the GP at 32 weeks, and then it's every two weeks from then on with the midwife :)

Okay I am going to eat something. Maybe a ham sandwich and a ton of salad? I don't know. And a big glass of water! :)

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