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2005-11-05 - 1:43 p.m.��previous entry��next entry

9 weeks, 3 days pregnant - a heartbeat!!!

I'm sorry it has been a few days! I really really wanted to update. I have just not been able to. Two of those nights I went to bed when Arthur did! He is waking a lot at night and I am just exhausted.

Well! I am 9 weeks pregnant!! Well, 9 and a half now :) Jemma returned my doppler and it arrived in the post the day I turned 9 weeks pregnant!! Soooooooo exciting! I found my placenta right away, and it took me all of 3 seconds to locate Sprout's heartbeat, yay! It was clear as day, even this early. I wonder how early I might have heard it? It was very clear for 9 weeks. Sprout is at or just above my bikini line, so pretty high for 9 weeks already. It was the same with Arthur though. Sprout's heartrate was 184 at 9 weeks, and 180 the next day. It's 180 today as well :)

Do you guys want to HEAR Sprout?!!! I know you do, so I made a video for you! I apologise if you have dial-up or if you don't get sound on the video, because there is absolutely nothing to see, believe me! You get a nice shot of my pyjama'd knees and a slightly skewy angle of the arm of my sofa, hehe! I don't want my bikini line on the internet! So here it is! The first thing you hear is my placenta (sooo proud!!), and then a muffly few seconds searching for Sprout, then the magical sound of his/her heart beating away :)

It's so amazing. But I am still weirdly detached in many ways. It sometimes just seems like a recording of Arthur's heart beat at the same stage. It sounded EXACTLY the same. Exactly. I can't quite connect with the new little one yet. I don't know why, but I don't like the way it is. I was sooooooooooo bonded with Arthur already at this time last pregnancy. I still don't feel much for Sprout. I feel sort of ashamed to say that. I hope it kicks in soon. I thought the heartbeat would fix it, but it hasn't :( When I first heard Arthur's heart beating, I cried and sobbed and felt a new mushy tenderness towards him. Nothing like that has happened with Sprout. It made me smile to hear it, but mostly I was distracted by Arthur whining and pulling at my clothing to get at my breast. He is behaving really differently these days and it is very wearing, so maybe that is part of it? I just don't have any energies left for another little one. Which is super scary when I think of AFTER the baby is born. Am I cheating Sprout out of something? I feel like I must be guilty of something. It doesn't seem right somehow. Ugh.

Anyway. What else? I feel sick. Same as always, but I'm getting through it. I am not eating enough but I'm eating what I can tolerate and that is making the nausea a little more manageable. I tried eating better food but it makes things unbearable, so I stopped that.

Did anyone see the ultrasound movie link I posted last entry? I hope it worked. I thought it was lovely.

Sprout is now 27mm long from crown to rump! That's approaching 3cm! It seems so tiny, but it's so huge compared with a few weeks ago. Sprout's brain now has connection to the muscles, and Sprout can make spontaneous muscle movement, though still only involuntary. The movie clip shows that though, so maybe it has been that way for a few days. Since I last wrote, Sprout has been through Carnegie stage 20 of embryonic development, and is currently at stage 21. She/he will reach stage 22 in 2 days! The tip of the nose is now fully formed and the nostrils. Tongue development finishes over the next few days.

Sprout's arms are getting longer. The hands can nearly touch each other across Sprout's tummy! They are bent at the elbow, and the fingers will fully seperate and lose their webbing over the next few days. The toes are beginning to seperate too.

The testes or ovaries are now distinguishable! But they are deep inside the body still. Sprout's intestines are well formed and they are now beginning to migrate back into the body from the umbilical cord. Sprout is finally getting big enough to hold all of his/her intestines, hehe!

Sprout has a stubby tail. Aww :)

Here is a radiograph image of an embryo at Carnegie stage 21, 52 days post ovulation - exactly Sprout's gestation today:

Isn't Sprout starting to look soooo baby-like?! It is just so amazing to me that it has only been 52 days since I ovulated and yet all this incredible development has already taken place.

Okay there is a ton more that I wanted to say but I keep having to stop this as we're having awful trouble getting Arthur to nap. Back soon, I hope.

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