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2008-12-07 - 12:20 a.m.��previous entry��next entry

9 weeks, 4 days - first bumplings!! :)

Aaargh, a whole week has passed! I haven't been online for 3 days because I have been sooooo exhausted, and I've had a headache that wouldn't go away for most of that time. I just went to bed after the boys did for 2 nights. I can't believe I'm still so tired in the day when I'm sleeping all those (broken) hours! I have had a cold (we all have) and can't take anything for the congestion, which is now sitting in my sinuses, so I wonder if that's the cause of the headache? I don't like it when every time I wake up at night (MANY times, at least 6 lately, Nathan has been quite poorly with this cold), I have a headache banging away :(

But yay, it isn't so bad today! I hope it's on the way out. I REALLY should be in bed (it's midnight!) but having been away from my usual eveningly stuff online for a few days, I seem to have a ton to catch up on, just reading!

Babydot has done SO MUCH growing and developing since I last wrote! He/she is just beginning Carnegie Stage 22, which is the PENULTIMATE stage of embryonic development!!!! It finishes at 10 weeks, and the baby is officially a fetus from that point on - how exciting!!!! I can't believe the tip of Babydot's little nose is fully formed now. And he/she looks sooooo much like a proper baby and not like a little folded over beany-boo. Babydot now measures 2cm in length, from crown to rump. The fingers are all separate. Spontaneous movement has begun!! Before then, only reflexive movements and things like that were occurring.

I particularly wanted to write tonight, about feeling movement. For four days running, from 9 weeks exactly, I have felt sure I was feeling ever so slight movements. I didn't say anything to Neil or think much of it, because it's SO early, too early maybe. I DO feel my babies move very early. Nathan was 10 weeks, and Matthew just before 11 weeks. It won't keep getting earlier and earlier because at some point there simply isn't anything to feel, hehe!

But I know that babies ARE moving quite a bit even before spontaneous movement starts. One of those 4 days, the sensation was like a tiny flutter just underneath/above my pubic bone. I felt pretty sure about that one, but still wanted to wait to see how it panned out over the next week or so.

Tonight while I've been lying here on the sofa with the laptop on my lap (carefully NOT too close to my crotch, by the way!), I have just felt absolutely definitely 100% totally positively sure about it being Babydot bumples. So much so, that I'm here writing about it! :) It was under/fractionally above my pubic bone, but to my right (AWAY from the part of my bowel that is prone to giving me lots of "fetal movement", hehe!). It was like the softest and tiniest "prods", that's the best way I can describe it. Softer than the tip of my finger, poking as softly as I can with my finger (more softly than I can, even). Like the lightest "dab-dab....dab" touches. There were two quick together, a pause, and then another single soft "dab", all on the same spot. I KNEW I was feeling movement this time, so I immediately said to Neil that I could feel Babydot bumping me! Then I waited, and felt quite a bit more movement, a little bit more vigorous than before, but still so tiny and soft that I had to be completely still and "listen" holding my breath to really feel it clearly. I felt another little tap in the same spot that was stronger, and like a "rebound" type feeling (less than a second later) on my bladder, which felt uncomfortable because it's full right now. There was a sort of "rocky" motion feeling that was ever so gentle, and then that was it, all still and quiet!

I'm SO EXCITED I'm starting to feel my teeny tiny baby moving inside me!!!!! This is one of my favourite parts of pregnancy, and YAY OH YAY it's beginning! :)

Now for the nausea to go! I can't believe I'm past my half-week point again and heading for TEN weeks!! I'm so hoping that I'll only have a couple more weeks of morning sickness after that. It's still so unpredictable and different to the other pregnancies in that respect.

I am NOT enjoying salt and vinegar crisps this pregnancy. Yucko. They taste weird, and just don't appeal. Which I think is a first?? I can't remember if I had a stage where I didn't like those in my previous pregnancies. I DO love clementines, and eat 3 in a row every evening at the moment - not planned, I just reach for one and then can't resist another and another! I feel really sick right now, but I'm definitely getting used to feeling really sick all the time.

I only have one frozen meal left!!! Aaaaargh! I'll have to start cooking this week coming, and I'm not looking forward to it! At least I've made it to 10 weeks (or I will have by the time it's used up), so that's not bad! I'm so glad to have done it!

I can't think of much else. I have heartburn quite a lot, but nothing terrible. I'm horribly constipated at last - something that's usually happening by 5 weeks pregnant for me, but didn't start till more like 8 weeks this time around (thankfully!). I am still not getting enough fluids, and the cold hasn't helped, so that's probably the main problem. I can't wait to feel UN-nauseous again! :)

Babydot's bones are about to start ossifying in the next day or two, so I should think I'll start craving good calcium sources! I think I have started craving milk or at least finding myself drinking TONS of it, and cheese, etc, from 10 weeks with my other pregnancies, and then realising why when I read the embryology updates, hehe! No pangs for milk or cheese as yet!

I'll try to update soon. At 10 weeks I MUST post a belly picture - well, make a new belly gallery for starters! I totally missed the "before" one at 5 weeks. I usually have a little change in shape by 10 weeks, some roundness that wasn't there before. I think it's definitely there as the other pregnancies this time, but only just around my bikini line. I can feel my uterus really clearly now, and it never sits below my bikini line, but doesn't stick OUT as such yet.

I love being pregnant!!!!

My milk supply has recovered and is going well at the moment. I think it was a hormonal dip before. I think it's happened at the same time each pregnancy. Kaitlyn, thanks for all the questions! I am hoping my milk will last till Nathan turns one. There are less than 6 weeks till then (WHAAAAAT?!?!!) so I am hopeful now! My milk is usually only getting sparse from about 14 weeks, and I think I'll be 15 weeks when he turns one, so here's hoping! At the moment it's plentiful and he's nursing like CRAZY around the clock, so I know he's getting plenty, which I'm happy about!

I am still nursing Arthur. Both the older two are not allowed to nurse during the day at all now. Matthew sometimes naps still, but about 5 days out of the 7 day week he doesn't. He still nurses if he naps. Otherwise it's just at bedtime now. He nurses to sleep, or else for a good session and then I stop him if he isn't sleepy. Arthur is allowed to nurse at bedtime but only as a sort of "token" thing, to try to prepare him for weaning completely. I let him nurse for maybe 10-20 seconds, and we talk a lot about how it's nearly time for him to stop having milky now that he's a big boy.

I'm beginning to think I might wean both Arthur and Matthew when my milk dries up. I just don't want to comfort nurse them without milk. Last time I was happy to do that, but it makes me feel yeurghy to think about it this time, which my tandem nursing book said to expect as a normal hormonal influence. I still want to nurse Nathan on demand for a good while longer, but after he turns one and I don't have much milk left, I think I would like to night-wean him so that I can get a good night's sleep! I'll wait till he's one though.

I think I answered all your questions! :) Oh! I DO want to tandem nurse the new baby with Nathan, and I really hope he doesn't self-wean during the pregnancy! I love tandem nursing, and Nathan's so little. I still have a goal of 2 years for each of my littlies, so I HOPE he'll be tandem nursing! :)

Right, I must go to bed. I'll update again soon! Thanks so much for the lovely comments on my video of Babydot's heartbeat! I didn't know about the uterine artery thing, Polly, though at doppler websites they always tell you that the whooshy sound that's your own pulse rate is the placenta?? Anyway, thanks for all the comments! :)

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