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2007-06-26 - 3.30pm��previous entry��next entry

7 weeks, 1 day - appt date and other things

Boys are napping so I have a tiny window to update! I feel so sick today. I'm a broken record, I know. I feel soooo sick. Yesterday evening was the worst yet and I think if it looks like it will be that bad this evening, I will have to go to bed as soon as the boys are in bed. Urgh. I did go to bed earlier than normal last night. I had a headache all night, but I think maybe I'm not getting (nearly) enough to drink.

The boys are very clingy today, and Arthur isn't acting quite like himself. Maybe it's just his age, I don't know. My milk is still going, but I'm having to say no to BOTH the boys sometimes in the daytime, because otherwise I think they would just be constantly breastfeeding, between them, and I can't deal with that at the moment. My nipples hurt a bit when I breastfeed them at the moment, but so far I thankfully have NOT had any of the severe nipple pain that is so common when breastfeeding during pregnancy, and which I had already experienced aplenty by this stage last time. I'm sure it will happen sometime soon, but I'm happy that I haven't had to deal with it yet! The boys will get a big change in their nursing when that happens. I can't deal with breastfeeding for more than 10 sucks at a time when it's like that, and that's just about bearing it with gritted teeth. It's crazy how painful that can be!

Anyway. Arthur asks for milky constantly at the moment. I seem to have plenty still, but yeah. He has a huge meltdown when I say no. I'm getting rather tired of it, but I don't want to wean him. I stick to my guns when I don't want to nurse him though, and explain that he's LUCKY that Mummy still loves giving him milky, and that he needs to be polite and not make a big fuss if Mummy says no. *sigh*

I went to the doctor yesterday about the IBS/spotting thing. She asked the same thing as Neil, when I told her how painful it was - "Are you sure it was bowel-related?" Which I am. But it makes me nervous, with the spotting/goop happening at the same time. It has all cleared up now, so that's good. She said the early pregnancy unit at my local hospital has changed things a bit. I think they must be trying to cut costs or something. They now don't scan before 10/11 weeks (so, not an EARLY pregnancy unit at all then?! Tsk!), but I'm sure they DO if there's a good enough reason. Anyway, she said she would phone them and tell them my details and see what they say. She said 7 weeks was too early to scan, which annoys me because I had a scan at 7 weeks with Matthew, and TWO early scans with Arthur (one at 5w6d and another at 7 weeks exactly), all at the same EPU. Plus, of course, ALL the American girls at the Feb due dates board have had their "routine" scans at like only SIX weeks pregnant! What is up with that?! Why are such things routine? Anyway. It would really reassure me to see my bean all healthy, and on the other side of things, if my bean ISN'T all healthy, I would rather find out now than have a missed miscarriage and find out at the TWELVE week scan.

But I do think things are okay, probably, because of allll this nausea. I don't like the spotting. I know it's probably all normal but it always makes me nervous. I am quite crampy today, and last night I did not need to pee ONCE. And I went to bed early, so I last peed hours before my normal time. And at 6am I still didn't need to go, so I just went for the sake of going. I hardly had anything to pee, so maybe I really WAS dehydrated, and that's all it was? I otherwise have to pee twice in the middle of the night and I'm really desperate on those occasions. So I got anxious about that. *sigh*

Today the EPU at the hospital phoned!!! They asked if I still wanted an appt, and I said yes! They have booked me in for next Monday, July 2nd at 11.30am. So I will be 8 weeks exactly that day. The lady said that the doctor would examine me and try to ascertain the cause of my spotting from that, but if she felt she wanted to scan me at that time, she would do so. It would likely be a transabdominal scan, which at 8 weeks wouldn't be very clear. All my other early scans were transvaginal which gives very clear images.

Anyway, so I'm relieved! I don't think they will scan me, but I will be relieved to have the doctor examine me and see if there's anything obvious about my cervix that is the cause for all this on/off spotting. The doctor will also really know his/her stuff, since that will be their area of expertise (I hope!), so that will be reassuring. If they give me a scan, even better. I will keep you posted on that!

But aside from that reassurance next week, I can't believe it is now only A WEEK until I plan to start listening in with my doppler to maybe hear a heartbeat!!!! Only a week! I can't believe it! Obviously it's unlikely that I'll hear it at 8 weeks, but I know others have, and my build and the fact that my uterus tends to rise up earlier than average gives me as good a chance as any to hear it that early. If not, I will keep on listening in till 9 weeks, when I SHOULD be able to hear it, because that's when I heard both the boys. How exciting! I hope it's there....

I am beginning to notice a firm-ish resistance just above/under my pubic bone. It's not the top of my uterus, but it's the stuff in front, whatever that is! I noticed it by 8 weeks last time, I think. Yay! It seems like all should be well in there. I just hope I'm right!

Ohhhhh the worst thing happened today. Well, not the WORST but it was pretty darn bad for a nauseated pregnant person! We were out this morning at Tumble Tots, and when we got home I was weak and hungry and queasy. I managed to get lunch for us all and Matthew was so covered with food afterwards that after a wipe down, I had to just peel his clothes off in the kitchen. Then I herded the boys into the living room and flopped onto the sofa. I saw Matthew standing in his nappy, doing his funny little bop-bop bouncy thing whilst hanging onto the little table, which he does when he's doing a poo. I just felt so GREEN that I didn't know how I would deal with changing a pooey nappy right after lunch when I felt that sick! I figured I'd flake out on the sofa for a few minutes and maybe feel up to it after a tiny rest.

Well then I looked over a minute or so later, and oh my gosh. That baby boy had undone the velcro on his nappy, and was standing there with poo smeared all over himself, eating a fistful of it. I kid you not. If only I had gritted my teeth and just CHANGED him right away! That would have been waaaaay easier to deal with than the eating poo episode. I am immensely proud of myself though! I grabbed a nearby towel and wiped the worst of it off him, then instructed Arthur NOT to touch the towel or even go near it (he did not want to anyway as he thought it was GROSS that Matthew was eating poo, hehe!!), and then just lifted Matthew under his arms and rushed him to the kitchen sink. Yes, yes, unhygeinic, but the nearest source of water. I ran him a tiny bubbly bath in there and washed him thoroughly, then dried him, put him in a clean nappy, changed my T-shirt (pooey hands had clutched at it while I ran his sink-bath), and put the pooey stuff in the nappy bucket. And voila! Dealt with! Even when hugely queasy. I am rather proud of myself! Not that I had any choice at the time. When I told Neil about it on the phone, he was WAY more squeamish about it than I even was, and I had to stop talking about it in the end because he said he felt too queasy!

Anyway. What a lovely subject to finish this entry on, haha!

Oh but I am past the 7 week mark now, hooray! I'm getting there, slowly but surely! I reckon there are about 6 weeks left of morning sickness. I hope! It was all gone by 13 weeks last time, but not until 18 weeks with Arthur. MUCH easier to deal with from 14 weeks though, so I should feel a lot better in 6 or 7 weeks. It feels like an age away, but I know it will pass quicker than I think. I can't believe it has already been 3.5 weeks since I found out I am pregnant! See - it will pass before I know it. I just have to take it one queasy day at a time.

I am also 36DPO today, so Beanlet has now finished Carnegie Stage 14, and is now beginning Carnegie Stage 15!! Beanlet is now about 7mm long and has all sorts of organs forming in his/her body. Beanlet has an oesophagus, lung buds, rudimentary kidneys, and a lengthening intestinal tract! His/her little arm buds are now developing hand plates, elbow regions, upper and forearms! The leg buds are forming foot plates. It's all SO amazing!!!

Okay, the boys have been asleep for a long while now (how nice!) so I will finish this off while it's easy to do so! I'll update again soon, but probably another quick-ish one in the day, as the evenings are too queasy for me right now. I will also try to update my other diary soon, maybe in the evening sometime this week if I can manage it. I don't want to get too behind on that, and I still have soooo much that I want to write about there. Thanks for the lovely messages! :)

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