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2007-08-05 - 5.45pm��previous entry��next entry

12 weeks, 6 days - scan tomorrow!!

Finally I have a short while to update while the boys are at the park with Neil! They will be home soon so I should get on with updatey stuff!

I can't believe I'm 13 weeks tomorrow! And my nuchal scan is TOMORROW too!!! Yay! I feel like I'm less excited this time round about the nuchal scan. Maybe it's because I've seen Beanlet only a couple of weeks ago, looking like a real baby, etc. With the last two pregnancies, I hadn't seen real baby-looking beans until the nuchal scan so it was really something to look forward to! I AM looking forward to seeing Beanlet in action tomorrow though! I just hope we get a good sonographer. With Arthur, we had the most LOVELY sonographer and she took everything nice and slow, and was cheerful and chatty, and explained everything as she went along. With Matthew, we had a really crappy lady who was cold and silent and didn't even answer my questions - just blanked me! She also rushed through the whole thing for her own convenience, as though I was a piece of meat to scan rather than someone who should be involved in what was going on! I was really peeved by the end of the appt. So I reeeeally hope we get somebody nice this time. I plan to be more assertive if we don't, anyway, and make sure my questions are answered.

If we DO get someone nice, we want to ask them to zoom in on the boy/girl bits for us. The lady did so with Arthur but said she couldn't make any comments this early on. She just zoomed in for us to see what we could see. We saw boy bits :) With Matthew, obviously the lady was rubbish and we didn't even feel like we could ask her to zoom in. But we kept our beady eyes peeled and both of us felt sure we saw boy bits, though it was much less clear and it was almost a week earlier in the pregnancy than it was with Arthur. Beanlet's scan will be at exactly the same gestation as Arthur's was, so if we get a nice sonographer who will oblige us by zooming in, and if it IS a boy, we feel pretty confident that we should be able to see his bits tomorrow. It would still be not-that-conclusive though, and we'll have to wait till the 21 week scan to really find out. Anyway, we might not get a look at all tomorrow, if that's how it goes. But we hope to get the chance! We're pretty experienced at seeing boy bits on early-ish scans by now, so we're confident that we'll spot them if they're there! ;)

I feel sure it's another boy. In fact, I am literally just waiting for the vinegraitte cravings to kick in! I ate all my celeriac soooo fast this week. It was all gone within 24 hours, and now I have no more! Boo hoo! But it's not a life-or-death craving, so that's okay :)

I am really starting to show this week. I think that's earlier than the other two times, definitely than Arthur, but I'm not sure if it's earlier than with Matthew. It's just this week though. I can't do my jeans up (I have gone up a clothes size in jeans and trousers over the last few weeks, but I don't think I have gained any weight yet - I reckon my hips are spreading though!). If I CAN just about do my jeans/trousers up, then I am uncomfortable from the tightness of the waistband all day long. The fabric also feels tightly drawn across my belly below the waistband too. Today I wore a more high-waisted drawstring pair of linen trousers, and for the first time I really did have a bump under the drawstring waist level. We went to church today for the first time since before my big bleed, and everyone was asking about how I was and if the baby was okay, which was lovely :) People are so amazed that the baby is fine after such a heavy bleed. I loved that for the first time, I looked (slightly!) visibly pregnant as I chatted to people about my pregnancy :) I LOVE the bit where I show!!! Yay!

The day after my last entry, Arthur fell on me. He did a huge leap towards me while I was sitting on the sofa (he was jumping on the sofa), and landed with ALL his weight through his knee, which was planted smack-dab onto my newly protruding uterus, just a couple of inches above my bikini line. It HURT SO MUCH! And scared the diddly out of me. There was such a weird squashing pressure inside me, like things were being pressed out in all directions with the impact, and NOT in a good way. I fully expected to be bleeding within the hour, but nothing happened, thank goodness!

Yesterday I had some bright red EWCM when I wiped, but just the once. It unnerved me terribly though. I just hate seeing blood when I'm pregnant - however little there is! I think it was down to having just been horribly constipated though (yes, it continues *sigh*), and I haven't had any spotting since then.

I will be SO GLAD when my placenta is finally up away from my cervix enough to cause no further problems! I think I will breathe a lot easier knowing there is no chance it can cause a heavy bleed at any moment.

I am still feeling horribly sick all the time - just the same as always. I think it was all but gone by now with Matthew, but not with Arthur yet. I am really not enjoying it one bit! But I feel okay about it because at 13 weeks, I know it's surely just a matter of time (hopefully a very SHORT time!) before it's gone at last. Although Arthur's lasted to 18 weeks, it was significantly easier to manage from 14 weeks. So I have high hopes for an easier time with the nausea very soon.

The main thing that bothers me related to the nausea is the horribly bitter taste that ALL food and drink gives me exactly 3 minutes after I finish eating it! I am so frustrated that I didn't really keep note of this kind of thing with my previous pregnancies. I now can't remember if it's because I didn't suffer with bitter tastes, or if I just didn't remember to note it. I DID note with Matthew's pregnancy at 7 weeks, that suddenly all carbs gave me a horribly bitter taste. But that's the only time I mentioned it. Nothing about whether that got worse and extended to other foods, or how long it lasted, and if it disappeared when the nausea did (or before?). So annoying! I need that info!

There is literally NOTHING that doesn't give me the bitter taste, which lasts HOURS and in turn makes my mouth water horribly, and thus increases the nausea. Dairy, chocolate, water, juice, milk, meat, fruit, EVERYTHING. It sucks! I am getting worried that it won't go when the nausea does. I really hope it will! Otherwise I may really not gain the 54lbs I gained in my last 2 pregnancies! It really ruins eating for me, but I HOPE it goes soon!

Okay the boys are back, so I will have to sign off for now. I will be sure to update about the scan with pics tomorrow, when I get chance! I hope everything is well with my tiny one. And 13 weeks - wheee! Nearly a third of the way through already! Wow.

Thanks SO much for the lovely encouraging messages, again :)

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