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2004-10-29 - 1.30pm��previous entry��next entry

39 weeks - going in for monitoring :(

39 weeks pregnant today!!! One week to go till my due date! This is actually just a quickie update on my blood pressure issue. Yesterday I rested up and took my blood pressure about every 2 or 3 hours. Rest made no difference, so poo, I guess I really do have high blood pressure. I did get up once and empty and reload the dishwasher, and my blood pressure was 145/90 when I'd done that!!! Much too high for me, so I have rested like a good girl since then. My BP is sitting around 135/80 all the time, and it won't go lower, so that's a shame. It's not "high" but it's borderline, and my midwife says that given my normal low BP, this would be considered actual high blood pressure for me.

So she came round again about an hour ago, and yeah my blood pressure was 135/80. For the last 2 nights I have been waking up with my thumb and forefinger completely numb, so I am also getting more swelling in the wrists than normal, which is another not-so-great sign, given than my BP is high. I told the midwife today about my mild fuzzy headaches, and she found that a cause for concern, as she had those very same type of headaches when she had high blood pressure with her first baby. Poo again.

So she made me a 2.30 appointment (in an hour's time) at the hospital to be monitored in Day Assessment at the maternity unit. They will do continual monitoring of my BP for about half an hour to get a profile of what it's doing. And listen to Arthur for the same period of time, to see how he's doing. He was doing fine when the midwife was here though. His heartrate was healthy and he was hiccupping too, which sounded so cute on the Doppler! Hehe! Sweet boy. The midwife said maybe he feels a tiny bit lower than 2 days ago too, which is good.

Get this - I asked the midwife (who is very experienced) if he felt a good size. Without even hesitating, she pronounced him to be between 7.5 and 8lbs - maybe more towards the 8lb mark!!!! Yikes!! How did that happen?!!! I know babies are born that size all the time, and much heavier too, but there has never been a baby born in either my family or Neil's weighing as much as 8lbs! So I'm quite shocked and surprised at that! And he could quite conceivably stay in there gaining more weight for another 2 weeks yet, so that is a slightly scary prospect! I am only little! Also I'm a bit sad that he might not fit his teeny tiny baby clothes which fit up to 7.5lbs. He might fit them just right when he's born, but probably grow out of them almost straight away. That's okay though. It was definitely worth the risk of buying clothes that tiny, because like I said, noooo babies in the family are ever 8lbs. We are a tiny baby family :)

What else? I had no protein in my urine - well, she had to squint at the stick for ages in the light, but in the end she said she would have to call it clear, there wasn't even enough to call it a trace of protein, so that's good. I DID have a ton of sugar in there though! But then I ate vast quantities of Frosties for breakfast! :) This is probably why Arthur is a bigger boy than we expected - all the sugar and fats I keep scoffing down! I like my desserts :)

Okay Neil is home from work to take me to the hospital. I will update later.

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