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2004-09-29 - 5.38pm��previous entry��next entry

34 weeks, 5 days - another ENT appointment

Thank you so much for the guestbook entries and emails � you guys have made me feel loads better about my looks! :) Thank you!

Arthur got another present in the post!!! Thank you Kelli!!! I have the nicest diary-readers ever! :) Kelli sent Arthur a Winnie the Pooh clothing box set, it�s so cute! It�s the weirdest (nicest) thing ever to have a gift arrive with a gift tag saying, �To Arthur�!!! I can�t bear to open them, because they�re not for me, they�re for Arthur, and he�s not here yet. It�s like opening a birthday present early (which I don�t agree with, hehe!) so I just look at the box for hours and get all excited that I have an Arthur on the way! Kelli, I have lost your email address yet again, so I couldn�t email you a proper thank you. But I love the gift � thank you so so much for sending it, and for the lovely card too!! :)

Well things are fine here. I am back to washing Arthur�s clothes � they are going round and round in our new machine as I type! I love hearing the little poppers on his clothes (snaps, for the US folks) go ping ping ping against the machine as they go round. It reminds me whatever else I�m doing at the time that there are baby clothes in the machine, and that�s just soooo exciting!!! I still have quite a few of his newborn clothes yet to wash though, and the fleece nappies. And then his bedding. And that should be everything washed ready for his arrival. It�s so much fun that I almost want to wash everything over again when I�m done, hehe! When I fold clean laundry into piles to take upstairs and put away, I always make a pile of Neil�s clothes and a pile of mine and a pile of linen and towels. Yesterday I discovered that I had to make a pile of Arthur�s clothes as well, and I know that sounds really trivial, but it was one of the most exciting things I had done for ages!! It�s just so exhilarating getting ready for my little boy!

Today I had my appointment at Big London Hospital with the ENT consultant. Neil took today off work to take me (and also because he had a huge client meeting yesterday half-way up the country, so he was really tired out and was glad to have today to nap and recover a bit). I was expecting to have to be assertive about having a homebirth so I was kind of nervous. I wore �assertive� clothes, hehe! I just did not want to wear pastel colours, I felt too wishy washy. So I wore my chocolate brown cords and a deep red embroidered top. Ha! Then I felt super assertive for some reason! I am weird :) The appointment ended up going really well. We saw a different consultant to the last appointment, and he was really good. He said ideally they want to just �get me through� my pregnancy with minimal issues over my polyp, and then hope it goes away afterwards, although he told me I may need to have it removed surgically after the baby is born � urgh. He looked at it and confirmed that yes, it has definitely grown a lot. He also listened to everything I had to say, which the other consultant didn�t care to do. So I like this guy! He decided to cauterize it some more today and try to keep the size of it down. I was nervous because it was excruciatingly painful the last time I had that done. But this time the local anaesthetic worked a little better I guess, and he was able to do a good bit of cauterizing before I started to have too much pain for him to continue. He said he did not want to send me into premature labour with the pain (!!) so he stopped as soon as I found it too painful. It will take most of a week to recover again, and we�ll just have to wait and see how much of it drops off (!) as a result of the cauterizing, and whether it will reduce the size of it enough. I have to go back next Wednesday to see him, and then he will assess whether we can just keep cauterizing it (oh joy) or whether we have to �think again� and maybe consider trying to remove it completely under local anaesthetic. Yikes. That is a scary thought! Trust me to get some weird rare pregnancy issue! Tsk. My nose is okay at the moment. It has been bleeding a bit since being cauterized, and it�s sore and stingy, and there�s a general not-nice smell, but it�s doing okay. I hope the cauterizing worked and that lots of noggin will fall out soon! (nice!)

I feel soooooooo huge lately. I waddle like crazy when I walk. It�s just too uncomfortable to try not to waddle. My hips kind of don�t fit where they used to! Or something. Arthur is constantly doing is favourite trick � pushing his butt out one side and his little (hard) feet out of the other side. Sometimes this actually hurts, he is so strong! Sometimes I am aware of him holding his feet now, which is sooooo cute!! I can feel where his hands are and sometimes his feet seem way up near his hands, and I feel a lot of bumply grappling movements, and then usually one (or both) of his feet slips out of his grip and it�s like a hard flick against my side. Another weird thing I�ve noticed recently is sometimes he pushes his foot right out and then turns it, maybe at the ankle? But anyway, sometimes as he turns his foot there�s a little popping sensation, and if the house is quiet then I can usually HEAR a tiny muffled �pop� sound!! I looked it up online and discovered that babies� joints can pop like adults� joints can. So I guess sometimes I have felt/heard his little ankles popping when he flexes his feet!! It�s very cute anyway! Sounds weird, but it�s actually very cute :)

I think I am retaining more fluid than I used to. Neil says he thinks I was retaining fluid in my face when I had my 34 week belly pic taken, because sometimes it doesn�t look that puffy, so it must be water retention. Sometimes when I have my wedding and engagement rings on, they won�t come off at ALL, and other times they come off fine. It helps if my hands are cool. They swell up so quickly when I�m too warm. Neil likes my puffy hands! When he holds my hand he gets all mushy and calls them my little panda paws!! :)

Oooh Arthur is pushing his feet out of my side soooo hard that it keeps taking my breath away at the moment!! He sometimes seems to get much more wiggly when I�m typing. I think it�s because I have the keyboard on my lap and the rattling sound from my touch typing must be really audible to him. I hope it doesn�t annoy him too much!! Talking of taking my breath away, I seem to be having the worst time catching my breath lately. It�s sometimes so hard to breathe, or rather, to feel like I am getting enough air. The only way I can feel a bit better is to arch my back and tip my head back, but then a) my back aches very quickly, and b) my nose bleeds/runs down my throat. Nice. And I am sooooooooooooo constipated these days. The pregnancy books say it�s more and more common towards the end of pregnancy, but man am I having trouble in this department lately!! My back and ribs ache a lot now, and when my face feels puffy I often get a sort of weird headache in the bones of my face � like, my cheekbones and the bones round my eyes get really achy. My blood pressure is still nice and healthy though, so I guess it must be the pressure from water retention making things ache in there.

But!! Those are all the moans of pregnancy for me! I am otherwise doing great and still enjoying being pregnant. I am looking forward to it ending though, so I can hold my baby boy. We are starting to think ahead about baby care now. I have been reading up on things like bathing newborns, cord-stump care, etc. I am still growing out of my maternity clothes, but mostly just at my bump now. Neil keeps saying I should buy some more maternity clothes in a bigger size or something, so that I have some comfy things to wear in the last few weeks, but my mind is already starting to focus past pregnancy, and I no longer see the point in buying things for pregnancy. It feels like the end is so close now, just a few weeks to go. Did you know that there is only 35 days (I think) till my due date?!!! Hardly any time at all. In two days time I will be 35 weeks pregnant, and Arthur�s lungs will officially be fully mature. We are nearly there! He now weighs around 5lbs and is 18 inches long � two pounds and two inches shy of the average newborn weight and length. One more pound and one more inch, and he will be the same as many newborns who are born at term. Of course I still think he might be a little on the light side of average, so he may not quite match those averages yet. Ohhh my sweet boy! He just started another bout of hiccups! I woke a lot in the night last night, and he got hiccups at 3.30am and again at 8am. Poor boy! I am going to finish now because I think he�s going to get wiggly and cross so I want to rub my belly and comfort him. I�ll update again by Friday though!! :)

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