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2004-09-07 - 11.36am��previous entry��next entry

31 weeks, 4 days - hot AGAIN!!

Oooh another half week mark has come and gone already! Thank you for the lovely guestbook entries again (and Sam for the big supportive essays!) � you guys are lovely.

Huge congratulations to Mia on the birth of beautiful baby Elliott!! I am so excited that she had a boy (I knew she would, hehe!). And I rememeber I conceived only 2 cycles after she did, and wow look, there�s a picture of a real baby on her diary and that means I�m that close to having a picture of a real baby (MY baby!) on my diary!!! Wow. Anyway congrats Mia, and welcome Elliott!!

Well I am doing okay. No further nosebleeds as such, and the noggin appears to still be there. It seems to be taking me an AGE to recover from the whole ordeal. Yesterday was the first day that I started to feel a little more like myself again for a few hours. I have been feeling really unwell and groggy and exhausted for 3 days, as though I was recovering from a general anaesthetic or something � weird. I have been sleeping okay till last night (general wakefulness) and eating okay. My appetite hasn�t been the greatest but I am eating fine. I just FEEL so crappy. I can�t do anything at all, even lie on the sofa and watch TV sometimes, I just feel too knackered and sort of fluey. I can�t figure out why, but oh well.

Yesterday I did feel like things lifted a bit for a couple of hours, which was lovely! I cut some fabric to make a new nappy, but that did me in so I had a 2 hour nap after that. I was so frustrated and groggy in the evening that Neil suggested I just put some music on and start sewing! Even if I felt too bad to continue more than a couple of minutes, because then at least I�d have done something vaguely useful that day. So I did manage to put part of another Cuddlebun together. I am going to finish sewing it today. I got some of the new threads I won at eBay in the post and they match this fabric I am using so I can�t wait to finish the nappy and show you!

Arthur has been wiggly and cute. Today I got my Babycentre email for 32 weeks!!! I can�t believe I am this far on in my pregnancy! I remember when I hit 16 weeks I was saying in my diary how that seemed like such a long way in and such a big milestone somehow, but now I�m almost DOUBLE that!!! Wow! And there�s only 8 weeks left. The update says that I may be noticing by now that he is moving less, because he is running out of space. He doesn�t use up all the space in my womb yet though, because he lies soooo low, so I think that is probably why I am still feeling a LOT of movement from him. He does do more wiggling and squirming now though, which is indicative of him having less room, but yesterday I got some good hard kicks as well! I am still feeling his fingers, and yesterday we were sure he was holding his feet, because I�d feel fingers where his feet usually are, as well as hard �foot� shapes thumping me as though they had slipped briefly from his hands and whacked me in the process. It�s such a joy to feel these things. I still can�t believe it sometimes. He had hiccups three times yesterday, and those hiccups are starting to get really quite strong. I listened with the doppler and could hear a proper �hic-cup� sound, not just a blip like I can feel through my tummy! It was so sweet. When he is sleeping his heartrate doesn�t change a bit for a full minute, it�s around 138. When he�s awake it�s constantly speeding up and slowing down depending on how much he�s wiggling. I wish I could see inside my womb to see what he�s doing in there and how he looks when he does things.

I have stopped gaining weight all of a sudden! I weigh 10 stone exactly, and that�s the same as when I was 29 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I have to admit I am quite relieved! I seem to have gained during this pregnancy in huge spurts, because nothing has been gradual at all. I have had weeks where I�ve gained close to 10lbs (in ONE WEEK!) and now I am not gaining a thing, in Arthur�s biggest growth phase as well. I did briefly wonder if maybe Arthur wasn�t growing like he should be all of a sudden, so I measured my bump and was relieved to see that it measures 31cm which is spot on, so Arthur must be measuring just right for dates. I know it�s still fine if he measures 2 or even 3cm either side of that, but I�m glad he is measuring on target since I have stopped gaining weight. I suspect I will be gaining again soon though! Maybe it�s this lack of appetite and the big nose ordeal that have slowed me down? If that�s the case I don�t expect to gain any more till the nose ordeal is well and truly over with.

The hospital have not contacted me with an appointment for tomorrow�s ENT clinic (like they said they would) so I will have to chase them up after I finish this entry and find out when I should go in tomorrow. That will be the appointment to decide whether I�ll have surgery or not. Quite honestly I can�t imagine that they�ll tell me I don�t need surgery. The noggin is still there, and it�s hugely bothersome still. The only reason it hasn�t been bleeding is that I have been hugely paranoid since Friday, so much so that I haven�t allowed myself to cough, lean forward, breathe harder than normal out of my nose, poke anything that can be found between my cheekbones (!), etc. It has been weeping blood and feeling generally like it�s ready to gush torrentially at the slightest provocation, so I�ve been trying desperately not to provoke it. It needs to come out. I am still using the yucky cream but nothing is changing in there. So Thursday would be the day I have surgery, and I guess it would be a general anaesthetic. Either way I am scared, but it�s for the best. I am just thinking, one day till my appointment, then one day till surgery, then one day till I come home again (providing all is well with me and Arthur), and then it�s DONE and I can get on with recovering and enjoying the rest of my pregnancy when I feel better. I hope it will all be okay. I�m pretty anxious about it all. But I just need it to be done so that I stop worrying. Where is my picture of the worry tree?! I have been forgetting about that lately. Hmmm.

We went to church on Sunday but I felt too ill to sit through the actual service so we just turned up at the end again to get someone to pray with me. It was good to do that, I felt better for it, and now I know people are praying for me during the week too, because they got to hear about the situation when we went in on Sunday. One of the ladies who prayed for me may be coming round before I have surgery to pray with me again, which I�m thankful for! I could do with all the prayer I can get at the moment, even just for peace about it all, because my anxiety over it is probably the biggest issue. It�s not like it�s major surgery or anything, and I know it�s been distressing, but c�mon Alice, it�s just nosebleeds! I know nosebleeds are heavy and scary and need sorting out, but it�s still small on the grand scale of things. So I�m trying to keep in perspective, which helps my nerves about it. But it�s still scary.

We have a new car. Again! Hehe! The Ford place made a couple of errors with the one we bought and it�s not the car we asked for, and we�re paying the same as if it WAS the car we asked for, so we have gone back and forth with them over it and are now completely fed up with Ford, so we�re changing! :) They don�t know it yet, but they do know we�re bringing the car back for a refund of our deposit next week. What they don�t know is that Neil has been to the Renault dealership, asked a billion questions, discovered that their cars (for cheaper monthly payments than Ford!) are actually better than the one we were paying for with Ford, and that they all come with that airbag switch fitted automatically for Arthur to be safe in the front seat, and then he test-drove one and um, ordered one! It will be here in about 8 days! Yikes! Apparently it�s lovely. I felt too ill to go with him for the test drive so I�ll just have to trust him on it. Just like when we bought this house I was ill with ME and couldn�t leave the house, so I had to trust Neil on having found the right house for us. And he had :) So I�m fine with it.

We also have a new mobile phone!!! We have never owned a mobile phone before. Um that�s a cell phone in the States I think, though I can�t think why it�s called a cell rather than a mobile (since �mobile� actually makes sense!), but never mind! I am NOT a fan of mobile phones, but we decided we needed one once Neil went back to work on Monday and I didn�t know if my nose would start flowing like the Amazon when he might be in a meeting away from his desk phone. We also realised that it would be a good idea to have something like that for when I go into labour! I do NOT want his voicemail when my waters have broken, or when my nose is bleeding all over the phone! So he asked around at work about mobile phones (we have nooo idea about them) and got some good advice, and ended up buying on at lunchtime � a really cheap deal, pay as you go, and I�m the only one who will ever have the number, and we never plan to use it outside of emergencies (because we hate mobile phones!). So now he has a phone on him all the time and I have the number, and we feel much better about things! :)

Hmmm, what else? Arthur has the hiccups. I can�t WAIT to meet him. He�s so sweet, it�s getting unbearable to �just� stroke my tummy and tell him how much I love him. I want to KISS him and cuddle him with my arms and see every tiny detail of him. But I don�t want him to come out before he�s ready. But I do, I do, I doooo because I�m so impatient, hehe! But I don�t. Because he needs his cooking time.

Oh and it�s hot and humid again. Stupid weather. I thought we were safe now it�s September, as British weather is too puny to mimic summer heat in an autumnal month usually. But noooo. It�s sooo hot and humid. I am back to sweating and sweating all day long even with the fan on me from 2 metres away. No clothes again. And yuck trying to sleep at night. Yuck. I hate summer weather! Come ON frosts!!!

Okay that�s probably all for now. Sitting here is making me too sweaty. And I need to put cream in my nose. And phone the hospital. And um. Then I want to sew if I feel okay. But I�ll update again to let you know what happened at my appointment and when I�ll be going into hospital, etc.

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