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2004-08-31 - 10.42am��previous entry��next entry

30 weeks, 4 days - noggin update! And stuff (again!)

ANOTHER update from me! ;)

First, Katie is having a GIRL!! I can't believe it. I was sooo sure she was gonna have a boy. Congratulations Katie! :)

Thank you for the guestbook messages! I feel so silly when I see people saying how sorry they are that my nose is bothering me! Hehe! It just looks.... silly of me! But thank you, I really appreciate the sympathy, because it IS bothering me sooooo much. I now know it's something I am right to waffle on and on (and on, sorry!) about in my pregnancy journal, because it turns out that it IS a pregnancy related thing, albeit not that common. Oh well. I'm very fortunate that I haven't had complications of various sorts during pregnancy, I have actually had a pretty good pregnancy which is great!

Okay I have to update on my noggin (sorry again) because there's news. Yesterday I guess I was more hormonal than usual, or maybe it was just getting to me waaaay too much, because I got really upset about it. The noggin bled 5 times yesterday. Five. Seperate. Occasions. The windows being open (due to painting) gave me hayfever which obviously makes a person snotty and itchy-of-nose, and I can't rub my nose at all because of the aforementioned bleeding which is starting to happen spontaneously rather than when I poke or rub my nose, so I basically can't touch it. Which sucks. It's swelling out now so that my glasses are uncomfy resting on my nose. Yuck. HATE that noggin.

So finally I figured my nose couldn't feel any worse whatever I did and I cried for like 2 hours and just felt completely despairing over it and was generally a soggy mess for most of the evening. Crying did not help my nose but I couldn't seem to stop. Neil said it was probably hormones, and maybe he was right, but it did slightly irk me that whenever I'm upset or I cry he goes, "Oh dear, it must be hormones" instead of, "Whatever the cause of your miserable feelings, they are still as valid whether they are hormone induced or not." It's sort of like, when someone says you're upset because of hormones, it's like it takes the edge off the sympathy for how upset you feel, or makes it seem like crying isn't as "bad" when it's down to hormones as when it's because you're "genuinely upset". Which, hello, I AM geuninely upset! If I cry then the reason is because I am genuinely upset! Tsk.

But anyway, I'm not really meaning to complain about Neil. He was very sweet to me and tried to mop my eyes and cuddle me, etc :) He's a lovely husband. We were saying last night (after I cheered up a little) about a photo we have of us from the March for Jesus in London in 1996. We were really good friends at the time (no inkling of romance at that stage!) and enjoying each other's company, and the photo is a really nice one of us. Looking at that photo it's so weird/wonderful to think that we had noooo idea that we would be here now, married 5 years, living in a lovely home, with a precious little boy who is a combination of our two persons growing in my tummy. I just can't get my head round it. It seems too wonderful to be true! Neil agreed with me. It was nice to talk about that with him :)

Well anyway, somehow my nose did not explode or choke me to death as a result of crying for hours (!), so that was encouraging. Probably. We ate dinner, and then I sewed a Cuddlebun and then I took a relaxing bath. After that I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep till after 3am. My nose was really bothersome, but actually what kept me awake was abdominal pain. I don't know what it was, but it was like a sharp tummy ache, like pressure almost. It was in different places, and it hurt terribly if I lay on my side and didn't put something under my bump to support it. That is never normally a problem, so maybe Arthur has been growing heavier very quickly and now it hurts my bump if his weight pulls on it without support? Or maybe he changed position? I don't know. I got hungry around 2.15am so I went downstairs and ate a ham and cheese spread sandwich and a bag of crisps and a glass of milk! I was suddenly soooo hungry! I haven't been very hungry for days now, but it seemed to be back in the night. This morning I was really hungry too. I did a bit of laundry and then went back to bed, but even after I fell asleep I kept waking.

This morning I got up at 8am and made a doctor's appointment. I didn't see the doctor I normally see about the noggin (he wasn't in), so I saw the one I've been seeing for yeeeears. He's really lovely. He looked at my noggin and said it wasn't cancer (phew!) and I said I reckoned it was a pyogenic granuloma, and he agreed (!), but he said that a GP can never say for 100% sure, so that's why I'd been referred to a specialist, and there was nothing more he could do because the letter had been sent and I just would have to wait for an appointment. I asked how soon it might be, and he said I did not qualify for the "2-week rule" (appointment within 2 weeks of them receiving the referral) because it isn't cancer. I said I had been completely miserable and it was affecting my sleep and my eating and I couldn't bear it anymore. So he printed me a copy of the referral letter and said I should phone the hospital and ask them if I had an appointment made yet.

He also said now is the time for me to change my GP surgery :( He said it's getting close to when the baby will be here and I should be with a more local surgery by then, and it would be good to build up a relationship with a doctor at a new surgery before the baby is born anyway. I said I was about to start antenatal classes through this surgery, but he said I could continue to attend those even if I change surgeries during the course. I'm so sad because I have been at this surgery since I was 10 months old, and this doctor has seen me through a LOT of difficult stuff and been so supportive. I told him if I didn't see him again then I wanted to say thank you for everything he'd done for me. He gave me a hug :) I got all teary eyed. *sigh* So now I need to find Arthur a good doctor (and Neil and me of course!).

So I came home with the referral letter and phoned the hospital. I prayed the whole way home because I just thought there is noooo way I will get seen as soon as I feel I need to be seen. I didn't know how I'd deal with the idea of a couple of weeks waiting with this darn thing in my nose. When I phoned the ENT dept, they said they hadn't even received my referral yet!!!! I asked how long they usually take to receive them (mine was sent on Thursday) and they said, "Ohhh a week maybe?" Aaaaaaaaargh! I was like, "But it's URGENT!!" and the lady asked what the problem was. I said I had a bleeding mass blocking my nostril. She said I should get my GP to fax the referral letter today. But you're not allowed to phone the GP for any reason other than appointments in the morning, so I would have to wait.

Then I hit on the bright idea of ME faxing my copy of the letter to them instead of the GP doing it. It would mean driving to Neil's work to get him to do it on their machine, but oh well. Neil said maybe I could actually walk in there and hand them the letter. Why didn't I think of that?! So I phoned back and suggested it. The lady thought I was asking for an appointment today and said she couldn't possibly do that! Hehe! In the end she just said, "What's your hospital number?" and found my details on her computer, and asked what the problem was again, and she asked if the GP thought it was a polyp. I told her he wasn't sure (hmmm, slight untruth??? But he said he couldn't be 100% sure) and before I knew it, the lady was clattering away on a keyboard and telling me she had booked me in to see a specialist on Friday!!!!!!!!! Yeeeaaaahhhh!!! She said I should bring the letter with me or I won't be seen. I can't believe it! I am totally jumping round the house (well, okay, not quite jumping!) praising God, because that was soooo not going to happen and I prayed and he was faithful and wow, I am so grateful to him. Thank you Lord!!! :)

Maybe it seems like I'm slightly going over the top about this issue, but urgh this noggin is making me miserable and I'm just so relieved that I can count 3 days till a specialist peers at it and (hopefully) tells me he needs to take it out, and (hopefully) sorts it out for as soon as possible. I hope I hope I hope I get a good specialist who doesn't think I should wait and see if it shrinks after I give birth! Yikes. That would not be the answer I'm looking for! I hate the idea of surgery, however minor, but I'm desperate for a noggin-free nose.

So yaaaaay!! I am so happy about that! My appointment is 2.20pm, and I see my osteopath at 11am so I should just have enough time to have my 11am appt, get home again, and go to the ENT specialist, since my osteopath is about 90 minutes drive away.

My pelvic pain doesn't seem so bad the last couple of days. I am still aware of it at night especially, but still, it doesn't seem so bad. I don't know if it's because the noggin is the more aggravating of the two, so the pelvic pain seems less bothersome, but I'm glad of it whatever the reason!

Last night in the bath I realised that is the perfect place to feel Arthur's position! My bump goes very soft and smooth in the water and it's less firm and resistant when you push in on it to feel where the baby is. So I was able to feel him really clearly! It was lovely, and he didn't protest either. He seemed to me to be in a completely different position to normal so I wanted to feel where he was. He was head-down!!! His back was up my left side instead of on the right where it usually is, and I could feel his little bottom nice and clearly under my stomach, and his little hard round head just below my bikini line! How exciting!!! I spent some time on my tummy in the bath again.

In the morning he got hiccups and they were really high up on the left hand side, which is weird. They were also extremely strong and jolted hard against my hand, almost as strong as some of his thumps and kicks! They were definitely hiccups though. Very rhythmic, and they lasted a good 5 minutes. I wondered if maybe he had turned breech during the night or something, because the hardest part of him seemed to be up under my stomach (it really ached there), and the hiccups were near that part too. And he was punching out to the right of that hard lump, above my belly button. They really felt like punches and not kicks, so hmmm. But right now I am pretty sure he is back to his favourite position, across my tummy with his little toasty warm feet pressing out of my right side :) I can actually put my hand there and feel them bulging out slightly. He's such a lovely boy.

I am so pleased with my first serious Cuddlebuns attempt!! It turned out great and (though I do say so myself!) I think it looks as good as the WAHM-made ones! :) I'm sooo pleased! I wish I could show you a photo but I have used up all my storage space at MSN so I can't upload any more photos :( I am going to open a Photobucket account but they don't accept new people outside of certain hours, which I keep missing! So no photo yet. But it's lovely. It's white sherpa (very soft and thick) on the inside, and a 4-layer sherpa soaker which is nice and absorbant, and the outer is a cute knit print which is white with red hearts all over it. I serged round the edges with red thread which looks nice :) And I used white aplix for fastening instead of snaps. Just thought I would try aplix and see how it went, since I never tried that before with a Cuddlebun. I am getting confident making them now so I think I will sew another one today, again with special fabric! It's so exciting!! I LOVE to sew nappies!!! :)

Okay that is all I think. I will need a super huge nap today I'm sure. And I need a drink and something else to eat now. I haven't put any weight on in a week or two now, so I guess I'm evening out my gain! I am a steady 10 stone these days.

We have our first antenatal class tonight at the doctor's surgery!!! It's an NCT class which is supposed to be really good. I took the invite slip with me this morning so Neil and I are registered to attend, and I am really looking forward to it! This particular course runs every Tuesday and Thursday so it's over in just 3 weeks, but that's fine. So I have a few things to look forward to this week! Tonight we have the first antenatal class, Thursday my brother and his Sarah are coming round in the afternoon (can't wait to see them!), and then we have another antenatal class in the evening. Friday I see my osteopath and the ENT specialist, and I'm 31 weeks that day too! :) Yay! Things feel better now, and I'm glad because I was sooooo weepy and sad, and this has made me feel a lot happier :)

I'll update tomorrow to tell you how the first antenatal class went!

Oooh I need macaroni cheese. Just this second that happened. Neeeeeeed it. Seriously. Okay I have to go and make some. Even though it's only 10.40am and I already had breakfast.

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