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2005-09-30 - 9:17 a.m.��previous entry��next entry

4 weeks, 2 days pregnant...

No time to update but I just had to write a quick note to say that I am spotting. I had the tiiiniest amount of pale brown spotting last night, so I charted it. I remember the EXACT same thing for one day only at 17DPO with Arthur (before the proper bleed that happened later). It didn't freak me out at the time because I knew it could be due to all the burrowing and new vascular links that the new placenta was beginning to make. Building a placenta at the very beginning involves actual pools of blood apparently! Yikes! Little ones though, of course! So it follows that spotting could be quite normal. Anyway I have heard that it is normal at these very early stages.

I also didn't worry because it was so light and barely existent as a bleed of any sort. And it only lasted one day. So this time when I saw it, I didn't think much of it. Today I am spotting much more, but it is still brown. I know it's probably normal, and my temp is still nice and high, but urgh I don't like any sort of bleeding during pregnancy! I hope it goes away soon, and doesn't get worse or pose any risk to Sprout. I was slightly tempted to call the doctor's surgery this morning and make an appt, but I'm so early on in pregnancy that I don't think there would be any point. They don't seem to do "betas" here, and they'd probably just say that spotting can be normal this early on. It's waaaaaay too early for a scan so they wouldn't suggest that. So I might as well hang in there and see what happens. It's probably fine anyway.

I do need to eventually see someone to confirm my pregnancy, but they don't do booking in with the midwife till at least 8 weeks (more often later than 10 weeks here!), and the doctor doesn't have much involvement in it really. Everything is done with the midwife here. I guess I will call the surgery anyway at some point to ask what I should be doing to notify somebody that I need a booking appt with the midwife. Maybe they'll ask me to see the doctor for that referral? In which case, maybe I might as well go now, and mention the spotting?

I am crampy, but generally not quite as bad as a few days ago. Still feel yucky and hungry-but-not-hungry, and got very weak and lightheaded yesterday when I went four hours without having something to eat. Tsk. I am pretty much hungry/aware that I need to snack every two hours at the moment, and if I don't do what my body says, I feel pretty horrid after a while. So I feel fine, I just hate seeing spotting or bleeding! At least it's brown. At least it's light. At least it's normal at this stage. But urgh.

I wish I had more pregnancy tests in the house! But oh well.

Yesterday I went to the dentist for a check up, and (my teeth are fine) I had this very irritating line said to me for the first time of what I suspect will be MANY!

Dentist: I'd like to take some new X-rays today.

Me: Oh, actually I'm pregnant again!

Dentist: Oh, well, we'll leave that then.

Dental nurse: (glances at Arthur, then back to me) You'll have your work cut out for you, won't you?!

I don't know why but those lines irritate me sooooooooo much!! I know it's because Arthur is so young still and there will be a smaller than average gap, and I know it WILL be hard work, but man, does that have to be the only thing people say when they find out?!! How about, "Oh congratulations!" or (looking at Arthur) "Ooh are you going to be a big brother then?!" or even "How lovely, a close age-gap!" It seems a somewhat negative reaction to me, and that irks me. Tsk. But I know there will be plenty more of that to come, from what others who have small age gaps between their children have said.

I did see a friend from church in the car park at the supermarket later though. She's the lady who has four children, each 18 months apart (well, 17 months, 19 months, and 18 months). I remember the youngest one being born and she is 9 now. Anyway the lady had her 2nd and 4th children with her, and asked what was going on with me at the moment, and so I told her I just found out I'm pregnant again, and she was DELIGHTED! :) Yay! I like nice reactions! She asked when I was due and I said June, with a 19-month gap. Her 12-year-old son said, "Cool!" :) She said it was the same exact gap that he had with his younger brother. This is one of the nicest families I ever met. I used to babysit a lot and help out in the day sometimes when the youngest was born (as they had four children under five at that point!!), and I know it was HARD hard work for them. But they told me at the time they knew the hard work would pay off, and that their kids would be close and share so much together. And that's exactly what happened. Their kids are so close and so nice to be around.

Anyway so that was a nice positive thing! :) I hope I don't lose Sprout now after all this. But I think it must be just normal spotting. I am keeping a pad on so I can see more clearly what any spotting is like, and how much there is. I hate checking though, in case it's worse, or red. I close my eyes before checking and then open them evvvvvver so slowly so that I get a warning if I see a lot of bleeding, before actually seeing it full on. I'm silly.

Okay this was meant to be a quick entry! Arthur's nap time is nearly up and I need to go to the loo before he wakes. I'll update again if there's any different news, or otherwise with a usual update sometime soon.

Thanks for all the messages again. I meant to respond to some of the questions and comments but I'll have to do that another time now. I really appreciate them though! :)

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