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2005-11-24 - 9.54pm��previous entry��next entry

12 weeks, 1 day - SCAN TOMORROW!!!

Scan tomorrow, scan tomorrow, scan tomorrooooowwwwwww!!!! I am suddenly ultra excited, after having a look at Arthur's ultrasound gallery and the picture of him at 13 weeks! Also I was reading back my diary entries around the 13 week scan and it has brought it all back! I just feel so excited about seeing Sprout! I think it will be the first time it really hits me that Sprout is another child of mine - a real baby who is different from Arthur. Arthur will be right there so I think it will feel crazy to look at my OTHER baby on the screen and then over at Arthur. It will really help me get the idea that I have two children. One is Arthur and one isn't. It's so weird how that just WON'T sink into my head properly, even now!

I wonder what Sprout will be doing during the scan? I wonder if Sprout will behave like Arthur did, or if they will be noticably different right from this early stage. Arthur was very laid-back at both scans, and that is his personality, so I'm curious to see if we are going to get our first glimpse of our second child's personality, and if it will be very different!

I added a link to Sprout's ultrasound gallery, and I'll put all the ultrasound pics from this pregnancy in there. I can't believe there will actually be a photo of my new baby in there tomorrow!!! Two actually. We'll pay the �3 fee for two photos (which is what you get for your �3, no more, no less). I remember wishing at Arthur's 13 week scan that we could have come away with more than one photo. I especially longed to take away a picture of his hands, because they were just so beautiful and detailed. The scan equipment at my local hospital seems to be really clear and good, so maybe we'll see everything we're wondering about seeing?! But probably not. It's soooo early. Ack, I said all this last entry! But I'm just so excited!!!! :)

Tonight I had a weird happening. I was waiting for Neil to get home from work (he was an hour late) and it was nearly Arthur's bedtime, and I was scrambling about trying to clear up Arthur's toys and stuff for the evening. Arthur was unpacking whatever I put away and playing with it :) I was just chucking cushions on the sofa from the floor when I realised I suddenly felt very uncomfortable low in my belly. It wasn't painful or even achy, but it took me about 5 seconds to realise it felt exactly like a strong Braxton Hicks. But I'm only 12 weeks pregnant, so surely those can't be noticable (or even happening) yet? Anyway, it was really tight and strong. I lay down on the floor and between my hips, my belly looked like it had half a solid grapefruit sticking right out of it. My womb felt hard as a rock, and really tight and uncomfy, so I knew it was a contraction. I had plenty of BH contractions in my last pregnancy but I can't remember from how early on, and anyway I feel worried that it felt that overwhelming at 12 weeks, like surely something can't be right about that? Anyway I lay and tried to relax and it didn't change at all for 3 minutes. After a while I started to wonder if maybe my womb had just popped up or something, right there and then while I was putting the cushions on the sofa! I know, I know, crazy thought, but I did wonder if that could account for it. I stood up and had a pretty good bump when I looked in the mirror, but it still felt too tight and pressy. So I got the doppler out and lay on the sofa. I found Sprout maybe a cm or two higher than normal, and a very loud strong heartbeat at about 165/170, so that was reassuring. But I still felt pressy and odd. My womb didn't feel so hard though. I went for a pee in case that was the problem.

I don't know what that was about, but Neil got home and I told him about it, and about 20 minutes after it happened, it happened again. I lay on the floor and the hard lump that was my womb felt lower this time - how weird! - but still all tight and uncomfy. It took ages to go off. Neil got me some water but it made me feel queasy so I didn't drink much. I know that later on, dehydration causes BHs, and I have had so little to drink lately. I need to try to drink more, but I honestly barely get a moment to sit down in the day with Arthur, and he naps so badly that I just try to eat and get things done in the short time he's asleep, and then if I drink all evening I pee all night practically non-stop!

Anyway. I didn't like it. I don't know if it's normal or not. If it's BHs then the sensation is completely normal as I remember it well from last time. I just don't know if it's normal to be feeling strong BHs this early, or if they should even be happening twice in 20 minutes at 12 weeks! But I haven't noticed any since. I haven't felt exactly comfy in my womb area but not crampy or tight. I had this huge wave of irrational fear that my cervix could be wide open or something, well, enough for Sprout to come through, and then I'd go to the loo and lose my Sprout. I know, but it seemed realistic and scary for a moment. I'm so glad to have my doppler! At least I can hear that Sprout is fine.

Okay well that is pretty much all of my news today I think. I just ate spaghetti bolognese again and I feel like I need another meal. Seriously. Last night the same thing happened. I made (note: rare occurrance - I MADE!!) turkey and vegetable casserole, and man oh man it was good! The turkey was random, nothing to do with American thanksgiving (which, by the way, I hope everyone is enjoying!) - just some turkey fillets we had in the freezer that needed using up. Anyway I had a big portion, and then literally 20 minutes later I felt like I had not had any dinner and wasn't it time for it already?!! Heh. So weird. But I feel silly eating all over again. Surely my stomach is playing tricks on me and if I made another meal then I wouldn't really get very far with it. So I don't. But that means I feel hungry all evening. Weird. This evening I even ate fish, spaghetti and sweetcorn with Arthur for tea! I made enough for both of us and ate it like I hadn't eaten in 2 days! That was 2 hours before my stomach was scrunching and rumbling for dinner! So crazy.

Okay that is definitely all. I need my sleep now :) My scan is at 2pm tomorrow (same time as Jemma's!!) and I can't remember how long it will take or how long we'll have to wait (it varies), and then when we get home Arthur will be way overdue a nap, and then after that I will want to phone family to tell them how it went. And THEN I will scan the pics in and upload them and update my diary :) I hope it won't take me all evening! Neil is off work tomorrow afternoon for the scan so I may have time to do it if he is playing with Arthur. So I will definitely update tomorrow with scan pics! I am so excited about even updating here with scan pics!!!! :) I can't wait till tomorrow. I hope everything with Sprout is okay. We get Sprout's nuchal fold measurement done and a risk factor for Down's Syndrome so I hope that is okay too. Although the result wouldn't affect the pregnancy outcome, but I still hope Sprout is just perfectly healthy and normal and we can just really enjoy the whole occasion!

Yay! :)

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