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2004-07-20 - 6.09pm��previous entry��next entry

24 weeks, 4 days - Moses baskets and other waffle (no pun intended!)

Thank you again for nice guestbook messages and emails! :) Although wow, I just noticed that in the last week I somehow had around 1000 hits (craaaazy!!) and I am now wondering what the deal is - are all of my 3 (!!) readers just really bored and clicking refresh on my diary fifty million times a day, or do I have hundreds of readers (scary!) who never sign my guestbook? Curious... Please sign, if you read! I love to hear from you guys out there! Even if you just say hi.

Okay I am already past my half-week mark!! Wow. 25 weeks on Friday. I am so glad to have each day go by at the moment because of how Arthur is getting stronger and his lungs are getting more mature with each day that passes. I am still feeling kind of nervous of him "falling out" (!!) waaaay early. I used to think, "If only I get to the 24 week mark, I will be all fine and relieved" and now I'm thinking, "Okay I'm 24 weeks, but if only I get to the 28 week mark I will feel better about things, because then he WILL be able to breathe, and not maybe-possibly-with-a-ventilator."

Worry wart. I should give that up. Nasty habit. Is 'wart' supposed to be 'wort' in this instance? Grammar and spelling fascinate me.

I have been having lots more Braxton Hicks contractions lately, more than I should be having I think. I heard that you should be calling your doctor if you get more than 6 per hour or if they are frequent/painful/regular, etc. Yesterday evening I had 3 that were 2 minutes apart, and then another one 5 minutes after that. Hmmm. But I read that not drinking enough fluids can cause too many BHs and I haven't been getting enough to drink lately. Tap water has recently become really really unappealing to me and it's hard to drink it, even if I'm trying to get more fluids in. Also it's sooooo humid and way too warm, and man oh man I am sweating with this pregnancy like never before in my whole life!!! And everywhere too. I am one giant gland. My tummy sweats the most, and my back the next most. My torso is the hottest part of me by far, and if I wear any clothing at ALL on it, or even if I don't but I sit hunched over my bump, then my tummy sweats so much that I need to towel it off. Sounds so gross but it's true. So I am probably losing a TON of water every day like this. Urgh I hate humid weather. It rained for a bit this afternoon and just after it finished, I walked to the post box, and it wasn't that hot or anything but the air was practically steamy. Yuck. Too humid and clingy for my pregnantness.

The night before last, I woke in the middle of the night with a huge searing pain over my whole lower abdomen. It felt as painful as a round ligament pain, but it was in my whole womb, not the ligament areas. Weird. I was too sleepy to make much sense of it, but I remember feeling worried about it, like it was definitely not right. I fell asleep again when it eased off, but woke a bit later with the same pain, just not so severe. I don't know if I should be worried about that or not. Hmmm. Anyway I haven't had that since, and today I am really trying to drink more fluids. I have had 3 sips of yucky tap water, 500mls of bottled water, 250mls of fruit juice, about 250mls of milk, and 700ml of chocolate milk!! :) But I'm still way short of the amount I need to be drinking, and I have sweated through a couple of outfits already today with this humidity. Neil says we should buy bottled water till I have got my fluid intake back on track.

Arthur seems fine at the moment. Today and yesterday he is sleeping more than being awake, but before that he was awake and kicking or squirming nearly all the time! I am getting more used to him having quiet days and busy days now, and it doesn't worry me, so long as I get 10 kicks in an hour when he IS active. Today he hasn't had a ton of active times, but I do kicks counts (don't care if the midwife says it's too early) and he kicked me 10 times in 3 minutes this morning :) Yesterday I got 10 kicks in 60 seconds! He's a busy boy when he's active.

He had hiccups for the first time (that I've been able to feel) yesterday! I woke in the morning and there was this rhythmic little blip-blip-blip going on down near my left hip! It was quite fast, more than one little jolt per second, but completely rhythmic. It lasted a few minutes but he didn't seem to mind it at all. When I went to bed that night he got them again, just the same, but they didn't last very long. So sweet! :)

We decided to buy a Moses basket. When we went round to Gordon and Katie's and saw their little newborn sleeping in a Moses basket downstairs, we realised we hadn't thought about if Arthur is asleep downstairs, where he will go. I mean, he is likely to sleep on and off all day and night, and there is nowhere to put my sleepy boy down while I'm downstairs in the day, if I need my arms for things like eating, cooking, opening the door to visitors, etc. I could sling him constantly, and we plan to try that, but what if he is just perfectly content with being laid down when he's sleeping? I wouldn't want to lay him upstairs and come downstairs away from him. I feel like I will want to be near him all the time, especially while he's so new. So when we saw G&K's Moses basket, we were like, "Ohhh of course!!" We bought a bouncer seat at eBay that he could maybe nap in, but when it got here we weren't very impressed with it, so I think I'll sell it on again, and we decided to get a Moses basket. If he loves it to bits, it's so lightweight and portable that we can use it upstairs as well, or take it with us when we go out.

As ever, we wanted to buy from eBay for a cheaper deal (especially if he ends up not using it!), but I was not crazy about buying a used one since I don't like the idea of a used mattress. But we found a really cute unisex one that had been bought at Babies R Perhaps Not So Useless As I'd Once Thought, and this lady's little baby had never used it, so it was new and unused with tags on. So anyway I won it (great excitement!!) and she lives fairly locally so I got to save (a lot of) money on postage by driving 40 minutes to pick it up this morning!!!! I unpacked it and set it up when I got home (the wooden stand was in the auction too)and it is just beautiful, I love it. I keep squeezing myself with excitement when I look at it because it's Arthur's, and it's a big item so that reminds me that we're really getting ready for him now! So exciting!! Anyway here are 2 pictures of the Moses basket:

Very cute and unisex! We can use it for future babies too. And the cream fabric lining the actual basket is fleece, which is nice and cosy for a winter baby :) Oooh I love it!!! We're going to have a baby!!!!! Eeeee!! :D

Oh this lady at eBay was also selling a playmat which Gordon and Katie also had, and I liked the look of that too. I like the ones that are bright colours and nicely padded for a little one to lie on and look up at colours that are stimulating. But again we didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for a playmat, so I bid on the one this lady was selling (a Mamas and Papas one in a snail design), and won it!! :) Here's a not-so-great picture that will stop working pretty soon because it's an eBay-hosted image:

Anyway so I'm really happy with today, because I got those lovely things! And a few baby clothes in the post too! Those are still rolling in. I have some GREAT summer outfits for Arthur in size 6-9 months. He is going to look sooooo cute. I can't wait to meet him and cuddle him.

Well what else can I tell you? I am leaking a lot more colostrum - did I say that before? It is more golden colour now like the books say, rather than clear like it was earlier on, and the other day I was getting ready for bed and Neil pointed to my left breast and it was leaking so much I only just had time to get my hand underneath to catch it! I hadn't even noticed. Sometimes it just seems to flow out suddenly, and other times it's a slow leak. I am not tired of it yet, I love that my breasts are working already, making food for my little one.

My ribs are aching like crazy now. They get worse throughout the day, and by bedtime last night they hurt so much all around to my back that I wanted to cry from the aching. It was too uncomfy to sleep on either side, so I lay on my back for a bit (which I never normally do) and it eased up pretty quick. I guess things are getting pretty squashed up in there and my ribs are going to have to expand to accommodate everything. Which can't be a comfortable process! Thank goodness for those floating ribs that women are blessed with for this very purpose! But floating or not, they are NOT happy with being relocated under pressure! I am a little concerned as I have so far to go yet, and I ache this much already under my ribs. Hmmm.

No nosebleeds for 2 weeks!!! Yeeaaahh!! I don't miss those at ALL! I am getting cramp quite easily in my foot or calf, but it goes very quickly if I just pull my toes up towards my leg as soon as the muscle cramps, so that's okay. I am tired and breathless a lot, but that's bearable too. All in all I am feeling really good and enjoying my second trimester!

I got an email from an old school friend yesterday who I haven't seen since my wedding (and before that not since school 12 years ago!). She asked how I was doing and I emailed back to say I'm pregnant. She emailed me back and said ME TOO!!! And she is due October 8th, exactly 4 weeks before me, and with a little boy too!!! I am so excited to find a real life (!) pregnant person to share my journey with, and HOW cool is it that she is a really good friend from school too! We are arranging to meet up and I have a feeling this will be a great way to rekindle our friendship from school again. I hope we stay in touch.

Okay I probably have more to say if I continue to waffle as my brain leads me, but Neil is due home from work at any second and I want to be finished online so I can be all excited with him about the Moses basket! So I'm going now. But I'll update again soon! :)

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